Build a Realtime Chat App with Next.js: Part 2

Build a Realtime Chat App with Next.js: Part 2

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up the Context Folder
  3. Implementing React Context API
  4. Wrapping Components in the Context Provider
  5. Creating the Login Page
  6. Installing and Importing Axios for HTTP Requests
  7. Creating the Login Form
  8. Handling Authentication with
  9. Redirecting to the Chat Page after Successful Login
  10. Summary and Next Steps


In this tutorial, we will be continuing our real-time chat application project. If You haven't watched the previous video, you can find the link in the description below. In the first part, we set up our project boilerplate. In this part, we will start the actual coding by creating the login page of the application. Let's dive right in!

1. Setting up the Context Folder

Firstly, let's Create a new folder called "context" and inside that folder, create a new file named "index.js". We Are creating this file to use the React Context API. The Context API allows us to share information to any component inside our application by storing it in a central place. In this case, the central place is the "index.js" file.

2. Implementing React Context API

Inside the "index.js" file, let's import React and use the useState hook to manage our states. We also need to create a context for our Context API by creating an instance of createContext. We will then write the basic syntax of React Context.

import React, { useState, createContext } from 'react';

export const AppContext = createContext();

const AppProvider = ({ children }) => {
  const [username, setUsername] = useState(null);
  const [password, setPassword] = useState(null);

  return (
      value={{ username, setUsername, password, setPassword }}>

export default AppProvider;

3. Wrapping Components in the Context Provider

Now that our context part is ready, let's go inside the "App.js" file and uncomment the code where we wrap all of the components inside the Context Provider. This allows all of the parent components to use the username and password values.

4. Creating the Login Page

In the "index.js" file, let's create the structure for our login page component. We will also need to import the useContext hook from React to access the context values. Finally, import the AppContext from the "context" file.

import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import { AppContext } from './context/index';
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';

const LoginPage = () => {
  const { username, setUsername, password, setPassword } = useContext(AppContext);
  const router = useRouter();

  // Rest of the code here...

5. Installing and Importing Axios for HTTP Requests

To send HTTP requests asynchronously, we will be using the Axios Package. Let's install it by splitting the terminal and running the command "npm install axios". Then, inside the "LoginPage" component, import all the necessary values for the username, setUsername, password, and setPassword.

6. Creating the Login Form

Continuing inside the "LoginPage" component, create a <div> element with the class name "auth-container". Inside this div, create a form element with the class name "auth-form". Add a title for our form using a <h2> element. Below the title, create input fields for the email and password with Relevant placeholder text. Assign an onChange event to store the values inside the username and password hooks using the setUsername and setPassword functions.

7. Handling Authentication with

We will be using's API for authentication. is an API that simplifies the process of building chat services. Usernames and passwords are hosted on their platform, and we can validate the users there. If the user enters the correct username and password, they will be directed to the chat page. Make sure to use your own project details and private key for authentication.

8. Redirecting to the Chat Page after Successful Login

To redirect the user to the chat page after successful login, we need to define the router using the useRouter hook provided by Next.js. Import it at the top of the "LoginPage" component. Then, inside the form's onSubmit event, call the necessary API provided by If the API call is successful, redirect the user to the chat page using the defined router. Don't forget to handle any errors that may occur.

9. Summary and Next Steps

Congratulations! You have successfully implemented the login page and authentication for your real-time chat application. In the next part, we will be working on the chat screen. If you encountered any errors during this process, you can refer to the GitHub repository link provided in the description and copy the code from there. Thank you for following along, and see you in the next part!


  • Learn how to set up the React Context API for sharing information between components
  • Create a login page for your real-time chat application
  • Implement authentication using's API
  • Redirect the user to the chat page after successful login


Q: What is the React Context API? A: The React Context API is a way to share data between components without explicitly passing props through every level of the component tree. It allows you to store and access data in a central place and makes it easily accessible to any component within your application.

Q: What is the purpose of the createContext function? A: The createContext function is used to create a new context object. It returns an object with two properties: Provider and Consumer. The Provider component is used to provide the context values to its child components, and the Consumer component is used to access those values within any component that needs them.

Q: Why do we need to use the useRouter hook from Next.js? A: The useRouter hook from Next.js provides a way to programmatically navigate between pages in your application. It allows you to redirect the user to a different page after certain actions are performed, such as successful login.

Q: Can I use my own authentication system instead of A: Yes, you can use your own authentication system instead of The implementation may vary depending on the authentication system you choose, but the overall process will be similar. You will need to handle user authentication and redirect the user to the chat page after successful login.

Q: What should I do if I encounter any errors during the implementation? A: If you encounter any errors, make sure to check the code for any typos or missing imports. You can also refer to the GitHub repository link provided in the description for the full code implementation. If the issue persists, feel free to ask for help on relevant forums or communities to get assistance from other developers.

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