Boosting Client Satisfaction with Testimonial by Josh Youngblood

Boosting Client Satisfaction with Testimonial by Josh Youngblood

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is an Enrolled Agent?
  3. Discovering Smith AI
  4. Previous Receptionist Services
  5. Initial Impression of Smith AI
  6. Advantages of Using Smith AI
    • Filtering Sales and Spam Calls
    • Efficient Appointment Scheduling
    • Providing Additional Information to Clients
  7. Client Experience with Smith AI
    • Professionalism of the Receptionist
    • Assumption of In-House Service
  8. Decreasing Stress with Smith AI
  9. The Difference Between Smith AI and Answering Services
  10. Cost Comparison with Other Services
  11. The Importance of Giving Up Control for Business Growth
  12. The Role of Smith AI in Business Efficiency
  13. Possible Future Implementations with Smith AI
  14. Ideal Businesses for Smith AI
  15. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the experiences and benefits of using Smith AI as a receptionist service for business. The Youngblood Group, led by Josh Youngblood, is an enrolled agent licensed by the Department of the Treasury and the IRS to handle all matters before the IRS. Josh shares his Journey of discovering Smith AI and how it has revolutionized his business operations. From filtering sales and spam calls to efficient appointment scheduling, Smith AI has proved to be a valuable asset for Josh's business. By sharing his firsthand experience, Josh aims to highlight the advantages and unique aspects of Smith AI, making it an essential resource for any service-oriented business.

What is an Enrolled Agent?

Before delving into the details of Smith AI, it is essential to understand the role of an enrolled agent. An enrolled agent is a licensed professional who is authorized to represent taxpayers before the IRS. Enrolled agents are knowledgeable in tax-related matters and provide valuable assistance to individuals and businesses in navigating the complexities of the tax system. With their expertise and authority, enrolled agents play a crucial role in helping clients resolve their tax concerns effectively.

Discovering Smith AI

Josh shares his story of how he first came across Smith AI. Upon the recommendation of a friend who had discovered the company online, Josh decided to give it a try. Dissatisfied with his previous receptionist service, Josh was looking for a better solution that provided value for money. Intrigued by the positive feedback from his friend, he signed up for Smith AI and was impressed with the results.

Previous Receptionist Services

Before utilizing Smith AI, Josh had tried other receptionist services. However, he found them expensive and lacking in the level of service he desired for his business. These services often answered calls with basic information and left clients waiting for callbacks. Dissatisfied with the inefficiency and high costs, Josh sought a new solution that would meet his needs as an enrolled agent.

Initial Impression of Smith AI

Upon using Smith AI, Josh's initial focus was on having all phone calls answered promptly and professionally. The receptionist at Smith AI handled calls, either transferring them to Josh if he was available or taking detailed messages for him. This system allowed for efficient communication and minimized the risk of missed opportunities. Josh found this setup to be beneficial for his business needs.

Advantages of Using Smith AI

Through his experience with Smith AI, Josh discovered several advantages that greatly benefited his business. These advantages included the filtering of sales and spam calls, the efficient scheduling of appointments, and the ability to provide additional information to clients. Each of these aspects contributed to a more streamlined and client-centered approach to handling calls and managing appointments. By utilizing Smith AI, Josh was able to optimize his time, enhance client satisfaction, and improve the overall efficiency of his business.

Filtering Sales and Spam Calls

One significant AdVantage of using Smith AI was the ability to filter out sales and spam calls. With the receptionist service handling these calls, Josh no longer had to waste time and energy dealing with unwanted solicitations. This feature allowed him to focus on attending to genuine client calls and providing them with the assistance they required.

Efficient Appointment Scheduling

Smith AI proved to be a game-changer for Josh in terms of appointment scheduling. By integrating Smith AI with Calendly, clients could now schedule appointments directly instead of waiting for callbacks. This improvement significantly increased efficiency and provided clients with a seamless experience. The convenience of immediate appointment scheduling not only saved time but also ensured that clients felt well taken care of.

