Boost Your Productivity with These 3 AI Tools

Boost Your Productivity with These 3 AI Tools

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. AI as a Word Generator
  3. AI for Scriptwriting
  4. AI for Research and Bullet Points
  5. Notion AI vs. Bing AI
  6. Streamlining Video Editing with AI
  7. Using Gling for Raw Video Footage
  8. Munch: AI for Short Form Content
  9. Exploring the Potential of AI in Creativity
  10. Conclusion

AI Tools That Boost Productivity in Content Creation

As a content creator, I initially had reservations about utilizing AI as a creative tool. However, I have recently discovered three AI Tools that have significantly increased my productivity. These tools have allowed me to accomplish more in less time, which is crucial for building my content creation empire in 2023.

1. AI as a Word Generator

One of the simplest and widely known uses of AI is as a word or copy generator for various writing tasks. While my primary focus is creating videos, my background in writing has enabled me to leverage AI to write more efficiently. Instead of relying on AI to write the entire script for me, I use it to generate ideas and bullet points as a starting point. This helps me Create more focused and accurate scripts, which I then refine myself. Notion, the platform I use to organize my projects, recently introduced an AI component that aids in scriptwriting. I've found this tool particularly helpful for proofreading and improving my writing, as it eliminates unnecessary wordiness and enhances Clarity.


  • AI-generated bullet points provide a solid foundation for scriptwriting.
  • Time-saving, especially compared to traditional publishing processes.


  • Generated drafts may lack the nuance and creativity of human writing.

2. AI for Research and Bullet Points

Researching and gathering information for content creation can be time-consuming. To expedite this process, I have started using AI to generate bullet points for the content I plan to create on my True Crime YouTube Channel and music history channel. By requesting AI-generated bullet points on specific topics, I save valuable time scouring through various sources. These bullet points serve as raw material, allowing me to quickly create videos and podcasts with the necessary information readily available. Notion's AI Tool costs an additional $10 per user, making it a cost-effective option for individuals or small teams.


  • Significantly reduces research time.
  • Provides a foundation for creating content efficiently.


  • The AI-generated bullet points may require additional fact-checking and verification.

3. Streamlining Video Editing with AI

Video editing can be a time-consuming task, especially when dealing with long raw footage. Typically, it took me hours to cut down and refine my videos to a workable rough cut. However, I recently started using Gling, an AI tool recommended by my friend Mark Ellis. This tool automates the process of removing pauses, silences, starts, and stops from raw footage. Gling seamlessly stitches together the remaining content to create a polished and presentable rough cut. While it's not always 100% accurate, it significantly reduces my editing time, allowing me to focus on fine-tuning the video.


  • Drastically reduces video editing time and effort.
  • Provides a solid foundation for post-production editing.


  • May require additional adjustments for complete precision.

4. Munch: AI for Short Form Content

Creating short-form video content has been a challenge for me. However, Munch, a web-Based AI tool, has offered a solution. For $49 per month, Munch analyzes long-form videos and generates several shorter pieces of content. These bite-sized videos are highly customizable, allowing me to make additional edits, add Captions, and take AdVantage of different options. This tool has enabled me to explore other platforms, such as TikTok and Instagram, with short-form content while continuing to produce long-form videos. While the price may be a deterrent for some, Munch's capabilities make it worth considering.


  • Simplifies the creation of short-form video content.
  • Provides a range of customization options.


  • Monthly cost may be prohibitive for some Creators.

5. Exploring the Potential of AI in Creativity

AI technology has come a long way, and it offers immense potential for streamlining and enhancing various creative processes. While there are concerns about the potential abuse of AI in content creation, smart and ethical utilization can yield significant benefits. Understanding how AI complements and enhances human creativity can transform it into an entire editorial team, helping creators achieve more than ever before. By using AI tools effectively, content creators can boost productivity, save time, and focus on delivering high-quality content to their audience.


Embracing AI tools in content creation has revolutionized my workflow and allowed me to achieve more in less time. By utilizing AI as a word generator, a research assistant, and a video editing companion, I have experienced significant boosts in productivity. These tools have saved me valuable hours and enabled me to explore new platforms and content formats. While AI has its limitations, proper utilization and understanding can unlock its potential as a powerful tool for content creators. As the technology continues to evolve, I remain optimistic about the possibilities it holds for enhancing creativity and efficiency in the ever-changing landscape of content creation.


  • Discover three AI tools that significantly boost content creation productivity.
  • Use AI as a word generator to aid scriptwriting and improve writing efficiency.
  • Leverage AI-generated bullet points for quicker research and content development.
  • Streamline video editing with AI tools like Gling for automated cuts and refinements.
  • Explore Munch, an AI tool for creating short-form video content.
  • Embrace the potential of AI to enhance creativity, productivity, and content delivery.


Q: Can AI completely replace human creativity in content creation? A: While AI tools can assist in certain aspects of content creation, human creativity and unique perspectives are irreplaceable. AI should be seen as a supportive tool rather than a complete replacement for human creativity.

Q: Are AI-generated scripts and bullet points always accurate? A: AI-generated scripts and bullet points should be treated as starting points for further refinement and fact-checking. While AI can provide valuable assistance, it may occasionally produce generic or inaccurate results.

Q: How much does it cost to use AI tools for content creation? A: The cost of AI tools varies. Some tools like Notion AI charge an additional $10 per user, while others like Munch may require a monthly fee of $49. It's important to evaluate the cost-benefit ratio based on individual needs and budget.

Q: Are there any risks or ethical concerns associated with AI in content creation? A: There are valid concerns about the misuse or abuse of AI in content creation, such as the creation of low-quality or misleading content. It's crucial for creators to use AI tools responsibly, maintaining integrity and transparency in their content.

Q: Will AI tools Continue to evolve in the future? A: Yes, AI technology is rapidly advancing, and we can expect continuous improvements and new tools specifically tailored for content creation. Staying updated with the latest developments can help creators leverage AI more effectively.

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