Build an AI Chat App with Llama2

Build an AI Chat App with Llama2

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Building Applications with Cloudflare AI
    1. Overview of Cloudflare AI
    2. Creating a New Workers Application
    3. Integrating Cloudflare AI Package
    4. Making Queries with Cloudflare AI
    5. Deploying a Chatbot Application
  3. Example Application: Chatbot with Cloudflare AI
    1. Building the User Interface
    2. Handling User Queries
    3. Customizing AI Responses
    4. Implementing Streaming Responses
  4. Pros and Cons of Using Cloudflare AI for Application Development
  5. Conclusion

Building Applications with Cloudflare AI

Cloudflare AI is a powerful tool for building intelligent applications that can provide real-time responses to user queries. In this article, we will explore the process of building applications with Cloudflare AI and demonstrate how to create a chatbot using the llama model.


Cloudflare AI is a cutting-edge technology that combines the power of machine learning with the speed and efficiency of Cloudflare's network. With Cloudflare AI, developers can build applications that can understand and respond to natural language queries in real-time.

In this article, we will walk you through the process of building a chatbot application using the llama model, one of the many models available in Cloudflare AI. We will cover the steps required to create a new Workers application, integrate the Cloudflare AI package, make queries with the AI model, and deploy the application.

By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of how to leverage Cloudflare AI to build intelligent applications that can provide personalized responses to user queries.

Overview of Cloudflare AI

Cloudflare AI is a powerful tool that allows developers to leverage pre-trained language models to build intelligent applications. These models are designed to understand natural language and generate human-like responses to user queries.

The AI models in Cloudflare AI are trained on a vast amount of data to enable accurate and contextually Relevant responses. By leveraging these pre-trained models, developers can build applications that can understand and respond to a wide range of user queries.

Creating a New Workers Application

Before we can start building our chatbot application, we need to create a new Workers application. We will be using the Wrangler command line tool, which is Cloudflare's command line interface for building Workers applications.

To create a new Workers application, open your terminal and run the following command:

npm create cloudflare

Follow the prompts to provide a name for your application and choose the desired options. This will create a new Workers application and install the necessary dependencies, including the Wrangler tool.

Once the application is created, you can use the Wrangler tool to deploy and manage your application.

Integrating the Cloudflare AI Package

To integrate the Cloudflare AI package into our Workers application, we need to import the package and initialize an instance of the AI class. This will allow us to make queries to the AI model and retrieve responses.

Start by installing the Cloudflare AI package by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install @cloudflare/ai

Once the package is installed, import the AI class into your Workers application:

import { AI } from "@cloudflare/ai";

Next, initialize an instance of the AI class and pass in the AI binding from your Wrangler.toml file:

const AI = new AI(AI_BINDING);

The AI binding is a configuration option in your Wrangler.toml file that specifies the Cloudflare AI binding you want to use in your application. This allows you to easily switch between different AI models or configurations.

Making Queries with Cloudflare AI

With the Cloudflare AI package integrated into our application, we can now make queries to the AI model and retrieve responses. To do this, we need to define the query Prompt and pass it to the AI model for processing.

To make a query, use the method and pass in the AI model name and the query prompt:

const response = await"LLAMA_MODEL_NAME", "Query prompt goes here");

The LLAMA_MODEL_NAME refers to the specific AI model you want to use from the Cloudflare AI package. You can choose from a variety of models depending on your application's requirements.

The response object contains the generated response from the AI model, which you can use to provide a personalized answer to the user's query.

Deploying a Chatbot Application

Once you have built and tested your chatbot application, it's time to deploy it so that it can be accessed by users. Cloudflare Workers provides a simple deployment process that allows you to publish your application with a single command.

To deploy your application, use the Wrangler command:

npm run deploy

This will deploy your application to the Cloudflare Workers network and provide you with a URL where your application can be accessed.

Congratulations! You have successfully built and deployed a chatbot application using Cloudflare AI. Users can now interact with your chatbot by asking questions or providing prompts, and your application will generate intelligent responses in real-time.

