Boost Telecom Revenue: 18 Strategies with AI Voice Agents

Boost Telecom Revenue: 18 Strategies with AI Voice Agents

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Limitations of Traditional Service Promotion Methods
  3. The Power of Voice AI Technology in Telecom Companies
  4. 18 Ways to Increase ARPU for Telecom Companies
  5. Exploring the JIQ Solution Portfolio
  6. Bonus: Delighting Customers with Special Offers
  7. Increasing Revenue through Infrastructure Development
  8. Enhancing Customer Experience with AI Virtual Secretaries
  9. The Benefits of AI Voice Agents over IVR Systems
  10. Leveraging surveys to Understand Customer Preferences
  11. Conclusion


Welcome to our webinar! In this session, we will be discussing how conversational AI voice technology can revolutionize the telecommunication industry. My name is Mike, and I am the head of Business Development at JIQ, a leading developer of voice robots in Europe. Joining me today is Serge, our voice technology expert. Together, we will provide insights into the core of our product and its impact on customer pain points. Our focus will primarily be on increasing ARPU (Average Revenue Per User), while also improving metrics such as retention, churn reduction, and customer experience. So, without further ado, let's dive into the world of voice AI technology in telecom companies.

The Limitations of Traditional Service Promotion Methods

Traditional service promotion methods, such as push notifications and SMS, have their limitations. Push notifications can be frequent and intrusive, leading many users to disable them completely. Similarly, while SMS notifications have their place, they often fail to provide a compelling call to action for subscribers. Moreover, targeted Advertising, despite its eco-friendly nature, might not deliver Instant results and can be costly. Call centers, on the other HAND, Present an expensive way to manage customer interactions and often lead to redundancy and burnout among operators.

The Power of Voice AI Technology in Telecom Companies

At JIQ, we believe in the power of voice AI technology to transform the telecommunication industry. Our AI voice robots have been designed to sound and think like human beings, enabling telecom companies to automate standard communication scripts on a large Scale. By leveraging conversational AI, telecom companies can personalize their interactions with subscribers, improving customer satisfaction and increasing ARPU. Unlike traditional robots, our AI voice agents are indistinguishable from human operators, allowing for seamless and engaging conversations that drive results.

18 Ways to Increase ARPU for Telecom Companies

In this section, we will explore 18 proven methods that telecom companies can implement to increase their ARPU.

  1. Upgrading Price Plans: With the help of outbound voice robots, telecom companies can proactively reach out to subscribers and offer upgrades to their existing price plans, such as internet or SMS packages. By highlighting the benefits of the upgrade, telecom companies can encourage subscribers to increase their spending.

  2. Cross-Selling Third-Party Services: Telecom companies often have various third-party services, such as movie streaming or Music platforms, available on their platforms. Voice AI technology enables personalized outreach to subscribers, informing them about these services and driving additional revenue through increased usage.

  3. Introducing New Services: Telecom companies can leverage voice AI agents to inform subscribers about new services introduced in their ecosystem. By notifying and engaging subscribers, telecom companies can increase adoption rates and drive revenue growth.

  4. Preventing Mobile Number Porting: Voice robots can play a crucial role in preventing subscribers from switching to other operators by offering personalized incentives, such as discounted tariffs or increased benefits. By addressing customer concerns and increasing loyalty, telecom companies can reduce churn rates.

  5. Reaching Out to Former Customers: Voice AI technology provides an opportunity to re-engage with former customers, informing them about new services, improved offerings, and incentives to return to the telecom company's network. By highlighting the value proposition, telecom companies can win back lost customers.

  6. Providing Bonuses and Special Offers: Telecom companies can delight their customers by offering bonuses on special occasions like birthdays, holidays, or family celebrations. These bonuses can be redeemable towards paying for services or buying products from the telecom company's online stores, fostering customer loyalty and increasing ARPU.

  7. Delivery Notifications: Using voice AI technology, telecom companies can provide customers with automated delivery notifications for SIM cards or other products. By keeping customers informed and engaged throughout the delivery process, telecom companies can enhance the overall customer experience.

  8. Conducting Customer Surveys: Voice robots can serve as survey tools to Gather valuable insights into customer preferences, satisfaction levels, and service feedback. By conducting surveys at strategic points in the customer journey, telecom companies can refine their offerings and deliver a more personalized experience.

  9. Infrastructure Development Updates: Telecom companies can leverage voice AI technology to inform customers about new infrastructure developments, such as new branded stores or improved network capabilities. By keeping customers informed and engaged, telecom companies can generate excitement and increase the adoption of new services.

  10. Offering Enhanced Customer Support: Voice AI agents can replace traditional IVR systems, delivering a more interactive and human-like customer support experience. By understanding customer issues and routing calls to the right department or specialist, telecom companies can provide faster resolution and improve customer satisfaction.

  11. Increasing Revenue through Interconnections: Voice AI technology can help telecom companies generate additional revenue through interconnection calls. By answering calls from other networks and facilitating interconnectivity, telecom companies can increase revenue streams and maximize their network resources.

