Boost Your Rankings with ATIc Plugin: Scraping SERP for AI-Generated Articles

Boost Your Rankings with ATIc Plugin: Scraping SERP for AI-Generated Articles

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting Up the ATIc Plugin
  3. Importing Default Templates
  4. Configuring the Search Omni Block Template
  5. Defining Keywords for the Article
  6. Running the Rule
  7. Monitoring the Article Creation Process
  8. Viewing the Created Article
  9. Checking the Search Results
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore how to use the ATIc plugin to scrape Search Engine results and create an article based on the trending data. By utilizing this data, the article will have a higher chance of ranking well in Google. We will walk through the entire process step by step, from setting up the plugin to monitoring the article creation process. So let's dive in!

Setting Up the ATIc Plugin

To begin, we need to go to the main settings of the ATIc plugin. Within the settings, navigate to the API Keys tab. Here, you will need to add your Open AI API key and your Google Search API key. If you are unsure how to obtain these keys, refer to the provided links for guidance. Alternatively, you can also use other search engine APIs as alternatives.

Importing Default Templates

Next, it is essential to import the default templates provided by ATIc. If you don't see the default templates listed, click on the "Backup/Restore Omni Block Templates" option. From there, select "Import Default Omni Block Templates." Once imported successfully, you will be able to see the default template list in the Omni Block Manager.

Configuring the Search Omni Block Template

In the Omni Block Manager, click on "Configure" and scroll down to the bottom. Select the "Search" Omni Block template. This will load the Google search template. Now, all we need to do is define our keywords for the search. Let's use "comfortable beds" as an example. Save the keyword, and we're ready to move forward.

Running the Rule

Now, let's check the front page of our website. As we can see, there was only a test post Present before. To create a new post using the ATIc plugin, click on the "New Post" button. On this page, we can observe the prompts sent to the AI and the background process. While the processing is underway, we can take a look at the Search Omni Block template to see what exactly is happening.

Monitoring the Article Creation Process

The first step in the process is a Google search using the defined keyword. The search results will be imported. Then, a title, intro, and Outline will be generated for the keyword. Additionally, we will utilize the Google search results in the outline through a short code. Each line of the outline will be used to create a section of the article. Once everything is in place, an outro will be added, and the post will be saved.

Viewing the Created Article

After a short wait, we can refresh our site to find the article appearing. Don't forget that processing can take some time, especially for long-form articles. In this case, our article is ready, indicated by a green check mark. Let's refresh the page, and there it is – the created article, incorporating the Google search results.

Checking the Search Results

To verify the search results used in the article, we can check the activity logs. Here, we will find details about the search results and the keywords used. By searching for the Prompt sent to the AI, we can see the search results that were incorporated into our article. This demonstrates how ATIc processes internet search results to create articles.


In conclusion, ATIc is a powerful plugin that allows us to scrape search engine results and create articles based on the trending data. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can leverage ATIc to enhance your content creation process and improve your articles' ranking in Google. Give ATIc a try and let us know your thoughts in the comments. Like, share, subscribe, and thank you for reading until the end!


  • Utilize the ATIc plugin to scrape search engine results for article creation
  • Improve the ranking of your articles in Google with the use of trending data
  • Set up the ATIc plugin by adding necessary API keys for Open AI and Google Search
  • Import default templates provided by ATIc to streamline the article creation process
  • Configure the Search Omni Block template and define keywords for the article
  • Monitor the creation process of the article and view the generated content
  • Check the search results used in the article through the activity logs
  • ATIc is a valuable tool for content creators looking to optimize their articles for search engine rankings


Q: Can I use ATIc with search engines other than Google? A: Yes, ATIc provides alternatives to Google search, allowing you to use different search engine APIs.

Q: How long does the article creation process usually take? A: The processing time may vary depending on the length and complexity of the article. Longer articles might require more time for processing.

Q: Can I customize the templates used by ATIc? A: Yes, ATIc allows customization of templates to suit your specific requirements.


  • ATIc plugin: [link to website]
  • Open AI API key: [link to Open AI documentation]
  • Google Search API key: [link to Google API documentation]

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