Build a Fast and Secure Chat Application with Vue JS, Node JS, and Mongo DB

Build a Fast and Secure Chat Application with Vue JS, Node JS, and Mongo DB

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating the Login Component
  3. Handling Form Submission
  4. Making an AJAX Request
  5. Saving the Access Token
  6. Redirecting the User
  7. Implementing Error Handling
  8. Generating the Access Token
  9. Verifying the Password
  10. Testing the Application

Creating a Login Feature for Your Application

In this article, we will be focusing on creating a login feature for your application. We will go through step-by-step instructions on how to implement this feature, providing a comprehensive guide to help you successfully execute the login process. So let's dive in and get started!

1. Introduction

Before we begin, let's understand the importance of a login feature. A login feature allows users to securely access their personal accounts and access specific functionalities within your application. It provides a layer of security and ensures that only authorized users can access sensitive information or perform certain actions.

2. Creating the Login Component

To start implementing the login feature, we need to Create a login component. This component will be responsible for rendering the login form and handling user input.

3. Handling Form Submission

Once the login component is created, we need to handle the form submission. We will prevent the default behavior of the form and call the doLogin method, which will initiate the login process.

4. Making an AJAX Request

In order to perform the login, we need to make an AJAX request to the server. We will use the axios library to send a POST request to the login endpoint with the user's email and password.

5. Saving the Access Token

When the server responds with a successful login, it will also send an access token. We will save this access token in the local storage of the user's browser. This token will be used for authentication in subsequent requests.

6. Redirecting the User

After successfully logging in, we want to redirect the user to the home page. To achieve this, we will use a slight delay before redirecting the user to ensure a smooth transition.

7. Implementing Error Handling

In the case of an unsuccessful login attempt, we need to handle errors appropriately. We will display an error message using a popup alert from the sweetalert2 library.

8. Generating the Access Token

To generate secure access tokens for user authentication, we will use the jsonwebtoken module. This module allows us to generate and verify secure access tokens, ensuring the security of our application.

9. Verifying the Password

Before generating the access token, we need to verify the user's password. We will compare the plain text password entered by the user with the hashed password stored in our MongoDB database.

10. Testing the Application

To ensure that our login feature is working correctly, we will test the application. We will navigate to the login page, fill out the form with the correct credentials, and submit the form. We will also test the error handling by deliberately entering incorrect credentials.

By following these steps, You will be able to successfully implement a login feature for your application, enhancing its security and providing a seamless user experience. So, let's get started and begin creating your login feature!

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