  12. Leveraging AI Virtual Secretaries: Telecom companies can utilize AI virtual secretaries to handle inbound calls, providing personalized information and Scheduling callbacks. By filtering spam calls and enhancing customer interactions, telecom companies can improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.

  13. Customizing Recommendations: Voice robots equipped with AI technology can understand customer preferences and deliver tailored recommendations for services or content. By personalizing recommendations based on customer behavior, telecom companies can drive consumption and increase ARPU.

  14. Retaining Customers through Special Offers: Following customer interactions, telecom companies can offer personalized promotions and discounts to retain customers. By addressing individual needs and preferences, telecom companies can prevent churn and foster long-term customer loyalty.

  15. Expanding Usage of Abandoned Carts: Voice robots can engage with customers who have abandoned their shopping carts, offering special bonuses or discounts to encourage completion of the purchase. By reminding customers about their pending orders and providing incentives, telecom companies can drive conversion rates and increase revenue.

  16. Delivering Exceptional Customer Service: Telecom companies can prioritize providing exceptional customer service by integrating voice AI agents into their operations. By delivering accurate and reliable information, telecom companies can create positive customer experiences and foster loyalty.

  17. Collecting Customer Feedback: Voice robots can be used to collect customer feedback after the completion of a service or purchase. By understanding customer perceptions and making improvements based on their feedback, telecom companies can continuously enhance their offerings.

  18. Automating Service Activation: Voice AI technology enables telecom companies to automate service activations, such as the activation of new SIM cards or service subscriptions. By streamlining the activation process, telecom companies can reduce manual intervention, minimize errors, and improve efficiency.

Exploring the JIQ Solution Portfolio

At JIQ, we offer a comprehensive solution portfolio tailored to the needs of telecom companies. Our conversational AI voice technology enables personalized and engaging interactions with customers across various touchpoints. From outbound voice robots for promotions and sales to AI virtual secretaries for customer support and AI voice agents for surveying and engagement, our solutions can drive revenue growth and enhance customer satisfaction. By integrating seamlessly with existing CRM and IP telephony systems, JIQ's solutions provide a scalable and efficient way to automate communication scripts, improve customer experience, and increase ARPU.

Bonus: Delighting Customers with Special Offers

To delight customers and exceed their expectations, telecom companies can offer special bonuses and incentives. Whether it's personalized birthday gifts, free subscriptions, or exclusive access to premium services, these offers can foster customer loyalty and strengthen the bond between subscribers and the telecom company. By understanding customer preferences and offering Relevant rewards, telecom companies can create Memorable experiences and incentivize continued usage of their services.

Increasing Revenue through Infrastructure Development

Infrastructure development plays a significant role in the success of telecom companies. By informing customers about new branded stores, improved network capabilities, or additional services, telecom companies can generate anticipation and drive customer engagement. Leveraging voice AI technology, telecom companies can proactively communicate these developments to their customers, ensuring they are aware of the latest offerings and improvements. By staying ahead of the competition and providing valuable information, telecom companies can attract new customers, increase revenue, and solidify their market position.

Enhancing Customer Experience with AI Virtual Secretaries

AI virtual secretaries revolutionize customer experience by providing personalized and efficient support. Gone are the days of traditional IVR systems that frustrate customers with impersonal and time-consuming interactions. With AI virtual secretaries, telecom companies can deliver a seamless and human-like experience, understanding customer needs and routing calls to the right departments. By filtering spam calls and answering inquiries promptly, telecom companies can enhance customer satisfaction and improve brand Perception.

The Benefits of AI Voice Agents over IVR Systems

IVR systems have been a staple in telecom companies for years, but with AI voice agents, a new era of customer interactions has arrived. AI voice agents offer a more engaging and intuitive experience, allowing customers to have natural, human-like conversations. Unlike IVR systems, which rely on pre-recorded scenarios and button pressing, AI voice agents adapt to customer inquiries and provide personalized responses. By seamlessly integrating with CRM systems and IP telephony, AI voice agents can efficiently handle customer interactions, delivering faster resolutions and increasing customer satisfaction.

Leveraging Surveys to Understand Customer Preferences

Surveys play a crucial role in understanding customer preferences and gathering feedback. With voice robots conducting surveys, telecom companies can Collect valuable insights into customer satisfaction, preferences, and service improvements. By engaging customers in conversations and asking targeted questions, telecom companies can refine their offerings, addressing pain points, and delivering more tailored solutions. Surveys become an invaluable tool for telecom companies to continuously improve their services, increase customer loyalty, and achieve a competitive edge.


In conclusion, conversational AI voice technology holds tremendous potential for the telecommunication industry. By leveraging voice AI agents, telecom companies can increase ARPU, improve customer satisfaction, and drive revenue growth. From upgrading price plans to providing delightful customer experiences and embracing innovative infrastructure developments, voice AI technology transforms traditional service promotion methods. With JIQ's comprehensive solution portfolio, telecom companies can automate communication scripts, personalize customer interactions, and enhance their market position. Embrace the power of voice AI technology and take your telecom business to new heights of success.

(Resources: JIQ -

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