Boost Your Editing Game with DragGAN AI Editing Tool

Boost Your Editing Game with DragGAN AI Editing Tool

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up the Virtual Machine 2.1. Creating a new VM instance 2.2. Configuring the machine 2.3. Installing Ubuntu and GPU drivers 2.4. Installing CUDA 2.5. Installing cuDNN 2.6. Setting up Nvidia drivers
  3. Installing Anaconda 3.1. Setting up Anaconda environment 3.2. Installing Dragon
  4. Setting up Nginx server 4.1. Installing Nginx 4.2. Configuring the server
  5. Testing Dragon AI
  6. Conclusion

Title: A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up and Testing Dragon AI on Google Cloud Platform

Introduction: Dragon AI is a powerful deep learning architecture that offers a range of features for machine learning enthusiasts. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of setting up Dragon AI on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and testing its capabilities. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, this step-by-step guide will help you get started with Dragon AI.

  1. Setting up the Virtual Machine

1.1. Creating a new VM instance To begin, open the GCP console and create a new VM instance. Give your instance a suitable name, like "dragon". Select the machine configuration as "gpus" and choose the GPU type as Nvidia T4. For the operating system, select Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. Adjust the disk size to 50 gigabytes and ensure that you have access to all cloud APIs and HTTP traffic.

1.2. Configuring the machine Once the VM instance is created, connect to it via SSH. Allow a few seconds for the loading process. Before installing Dragon AI, it is crucial to set up the deep learning architecture. Start by updating the Ubuntu system packages. You can find step-by-step instructions for the Linux commands on our website, as mentioned in the video description.

1.3. Installing Ubuntu and GPU drivers After updating the system, verify that the GPU is recognized. If you followed the previous steps correctly, the GPU should be displayed in the output. Next, make sure all the pre-required packages are installed.

1.4. Installing CUDA To install CUDA, use the provided command from our website. Accept the license agreement, select the appropriate drivers, and let the installation process complete. After installation, symlink CUDA to the directory.

1.5. Installing cuDNN Download the tar.gz version of cuDNN from the Nvidia website. Extract the downloaded file and copy the necessary contents to the CUDA directory. Once the installation is complete, update the environment variables.

1.6. Setting up Nvidia drivers Activate the environment variables and reboot the VM to finalize the Nvidia driver installation. Now, the VM is prepared for Dragon AI installation.

  1. Installing Anaconda

2.1. Setting up Anaconda environment Anaconda is a popular Python distribution that comes with pre-installed libraries and tools for deep learning. After installing Anaconda, initialize Anaconda environment.

2.2. Installing Dragon Copy and run the provided command from GitHub or our website to install Dragon AI. Wait for the download to complete.

  1. Setting up Nginx server

3.1. Installing Nginx Install Nginx on your VM to set up the server for testing Dragon AI.

3.2. Configuring the server Create a server configuration file and restart the Nginx server to make the changes take effect.

  1. Testing Dragon AI Activate the conda environment and start the Dragon AI radio app. Use the IP of your VM to access the working page of Dragon AI.

  2. Conclusion In conclusion, this guide has provided a step-by-step process for setting up and testing Dragon AI on Google Cloud Platform. By following the instructions carefully, you can unleash the power of deep learning with Dragon AI. Experiment with its features and enjoy the exciting possibilities it offers.


  • Set up Dragon AI on Google Cloud Platform
  • Configure and install GPU drivers, CUDA, and cuDNN
  • Install Anaconda and Create a conda environment
  • Test Dragon AI using the Nginx server
  • Unlock the potential of deep learning with Dragon AI


Q: What is Dragon AI? A: Dragon AI is a powerful deep learning architecture that offers a range of features for machine learning enthusiasts.

Q: How do I set up Dragon AI on Google Cloud Platform? A: Follow the step-by-step guide provided in this article to set up Dragon AI on Google Cloud Platform.

Q: Can I test Dragon AI on a VM instance? A: Yes, you can test Dragon AI on a VM instance by following the instructions mentioned in this guide.

Q: What is the recommended GPU for Dragon AI? A: The recommended GPU for Dragon AI is Nvidia T4.

Q: Is it necessary to install CUDA and cuDNN for Dragon AI? A: Yes, CUDA and cuDNN are essential components for running Dragon AI efficiently.

Q: Can I use Anaconda with Dragon AI? A: Yes, you can install Anaconda and create a conda environment to work with Dragon AI.

Q: How can I access the working page of Dragon AI? A: After setting up Nginx server and activating the conda environment, use the IP of your VM to access the working page of Dragon AI.

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