Boost Your Learning with Super Tutor AI

Boost Your Learning with Super Tutor AI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Bloom's 2 Sigma Problem
  3. Generative AI Chat Tools
    • Chat GPT
    • Bard
  4. Additional Generative AI Tools
    • Defit
    • Edubird
    • Magic School AI
    • Goblin Tools
    • Google AI Tools
  5. Classic AI Tools
    • Text to Speech Tools
    • Speech to Text Tools
  6. Conclusion
  7. FAQ


Welcome to this recording of Supertutor AI, where we explore how artificial intelligence can support all learners. In this session, we will focus on generative AI chat tools and other AI tools designed to assist educators in supporting their students. From helping students with reading and writing to engaging with video content and serving as a personal tutor, we will dive into various examples and tools that can enhance the learning experience.

The Bloom's 2 Sigma Problem

To better understand the significance of AI tools in education, let's briefly discuss Benjamin Bloom's 2 Sigma Problem. Back in the 80s, Benjamin Bloom conducted research to find ways to improve student achievement. He found that conventional teaching methods in a one-teacher classroom resulted in most students scoring average, while only a small percentage achieved exceptional results. However, with the implementation of Mastery Learning, where teachers ensured that every student mastered the content before moving on, there was a significant increase in test scores. Bloom also noted that personal tutoring led to a two Sigma increase, indicating that students who were below average could reach above-average scores with personalized support. With the advancements in AI, we now have the opportunity to provide personalized tutoring support to every student, thus moving closer to Bloom's two Sigma goal.

Generative AI Chat Tools

Generative AI chat tools such as Chat GPT and Bard are powerful resources that can support students across various subjects and challenges.

Chat GPT

One well-known generative AI chat tool is Chat GPT. It enables users to have conversations on any topic with an AI assistant. Chat GPT can provide assistance in areas such as rewriting text at a specific reading level, summarizing Texts, generating study guides, identifying challenging words, and even creating story ideas tailored to individual interests. The tool's flexibility and ability to adapt to different learning needs make it an invaluable asset for students and educators.


Google's Bard is another powerful generative AI Chatbot that can be utilized as a personal tutor. Similar to Chat GPT, Bard can assist with rewriting text, generating story elements, providing feedback on writing, and answering questions. Bard's capabilities make it an excellent tool for supporting students throughout their writing process and helping them improve their skills.

Additional Generative AI Tools

Beyond Chat GPT and Bard, there are numerous other generative AI tools that can enhance the learning experience. Let's explore a few of them.


Defit is a differentiation tool that can transform any text or topic into tailored summaries, questions, keywords, and different article versions. With Defit, educators can Instantly generate support materials specifically designed for different grade levels, aiding in comprehension and engagement.


Edubird offers a wide range of generative AI tools designed to enrich learning. From planning tools and information objects to cooperative learning activities and gamification, Edubird provides educators with resources to support students in various subjects and learning contexts.

Magic School AI

Magic School AI offers a collection of small, single-task AI tools that simplify specific educational tasks. With tools like text rewriters, common misconception generators, and text scaffolding, educators can provide targeted support to address students' needs and enhance their learning experience.

Goblin Tools

Goblin Tools is another collection of AI tools focused on supporting learners. With tools like Todo Magic and Judge, educators can help students manage tasks effectively and analyze the tone of the text they are working with. Goblin Tools offers a variety of resources to address different learning challenges.

Google AI Tools

Google provides several AI tools to support educators and students. These tools include the AI-powered key points generator, which summarizes online articles, and Notebook LM, an AI-powered personal assistant that assists with organizing and analyzing multiple documents. These tools allow for efficient information retrieval and comprehensive note-taking.

Classic AI Tools

In addition to generative AI tools, classic AI tools like text-to-speech and speech-to-text can significantly aid students in their learning Journey.

Text to Speech Tools

Text-to-speech tools like Read & Write, Immersive Reader, and built-in Chromebook options help students access written content by converting it into spoken words. Students can follow along with the audio, promoting comprehension and accessibility. AI-powered options such as Google Lens can even extract text from images for further convenience.

Speech to Text Tools

Conversely, speech-to-text tools make it easier for students to express their thoughts in written form. Tools like Voice Typing in Google Docs, Voice In, and Chromebook's built-in dictation feature enable students to dictate their ideas, providing support for those who struggle with typing or spelling.


AI tools offer incredible potential in supporting and enhancing the learning experience for all students. Generative AI chat tools like Chat GPT and Bard provide personalized tutoring assistance, while additional tools like Defit, Edubird, Magic School AI, Goblin Tools, and Google AI Tools offer specific resources designed to address different learning needs. Classic AI tools like text-to-speech and speech-to-text also play a vital role in promoting accessibility and comprehension. By leveraging the power of AI, educators can Create an inclusive and engaging learning environment that fosters student success.


Q: How can AI chat tools like Chat GPT and Bard help students improve their writing skills?

AI chat tools can assist students in various aspects of writing, including generating writing Prompts, providing feedback on writing pieces, guiding students through the writing process step by step, and even offering model writing for reference and inspiration. These tools can offer personalized support and help students develop their writing skills effectively.

Q: How do generative AI tools assist educators in differentiated instruction?

Generative AI tools such as Defit, Edubird, and Magic School AI can generate tailored resources, summaries, questions, and study guides designed specifically for different grade levels and individual student needs. These tools enable educators to differentiate instruction effortlessly and provide more personalized learning experiences for their students.

Q: Can AI tools like chatbots replace human teachers?

No, AI chat tools and other AI resources cannot replace human teachers. While AI can provide valuable support and assistance, human teachers bring unique qualities, such as empathy, adaptability, critical thinking, and the ability to provide personalized instruction. AI tools serve as valuable tools to enhance the teaching and learning process, but the role of a human teacher remains indispensable.

Q: How can AI tools like text-to-speech and speech-to-text benefit students with learning disabilities?

Text-to-speech tools can assist students with reading difficulties by converting written text into spoken words. This feature helps improve accessibility and comprehension for learners with reading challenges. Speech-to-text tools, on the other HAND, allow students to express their ideas through speech, reducing obstacles related to typing and spelling. Both tools offer support and promote inclusivity in the classroom.

Q: Is there a cost associated with using AI tools for education?

Many AI tools, including Chat GPT, Bard, Defit, Edubird, Magic School AI, Goblin Tools, and several Google AI tools, offer free versions with robust features. While some of these tools may have paid versions with additional features, educators can still utilize the free versions and provide valuable support to their students without incurring any costs.

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