Build a Python Neural Network from Scratch

Build a Python Neural Network from Scratch

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Problem
  3. Neural Network Basics
    • 3.1 Perceptron Architecture
  4. Weight Initialization
  5. Training Process
    • 5.1 Backpropagation
    • 5.2 Adjusting Weights
    • 5.3 Calculating Error
    • 5.4 Updating Synaptic Weights
  6. Sigmoid Function
    • 6.1 Normalization Function
    • 6.2 Sigmoid Derivative
  7. Building a Basic Perceptron in Python
  8. Testing and Adjusting Weights
  9. Improving Output Accuracy
  10. Conclusion


Neural networks have become increasingly popular in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence. They have the ability to learn from data and make predictions or decisions Based on that learning. In this article, we will explore the basics of neural networks and build a basic perceptron from scratch using Python. We will dive into the processes involved in training a neural network, including weight initialization, backpropagation, and adjusting weights to improve output accuracy. So, let's get started!

The Problem

Before we Delve into the intricacies of neural networks, let's understand the problem We Are trying to solve. Our goal is to Create a neural network that can predict the output based on a given set of inputs. Each row in our training data represents a training example, consisting of three inputs and one output. Our neural network should be able to predict the output for new situations. For example, when the first input is 1, the output should also be 1, but when it's 0, the output should be 0. Our aim is to train the neural network to recognize these Patterns and make accurate predictions.

Neural Network Basics

Neural networks are a set of algorithms modeled after the human brain. They consist of artificial neurons, also known as nodes or perceptrons, interconnected to perform specific computations. The basic building block of a neural network is the perceptron. A perceptron takes in inputs, applies weights to those inputs, and produces an output based on a specific activation function. In our case, the activation function is the sigmoid function, which normalizes the output to a value between 0 and 1.

Perceptron Architecture

The perceptron architecture is simple yet powerful. It consists of three main components: inputs, weights, and the output. Inputs are the values provided to the perceptron, representing the features or characteristics of the problem. Weights are assigned to each input, determining the significance or importance of each input in generating the output. The output is calculated by taking the weighted sum of the inputs and passing it through the sigmoid function. The sigmoid function ensures that the output is always between 0 and 1, facilitating easy prediction and classification.

Weight Initialization

To train a neural network, we need to initialize the weights of the perceptron. We assign random values to the weights, ensuring that each weight has a unique starting point. The random values are essential to avoid bias in the learning process. In our case, we will initialize the weights as random numbers between -1 and 1, with a mean of 0. Weight initialization plays a crucial role in determining how quickly and accurately the neural network learns. Choosing appropriate initial weight values can help converge the neural network faster and improve the overall training process.

Training Process

The training process of a neural network involves iteratively adjusting the weights based on the error between predicted outputs and desired outputs. This process is known as backpropagation. It enables the neural network to learn the underlying patterns and make accurate predictions.


Backpropagation is the heart of neural network training. It involves propagating the error backward through the network, starting from the output layer and updating the weights of each node accordingly. This iterative process helps the neural network adjust the weights and minimize the error between predicted outputs and actual outputs. Backpropagation relies on the concept of gradient descent, where the weights are updated in the direction opposite to the gradient of the error function.

Adjusting Weights

To adjust the weights during backpropagation, we use a formula known as the gradient descent with derivatives. This formula multiplies the error (difference between predicted and actual outputs) with the derivative of the sigmoid function at the output. The derivative of the sigmoid function indicates how confident the perceptron is in its output. If the output is a large positive or negative number, the weights should not be adjusted significantly, as the perceptron is already confident in its prediction. On the other HAND, if the output is small, indicating low confidence, the weights should be adjusted more to improve accuracy.

Calculating Error

To calculate the error during backpropagation, we simply subtract the predicted output from the actual output. The error gives us a measure of how close or far the neural network's prediction is from the desired output. This error is then used to adjust the weights and improve the overall accuracy of the predictions.

Updating Synaptic Weights

Once we have calculated the error and adjusted the weights accordingly, we update the synaptic weights of the perceptron. The synaptic weights are updated by multiplying the error with the derivative of the sigmoid function and then multiplying it with the input values. This adjustment ensures that the perceptron learns from the error and improves its predictions with each iteration. The process of updating the synaptic weights is repeated for a specified number of times to allow the neural network to converge and achieve optimal accuracy.

