Boost Your Development with PyCharm and Run:ai

Boost Your Development with PyCharm and Run:ai

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Defining the Environment
  3. Creating an Environment in PyCharm
  4. Connecting to a Remote Container
  5. Building a Docker Image
  6. Running the SD Server
  7. Creating a Workspace
  8. Choosing the Environment for the Workspace
  9. Specifying the GPU and Not Port
  10. Creating an SSH Interpreter in PyCharm
  11. Connecting to the Workspace
  12. Running Code on a GPU
  13. Conclusion

🚀 Introduction

In this article, we will explore how to set up a development environment using Runi and PyCharm. We'll cover the steps needed to define the environment, create a workspace, connect to a remote container, and run code on a GPU. By following this guide, you'll be able to leverage the power of remote GPUs in your local IDE.

Defining the Environment

Before we can start developing with Runi and PyCharm, we need to define the environment. This involves selecting a Docker image and configuring any environment variables, arguments, and commands required for our development process.

Creating an Environment in PyCharm

To create an environment in PyCharm, we'll use a pre-built Docker image called PyCharm Demo. This image is designed to work with PyCharm and other IDEs like VS Code. We'll also need to ensure that an SSH server is running on our Docker container to enable remote container connection from our local IDE.

Connecting to a Remote Container

Once the environment is set up, we can proceed to create a workspace. The workspace allows us to connect to our defined environment and access its resources. We'll specify the project, environment, and the Not Port to be used for the workspace.

Building a Docker Image

To understand the image we're using, let's take a look at the Dockerfile. The file starts with a base image of Python and installs an SSH server. It also defines a username, password, and exposes Port 22. Additionally, it includes a command to run the SSH server when the container starts.

Running the SD Server

In our environment, we'll point to the Docker image we've defined and add a custom tool called "PyCharm SSH" for connection. We'll set the command in the runtime settings to run the SD binary with the "-D" argument.

Creating a Workspace

With the environment and runtime settings in place, we can now create a workspace. This involves providing a name for the workspace, selecting the project, and choosing the environment we created earlier.

Choosing the Environment for the Workspace

When creating the workspace, we'll select the PyCharm environment we defined and specify the desired GPU and Not Port. This allows us to utilize the power of remote GPUs for our development process.

Specifying the GPU and Not Port

In the workspace creation process, we have the option to choose the number of GPUs to be used, ranging from a fraction to whole GPUs. This flexibility allows us to allocate resources based on our specific requirements.

Creating an SSH Interpreter in PyCharm

To connect to the workspace, we'll need to configure an SSH interpreter in PyCharm. This involves specifying the Host IP, Not Port, SSH user, and password. With successful connection, we'll be able to create an interpreter and a virtual environment inside the workspace.

Connecting to the Workspace

Once the SSH interpreter is set up, we can switch to a different terminal within PyCharm and use the SSH interpreter terminal. Here, we can run commands like "Nvidia SMI" to verify the availability of the remote GPU.

Running Code on a GPU

Now that we are connected to the workspace and have access to the remote GPU, we can run our code on the GPU using PyCharm. This opens up possibilities for leveraging the high computational power of GPUs for machine learning and other resource-intensive tasks.


By following the steps outlined in this article, you've learned how to set up a development environment using Runi and PyCharm. You now have the ability to connect to remote GPUs and run code seamlessly in your local IDE. Embrace the power of distributed computing with Runi and boost your productivity in machine learning and other GPU-heavy workflows.


  • Set up a remote development environment with Runi and PyCharm
  • Connect to a remote container from your local IDE
  • Utilize the power of remote GPUs for accelerated computing
  • Configure SSH interpreters in PyCharm for seamless remote development
  • Run code on remote GPUs to enhance performance in resource-intensive tasks


Q: Can I use a different IDE other than PyCharm? A: Yes, you can use different IDEs like VS Code or any IDE that supports remote container connections.

Q: How many GPUs can I allocate for a workspace? A: You have the flexibility to allocate a fraction, half, or a whole GPU based on your requirements.

Q: Is Runi limited to Python development? A: No, Runi can be used for various programming languages and frameworks that require remote GPU support.

Q: Can I run multiple workspaces simultaneously? A: Yes, you can create and run multiple workspaces, each with its allocated GPU and resources.

Q: Can I connect to the workspace remotely from a different machine? A: Yes, as long as you have the necessary SSH credentials and access, you can connect to the workspace from any machine with PyCharm or a compatible IDE.


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