Boosting Google Keywords: Strategies for Low Search Volume

Boosting Google Keywords: Strategies for Low Search Volume

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Challenge of a Tight Niche
  3. Utilizing Google Search
  4. Buying All Possible Search Traffic
  5. What Next?
  6. The Strategy that Works
  7. Implementing Broad Match Type Keywords
  8. The Success Story
  9. Tips for Using Broad Match Keywords
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will discuss a strategy for getting in front of your target customers in a tight niche industry. We will explore the challenges faced by businesses in such industries and how they can leverage Google search to overcome these challenges. We will also dive into the concept of buying all possible search traffic and the limitations it brings. Lastly, we will reveal a strategy involving the use of broad match type keywords to expand the reach of your ads and tap into a wider audience. So, if you're struggling to reach your target customers in a specific industry, keep reading to discover a solution that can help you increase your Website traffic and ultimately convert leads into sales.

The Challenge of a Tight Niche

Businesses operating in a tight niche or industry often face the challenge of reaching their target customers effectively. Due to the specificity of their products or services, it becomes increasingly difficult to generate sufficient website traffic. Traditional marketing strategies may not yield the desired results as the target audience is limited. This is where leveraging Google search can significantly impact the success of your marketing efforts.

Utilizing Google Search

Google search offers a powerful tool for businesses in tight niches to connect with their target customers. By showing up at the exact moment when someone searches for a specific query related to your industry, you can position your business in front of potential customers who are actively seeking your products or services. This targeted approach ensures higher click-through rates and better conversion rates.

Buying All Possible Search Traffic

While leveraging Google search is effective in reaching your target customers, there is a limitation to the amount of search traffic available. In a tight niche, the pool of potential customers searching for your specific product or service is finite. This means that eventually, you will buy all the profitable search traffic there is to buy. Once this happens, you find yourself Wondering what to do next to Continue growing your business.

What Next?

After reaching the maximum possible search traffic volume, businesses often face the challenge of finding new avenues to expand their reach. This is where the strategy we will discuss in this article comes into play. By implementing a specific approach using broad match type keywords, businesses can tap into a wider audience and uncover new search term variations that can lead to valuable customer interactions.

The Strategy that Works

Implementing broad match type keywords in your Google Ads account is the strategy we recommend for businesses in tight, specific industries. While broad match type keywords are typically not advisable, they can prove to be highly effective in unique situations. By implementing this strategy, businesses can unlock a wealth of search term variations that they may not have considered before. This opens up new opportunities to reach potential customers who may have slightly different search queries but still fall within your target market.

Implementing Broad Match Type Keywords

When implementing broad match type keywords, it is essential to separate them into their own ad group. This ensures that they are distinct from your other keywords and allows you to allocate a specific budget for this strategy. Starting with a small budget is recommended to prevent excessive spending. Additionally, it is crucial to include a comprehensive list of negative keywords associated with the broad match type keyword to prevent irrelevant ad placements.

The Success Story

One success story to illustrate the effectiveness of this strategy is a client who sells a product designed to help individuals pass a specific type of exam. By implementing broad match type keywords, this client experienced a significant increase in impressions, clicks, and leads. Upon analyzing the search term report, they discovered a multitude of search terms that they would have Never thought of before. This broader approach allowed them to tap into a wider audience of potential customers, expanding their reach beyond their initial narrow focus.

Tips for Using Broad Match Keywords

  • Put broad match type keywords in their own ad group
  • Allocate a small budget for this strategy
  • Include a comprehensive list of negative keywords
  • Regularly monitor and optimize your campaigns
  • Adjust bidding strategies Based on performance
  • Continuously analyze the search term report for new insights
  • Consider creating ad variations tailored to different search queries


In conclusion, if You find yourself struggling to reach enough potential customers in a tight niche industry, implementing broad match type keywords could be the solution you've been searching for. By using this strategy, you can tap into a wider audience and uncover new search term variations to expand your reach. Remember to carefully manage your budget, monitor performance, and continuously optimize your campaigns for the best results. With the right approach, leveraging Google search can significantly boost your website traffic and help you convert leads into sales.


  • Businesses in tight niches face challenges in reaching their target customers effectively.
  • Leveraging Google search can help businesses connect with potential customers actively seeking their specific products or services.
  • Buying all possible search traffic has limitations as the pool of potential customers is finite.
  • Implementing broad match type keywords can help businesses tap into a wider audience and discover new search term variations.
  • Separating broad match type keywords into their ad group and including negative keywords are crucial for success.
  • One success story involved a client experiencing significant increases in impressions, clicks, and leads by implementing broad match type keywords.
  • Tips for using broad match keywords include careful budget management, continuous analysis, and optimization of campaigns.


Q: Is implementing broad match type keywords suitable for all businesses?
A: Implementing broad match type keywords is generally not advisable for most businesses. However, in specific tight niche industries, it can be a valuable strategy to expand reach and uncover new search term variations.

Q: What is the recommended budget for implementing broad match type keywords?
A: It is recommended to start with a small budget when implementing broad match type keywords to prevent excessive spending and allow for optimization and testing.

Q: Should I continuously monitor and optimize campaigns when using broad match type keywords?
A: Yes, it is essential to regularly monitor and optimize campaigns when using broad match type keywords. This ensures that you are effectively targeting the right audience and maximizing the impact of your marketing efforts.

Q: How can I identify and add Relevant negative keywords?
A: You can identify relevant negative keywords by regularly analyzing the search term report and identifying search queries that are not relevant to your business. Adding these as negative keywords will prevent your ads from showing up in irrelevant searches.

Q: Can I Create ad variations tailored to different search queries with broad match type keywords?
A: Yes, creating ad variations tailored to different search queries can help optimize your campaigns and enhance the relevance of your ads. This can improve click-through rates and increase the chances of converting leads into sales.

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