Sigmoid Function

The sigmoid function is a key component of neural networks. It is a mathematical function that maps any real-valued number to a value between 0 and 1. The sigmoid function is used as the activation function in the perceptron, allowing us to normalize the output and make accurate predictions.

Normalization Function

The sigmoid function acts as a normalization function by transforming the weighted sum of the inputs into a probability-like output. A value between 0 and 1 represents the confidence or probability of a certain outcome. The sigmoid function ensures that even if the weighted sum results in a large or small value, the corresponding output will always be between 0 and 1.

Sigmoid Derivative

The derivative of the sigmoid function is crucial for backpropagation and adjusting the weights during the training process. It indicates how quickly the output of the sigmoid function changes with respect to the input. The derivative is used to calculate the adjustment needed for the weights based on the confidence or uncertainty of the perceptron's output. As the output gets closer to 0 or 1, the sigmoid derivative approaches 0, indicating high confidence. On the other hand, as the output gets closer to 0.5, the sigmoid derivative is larger, indicating low confidence.

Building a Basic Perceptron in Python

Now that we have covered the basics of neural networks, let's dive into building a basic perceptron in Python. We will use the numpy library for efficient computation and matrix operations. The perceptron will have no Hidden layers, making it a simple but effective model for basic prediction tasks.

Testing and Adjusting Weights

After building the basic perceptron, it's essential to test its performance and adjust the weights if necessary. By providing different inputs and comparing the predicted outputs with the desired outputs, we can evaluate the accuracy of our perceptron. If the accuracy is not satisfactory, we can iterate further, adjusting the weights and repeating the training process to improve performance.

Improving Output Accuracy

To improve the output accuracy of a neural network, various techniques can be applied. These include increasing the number of training examples, adjusting the learning rate, adding hidden layers to the network, or using more sophisticated activation functions. Each improvement technique has its pros and cons, and choosing the appropriate approach depends on the problem at hand.


In this article, we have explored the basics of neural networks and built a basic perceptron from scratch using Python. We have learned about weight initialization, backpropagation, adjusting weights, the sigmoid function, and training a neural network. Neural networks have the potential to solve complex problems and make accurate predictions based on the provided training data. As You delve deeper into the world of neural networks, you will discover more advanced architectures and techniques to enhance performance and achieve your desired outcomes.


  • Neural networks can learn from data and make predictions or decisions based on that learning.
  • The perceptron is the basic building block of a neural network, consisting of inputs, weights, and an output.
  • Weight initialization is crucial for the training process and affects how quickly and accurately the neural network learns.
  • Backpropagation is the process of adjusting weights based on the error between predicted outputs and actual outputs.
  • The sigmoid function is an essential component of neural networks, providing normalization and activation capabilities.
  • Building a basic perceptron in Python involves defining the architecture, initializing weights, and implementing the training process.
  • Testing and adjusting weights based on performance evaluation are essential for improving output accuracy.
  • Various techniques such as increasing training examples, adjusting learning rates, and using hidden layers can improve neural network performance.


Q: Can neural networks solve complex problems? A: Yes, neural networks have the potential to solve complex problems by learning from large amounts of data and making accurate predictions or decisions.

Q: What is the role of weight initialization in neural networks? A: Weight initialization is vital for the training process of neural networks, as it determines the starting point for adjusting weights and helps converge the network faster.

Q: Why is backpropagation important in neural network training? A: Backpropagation allows the neural network to adjust its weights based on the error between predicted outputs and actual outputs, enabling it to learn from data and make accurate predictions.

Q: How does the sigmoid function normalize the output of a perceptron? A: The sigmoid function maps the weighted sum of inputs to a value between 0 and 1, ensuring that the output is always within this range, which facilitates easy prediction and classification.

Q: How can the accuracy of a neural network be improved? A: Various techniques can be used to improve the accuracy of a neural network, such as increasing the number of training examples, adjusting the learning rate, adding hidden layers, or using more sophisticated activation functions. The choice depends on the specific problem and data.

Q: What are some potential applications of neural networks? A: Neural networks have a wide range of applications, including image and speech recognition, natural language processing, sentiment analysis, recommendation systems, and autonomous vehicles. Their ability to learn from data makes them suitable for solving complex problems in various domains.

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