Providing Additional Information to Clients

Beyond simple appointment scheduling, Smith AI served as a valuable resource for clients seeking information. The receptionist at Smith AI could provide initial guidance to potential clients, understanding their concerns and offering assistance where possible. This allowed Josh to have a better understanding of each client's needs before speaking with them directly. Consequently, he could determine if his services were a good fit and, if necessary, refer the client to another professional. This preliminary screening process was especially advantageous during busy periods, such as tax season, when clients often reach out for urgent assistance.

Client Experience with Smith AI

Feedback from clients of The Youngblood Group revealed positive experiences with the receptionist service offered by Smith AI. Clients commented on the professionalism, friendliness, and overall attentiveness of the receptionist. Many assumed that the receptionist was an in-house employee, not realizing that they were communicating with a third-party service. The seamless integration between Smith AI and Josh's business created a positive impression, fostering a Sense of trust and reliability.

Decreasing Stress with Smith AI

One of the most significant benefits of utilizing Smith AI for Josh was the reduction in stress. The constant ringing of phones and the challenge of managing calls while focusing on essential tasks often caused unnecessary stress for Josh. Smith AI provided a solution by effectively handling calls, allowing Josh to concentrate on revenue-generating activities without interruption. The decreased stress levels resulted in improved work productivity and a better work-life balance.

The Difference Between Smith AI and Answering Services

Josh emphasizes that Smith AI should not be considered a traditional answering service. Unlike conventional answering services that often take messages or provide basic information, Smith AI functions as a full-fledged receptionist service. Smith AI's receptionists are equipped to handle complex queries, schedule appointments, and provide valuable assistance to clients. This distinction sets Smith AI apart from other services and highlights its ability to offer comprehensive support to businesses.

Cost Comparison with Other Services

In terms of cost, Josh notes that Smith AI offers a more affordable alternative compared to other receptionist services on the market. While other services may engage in lengthy conversations that drive up costs, Smith AI focuses on efficiently gathering necessary information and scheduling appointments. By providing value for money and prioritizing the client's needs, Smith AI proves to be a cost-effective solution for businesses requiring receptionist services.

The Importance of Giving Up Control for Business Growth

As someone who values control over his business operations, Josh understands the reluctance some business owners may have when considering outsourcing services like Smith AI. However, he emphasizes the necessity of giving up control to achieve business growth. By gradually relinquishing control over tasks such as call answering and appointment scheduling, business owners can focus on critical revenue-generating activities. Learning to trust external services and creating a work-life balance are fundamental aspects of business development.

The Role of Smith AI in Business Efficiency

Smith AI plays a vital role in enhancing business efficiency. By handling incoming calls, filtering out unnecessary ones, and providing essential information upfront, Smith AI streamlines communication and reduces time wastage. The efficiency achieved through Smith AI allows businesses to operate seamlessly, providing unmatched support to clients and ultimately contributing to the overall success of the company.

Possible Future Implementations with Smith AI

Looking ahead, Josh plans to explore further possibilities with Smith AI. He has already integrated the receptionist service with his calendar for appointment scheduling. In the near future, he aims to enhance potential client screening as another feature of Smith AI. With continuous advancements and offerings from Smith AI, businesses can benefit from an array of options to better serve their clients and manage their operations.

Ideal Businesses for Smith AI

Smith AI is an ideal solution for various service-oriented businesses. Any business that requires appointment scheduling or desires professional receptionist services can benefit from using Smith AI. Attorneys, accountants, doctors, and even psychiatrists have experienced positive results with Smith AI. The versatility and reliability of the service make it a valuable asset to businesses across industries.


In conclusion, Smith AI offers numerous advantages for businesses seeking to optimize their operations and provide exceptional customer service. By filtering sales and spam calls, efficiently scheduling appointments, and offering comprehensive support to clients, Smith AI proves to be a valuable resource. The convenience and professionalism provided through its receptionist service enable businesses to focus on revenue-generating tasks and reduce stress. If You are looking to enhance your business efficiency and streamline client communication, Smith AI is an excellent choice for your receptionist service needs.

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