Build a Multilingual Voice Assistant with FlutterFlow

Build a Multilingual Voice Assistant with FlutterFlow

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Building a Multilingual AI Bot with Flutter Flow and Open AI API
  3. Setting up the Project in Flutter Flow
  4. Customizing the Theme and UI
  5. Adding the Recording and Stop Buttons
  6. Implementing Speech-to-Text Recording
  7. Sending User's Input to Open AI API
  8. Converting API Response to Audio Message
  9. Playing the Audio Message and Updating UI
  10. Adding Language Selector
  11. Testing and Publishing the Web App


In this article, we will learn how to build a multilingual AI bot using Flutter Flow and the Open AI API. The bot will be able to Interact with users, process their input, and provide Relevant responses in multiple languages. We will explore the step-by-step process of setting up the project, customizing the theme and UI, adding recording and stop buttons, implementing speech-to-text recording, sending user's input to the Open AI API, converting the API response to an audio message, playing the audio message, and updating the UI. Finally, we will also cover how to add a language selector, test the web app, and publish it.

Building a Multilingual AI Bot with Flutter Flow and Open AI API

Building a multilingual AI bot can be an exciting project as it involves integrating different technologies and functionalities to Create an intelligent conversational assistant. Flutter Flow, a low-code visual development platform, provides us with the ability to quickly build mobile apps using a drag-and-drop interface. By leveraging the power of the Flutter framework, we can create high-performance, natively compiled applications for both iOS and Android.

For our AI bot, we will be utilizing the Open AI API, which allows us to send user input and receive text-Based responses. We will also convert these responses into audio messages so that the bot can speak to the user. By integrating the Open AI API with Flutter Flow, we can create a seamless and interactive chatbot experience.

Setting up the Project in Flutter Flow

To start building our multilingual AI bot, we will first set up the project in Flutter Flow. We will create a new project and configure the necessary settings such as the Package name, theme, and Firebase integration for web deployment.

Once the project is set up, we can proceed to customize the theme and UI to match our requirements. We can adjust the colors, fonts, and layout to create an appealing and user-friendly interface.

Customizing the Theme and UI

Customizing the theme and UI plays a crucial role in creating an engaging and visually pleasing experience for the users. We will explore how to modify the primary and secondary colors, set the text color, and adjust the background color. By carefully selecting the colors and fonts, we can create a professional and Cohesive design.

Additionally, we will add a container at the bottom of the page to serve as a visual structure for our web app. We will also add a language selector widget to allow users to choose their preferred language for interacting with the AI bot.

Adding the Recording and Stop Buttons

To enable users to interact with the AI bot, we will add recording and stop buttons. These buttons will control the speech-to-text recording process. By utilizing conditional builders and page states, we can dynamically Show or hide the buttons based on the bot's state. We will also add animations to enhance the user experience.

Implementing Speech-to-Text Recording

The speech-to-text recording functionality is essential for capturing the user's input. We will use a custom action to listen and process the user's speech. By utilizing a specific package, we can continuously listen to the user's input and update the app state with the recognized words.

Sending User's Input to Open AI API

Once we have captured the user's input through speech-to-text conversion, we will send this input to the Open AI API for processing. We will make a POST request to the API, passing the user's prompt and desired language as parameters. By utilizing a custom API call and integrating the user's prompt and language variables, we can retrieve the API response.

Converting API Response to Audio Message

To enable the bot to speak to the user, we will convert the API response into an audio message. We will leverage another custom action that makes a POST call to the Open AI API, requesting an audio file. The response from the API call will contain the audio file. We will play this audio file to the user, creating the illusion of the bot speaking.

Playing the Audio Message and Updating UI

Playing the audio message is a crucial step in providing a seamless user experience. We will utilize the Flutter Flow audio player component to play the audio file generated from the API response. Additionally, we will update the UI to display a waveform animation while the audio is playing. To achieve this, we will implement conditional visibility and timer functionality.

Adding Language Selector

To enhance the user experience, we will add a language selector to the UI. This feature will allow users to switch between different languages for their interactions with the bot. By utilizing a dropdown menu and integrating it with the app state and API calls, we can provide users with the flexibility to communicate in their preferred language.

Testing and Publishing the Web App

Before deploying the web app, it is crucial to thoroughly test its functionality and visual appearance. We will run the app on various platforms and devices to ensure a consistent user experience. Once We Are satisfied with the functionality and design, we can proceed to publish the web app. We will explore the necessary steps involved in publishing the app, including configuring the settings and deploying it to the web for easy access.


Building a multilingual AI bot using Flutter Flow and the Open AI API opens up a world of possibilities for creating interactive and engaging applications. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this article, developers can create their own AI bot with speech-to-text recording, language selection, and audio message capabilities. With customization options and seamless integration, Flutter Flow provides a powerful platform for developing intelligent conversational assistants.

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