Build a Handwritten Digit Recognition Model using TensorFlow

Build a Handwritten Digit Recognition Model using TensorFlow

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Importing Libraries
  3. Loading the Dataset
  4. Data Preprocessing
  5. Defining the Model
  6. Compiling and Training the Model
  7. Evaluating the Model
  8. Drawing Handwritten Digits
  9. Classifying Handwritten Digits
  10. Conclusion


Welcome to this Tutorial series on machine learning. In today's video, we will be implementing a handwritten digit recognition using neural networks and TensorFlow in Python. We will walk you through the code step by step and explain each part in detail. So let's get started!

Importing Libraries

First, we need to import four essential libraries: CV2, NumPy, Matplotlib, and TensorFlow. CV2 is the OpenCV library, which we will use to import our own images. NumPy and Matplotlib are used for data manipulation and visualization. TensorFlow is the main library we'll be using to build and train our neural network.

Loading the Dataset

Next, we will load the MNIST dataset, which contains around 60,000 samples of handwritten digits. Each digit is already classified, so we can use it for training and testing our model. We will split the dataset into training and testing data and normalize the pixel values to a range of 0 to 1 for easier computation.

Data Preprocessing

Before we proceed further, we need to preprocess the data. We will flatten the images so that each pixel is represented as a single value. Then, we will define our model, which consists of an input layer, two Hidden layers, and an output layer. We will use the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) activation function for the hidden layers and the Softmax activation function for the output layer.

Compiling and Training the Model

Once the model is defined, we need to compile it by specifying the optimizer and loss function. We will use the Adam optimizer and the Sparse Categorical Crossentropy loss function. Then, we will train the model using the training data for a specified number of epochs. After training, we can evaluate the model's accuracy and loss on the test data.

Drawing Handwritten Digits

Now, let's move on to the fun part - drawing our own handwritten digits! We will use the Paint software to draw the digits and resize them to 28x28 pixels. This is the same size as the images in the MNIST dataset. We will then read the images using OpenCV and display them using Matplotlib.

Classifying Handwritten Digits

Finally, we will classify our handwritten digits using the trained model. We will feed the images into the model and obtain the predicted classes. We will compare the predicted classes with the actual classes and print the results.


In this tutorial, we have learned how to build a neural network for handwritten digit recognition using TensorFlow. We have covered the entire process from importing libraries to training and testing the model. Now you can try it out for yourself and classify your own handwritten digits!

Have fun and keep learning!

Note: For a more detailed explanation of the code, please watch the video tutorial.


  • Implementing handwritten digit recognition using neural networks and TensorFlow
  • Loading and preprocessing the MNIST dataset
  • Defining and training the neural network model
  • Classifying and evaluating handwritten digits
  • Drawing and classifying custom handwritten digits
  • Tips and tricks for improving accuracy


Q: Can I use other image editing software instead of Paint? A: Yes, you can use any software that allows you to draw and save images in a compatible format (e.g., PNG).

Q: How can I improve the accuracy of the model? A: You can try using more advanced techniques, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), or by augmenting the dataset with variations of the images (e.g., rotations, translations).

Q: Can I use the trained model to classify other types of images? A: The model is specifically trained for classifying handwritten digits. If you want to classify other types of images, you will need to train a new model using an appropriate dataset.

Q: Can I deploy the model in a real-world application? A: Yes, you can save the trained model and load it in another Python script or application to classify handwritten digits in real-time.


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