Boost Your Productivity: Save Time Publishing to WordPress with Markdown in ShortlyAI

Boost Your Productivity: Save Time Publishing to WordPress with Markdown in ShortlyAI

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Limitations of Shortly Tools for Formatting
  3. The Benefits of Using Markdown
  4. What is Markdown?
  5. Markdown and WordPress
  6. Formatting with Markdown 6.1 Headings 6.2 Lists 6.3 Links
  7. Examples of Markdown
  8. Using Markdown in Shortly
  9. Using a Table of Contents Tool
  10. Conclusion


Formatting text can be a time-consuming task, especially when publishing content to platforms like WordPress. Shortly, although it lacks formatting tools, provides a seamless writing experience. However, there is a way to add headings and structure to your content without compromising the simplicity of Shortly. This article discusses the use of Markdown as a workaround for formatting and optimizing your text quickly and efficiently.

The Limitations of Shortly Tools for Formatting

Shortly is designed to be a straightforward writing tool, devoid of distracting formatting options. While this simplicity is advantageous for focused writing, it can become challenging to organize lengthy articles. The absence of headers and other formatting features can make it challenging to separate or highlight specific sections, potentially diminishing the readability of the content.

The Benefits of Using Markdown

Markdown is a formatting language popular among writers and bloggers. It offers a range of formatting options without the need to rely on complex tools or languages like HTML. By utilizing Markdown, authors can enhance the structure, readability, and organization of their content while maintaining an unobtrusive writing experience.

What is Markdown?

Markdown is a lightweight markup language created in 2005 by John Gruber and Aaron Schwartz. It allows writers to format text using simple characters and symbols. Markdown serves as an alternative to rich text formatting and HTML tags, providing writers with a concise and accessible way to structure their content.

Markdown and WordPress

Many blogging and content management platforms, including WordPress, seamlessly integrate Markdown formatting. By leveraging Markdown when publishing to WordPress, writers can optimize their articles without the need for additional plugins or complex formatting tools. WordPress's Gutenberg editor accepts Markdown, simplifying the editing and formatting process.

Formatting with Markdown

Markdown offers various formatting options that can be used to enhance the structure and visual appeal of your content.


To Create headings using Markdown, place a hash symbol (#) before the desired heading text. The number of hash symbols determines the heading's level, with one hash symbol representing an H1 heading, two hash symbols for an H2 heading, and so on. For example, "## Test Heading" will create an H2 heading.


Markdown allows the creation of both bullet lists and numbered lists. Bullet lists can be created by using asterisks (*), dashes (-), or plus signs (+) before each list item. Numbered lists can be created by using numbers followed by periods. For example:

  • Bullet item 1
  • Bullet item 2
  • Bullet item 3
  1. Numbered item 1
  2. Numbered item 2
  3. Numbered item 3


Adding links is straightforward in Markdown. Enclose the text You want to display in square brackets and immediately follow it with the URL in parentheses. For example, This is a link will create a hyperlink with the text "This is a link."

Examples of Markdown

Here are some examples of Markdown formatting:

  • Bold text: Wrap the text with double asterisks or double underscores. For example, **bold text** or __bold text__.
  • Italic text: Wrap the text with single asterisks or single underscores. For example, *italic text* or _italic text_.
  • Code snippets: Enclose the text with backticks (`). For example, `code snippet`.

Using Markdown in Shortly

Although Shortly does not natively support Markdown, you can use it as a workaround to format your text. Write your content using Markdown syntax in an external editor or even within Shortly, using the Markdown conventions explained earlier. Once you've finished writing and editing, simply paste the formatted Markdown content into Shortly. It automatically converts the Markdown formatting to the corresponding styling.

Using a Table of Contents Tool

To improve navigation and organization within your content, you can use a Table of Contents (TOC) tool. These tools automatically generate a table of contents Based on the headings in your text. By incorporating a TOC, readers can easily navigate through your article, enhancing the overall user experience.


Markdown provides a convenient way to format and structure your content, even when using tools like Shortly. By leveraging Markdown's simplicity and compatibility with platforms like WordPress, you can optimize your writing process without compromising the uncluttered experience Shortly offers. Enhancing your content's structure and readability with Markdown ultimately creates a more engaging and enjoyable experience for your readers.


  • Learn how to format your text quickly and efficiently using Markdown.
  • Overcome the limitations of Shortly tools for formatting.
  • Understand the benefits of Markdown as a lightweight markup language.
  • Discover the integration of Markdown in WordPress.
  • Formatting options with Markdown: headings, lists, and links.
  • Examples showcasing Markdown formatting.
  • Utilize Markdown in conjunction with Shortly for an optimized writing experience.
  • Improve navigation and organization with a Table of Contents tool.
  • Enhance the readability and structure of your content using Markdown.
  • Optimize your writing process without compromising the simplicity of Shortly.


Q: Can I use Markdown in other content management platforms besides WordPress? A: Yes, Markdown is widely supported by various content management systems, including Ghost, Medium, and Jekyll.

Q: Is Markdown suitable for complex formatting requirements? A: Markdown is best suited for basic formatting needs. For more complex formatting, HTML or specialized publishing tools may be more appropriate.

Q: Does Shortly provide any built-in tools for formatting? A: Shortly is primarily focused on providing a distraction-free writing experience and does not have built-in formatting tools. Markdown serves as a workaround for formatting in Shortly.

Q: Can I generate a table of contents automatically using Markdown? A: Markdown itself does not provide an automatic table of contents feature, but you can use external tools or plugins to generate a table of contents based on your Markdown headings.

Q: Does Markdown affect SEO optimization for my content? A: Markdown itself does not directly affect SEO, but it can enhance the readability and structure of your content, which indirectly improves SEO optimization.

Q: Is Markdown suitable for all types of writing? A: Markdown is versatile and can be used for various types of writing, including blog posts, articles, documentation, and more. However, its simplicity may not be suitable for highly complex or specialized content.

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