Boost Your Academic Writing with ChatGPT & Skyspace

Boost Your Academic Writing with ChatGPT & Skyspace

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Using Skyspace for Academic Research
    1. Searching for Academic Resources
    2. Filtering Results
    3. Using the Trace Feature
    4. Using the Co-pilot Feature
  3. Combining Skyspace and Chat GPT
    1. Priming the AI with Content
    2. Generating an Outline
    3. Writing the Full Article
    4. Generating Section by Section
  4. Conclusion


In today's video, we will explore how to use Skyspace and Chat GPT to Create research articles or academic papers. Skyspace is a powerful tool for academic research that allows You to easily find and access scholarly resources. By combining Skyspace with Chat GPT, you can streamline your research and writing process. Let's dive in and see how these tools can benefit you.

Using Skyspace for Academic Research

Skyspace is an invaluable resource for students, researchers, and academics. It provides a user-friendly interface for finding academic resources related to your research topic. Let's explore how to make the most of Skyspace for your academic endeavors.

Searching for Academic Resources

To begin your research, start by asking a research question related to your topic. For example, if you are writing about the history of Public Health Care in Canada, you can search for resources on Skyspace using Relevant keywords. Skyspace will display a list of academic resources, including journal articles, books, dissertations, and more.

Filtering Results

Skyspace allows you to filter your search results Based on various criteria such as the year, Type of content, author, institution, and topic. This feature enables you to narrow down your search and focus on specific aspects of your topic, such as healthcare policy or public health history.

Using the Trace Feature

The Trace feature in Skyspace is a valuable tool for conducting in-depth research. It allows you to explore related papers and articles based on a specific resource. By using the Trace feature, you can quickly discover other relevant publications and access a wealth of information on your topic.

Using the Co-pilot Feature

Skyspace's Co-pilot feature takes your research experience to the next level. It not only helps you find resources but also provides additional information and insights. For example, you can use the Co-pilot to explain the abstract of an article, summarize its introduction, or explore the practical implications of the research.

Combining Skyspace and Chat GPT

Now that we have gathered research material using Skyspace, let's see how we can utilize Chat GPT to create academic articles or research papers.

Priming the AI with Content

To start the process, we need to prime Chat GPT with the necessary information. Begin by pasting the abstracts and other relevant content from the resources you found in Skyspace. This provides the AI with Context and helps it understand the topic you are writing about.

Generating an Outline

Once the AI is primed, you can generate an outline for your academic article. Use the information from the resources and combine it with your own knowledge to create a comprehensive outline. Ensure that you include every necessary topic or question related to the history of Public Health Care in Canada.

Writing the Full Article

With the outline in HAND, you can now instruct the AI to generate the full article. Provide the prompt and let Chat GPT generate paragraphs and sections using the outline and the content you previously provided. Make sure to always cite your sources and include a list of references at the end of the article.

Generating Section by Section

If you prefer a more detailed approach, you can ask the AI to generate each section of the article individually. Start with the first section and, once it is completed, instruct the AI to Continue to the next section. This method allows you to get more content for each section and ultimately leads to a longer, more in-depth article.


By combining the power of Skyspace and Chat GPT, you can streamline your academic research and writing process. Skyspace provides a comprehensive platform for finding scholarly resources, while Chat GPT helps you generate well-structured and informative articles. Whether you are a student, researcher, or professional, these tools can greatly enhance your productivity and academic writing skills.

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