Example Application: Chatbot with Cloudflare AI

Let's take a closer look at the example chatbot application we built using the Cloudflare AI package. This chatbot allows users to ask questions and receive personalized responses based on the AI model's understanding of the query.

Building the User Interface

In our chatbot application, we provide a user interface where users can enter their questions or prompts. The interface consists of an input field and a submit button, allowing users to submit their queries to the application.

To build the user interface, we use HTML and CSS to create a simple form that captures user input. We also include JavaScript code to handle the form submission and display the AI's response on the screen.

Handling User Queries

When a user submits a query in the chatbot application, the form data is sent to the server using a POST request. The server then processes the query using the Cloudflare AI package and generates a response based on the AI model's understanding.

To handle user queries, we set up a route in our Workers application that listens for POST requests. When a request is received, the server extracts the query from the request body and passes it to the Cloudflare AI package for processing.

Once the AI model generates a response, the server sends it back to the client for display in the user interface.

Customizing AI Responses

To enhance the user experience, we can customize the AI model's responses by providing contextual prompts. By setting up different message roles, such as system, assistant, and user, we can guide the AI model's output and ensure more accurate and relevant responses.

For example, we can provide a system message that instructs the AI model to behave as a helpful assistant. We can also provide user messages that represent the user's query or prompt. By combining these messages, we can create a conversational flow that feels natural and engaging.

Implementing Streaming Responses

In some cases, it may be beneficial to implement streaming responses instead of blocking responses. Streaming responses allow for real-time updates as the AI model generates output, providing a more interactive and dynamic user experience.

To implement streaming responses, we need to enable streaming in both the server-side code and the client-side code. On the server side, we set a flag to indicate that the response should be streamed, and we send the data in chunks as it becomes available. On the client side, we use the EventSource API to receive and display the streaming data in real-time.

With streaming responses, the user can see the AI's output as it is generated, allowing for a more seamless and interactive conversation.

Pros and Cons of Using Cloudflare AI for Application Development

While Cloudflare AI offers many benefits for application development, it is important to consider both the pros and cons before choosing to integrate it into your project.


  1. Powerful AI capabilities: Cloudflare AI leverages pre-trained language models to provide accurate and contextually relevant responses to user queries.
  2. Real-time response generation: Cloudflare AI enables applications to generate responses in real-time, allowing for seamless and interactive user experiences.
  3. Customizable responses: Developers can customize the AI model's responses by providing contextual prompts, ensuring more accurate and personalized output.
  4. Streamlined deployment process: Cloudflare Workers provide a simple and efficient deployment process, allowing developers to quickly publish their applications.


  1. Model limitations: While Cloudflare AI offers a wide range of models to choose from, there may be limitations in terms of context length, response accuracy, and support for specific use cases.
  2. Learning curve: Integrating and configuring Cloudflare AI requires familiarity with the Cloudflare Workers platform and related tools. This may require developers to invest time in learning the necessary skills.
  3. Dependency on third-party service: Cloudflare AI relies on external APIs and services, which introduces a certain level of dependency and potential limitations.

It is important to carefully evaluate and consider these factors when deciding whether to use Cloudflare AI for your application development.


Cloudflare AI offers developers a powerful solution for building intelligent applications that can understand and respond to user queries in real-time. By leveraging pre-trained language models, developers can create chatbots and other AI-powered applications that provide personalized and contextually relevant responses.

In this article, we explored the process of building applications with Cloudflare AI, including creating a new Workers application, integrating the Cloudflare AI package, making queries to the AI model, and deploying the application. We also built an example chatbot application and demonstrated how to handle both blocking and streaming responses from the AI model.

With Cloudflare AI, developers can unlock the potential of artificial intelligence and deliver engaging and interactive user experiences. Whether you are building a customer support chatbot or a virtual assistant, Cloudflare AI can help you create intelligent and efficient applications that delight users.

Thank you for reading, and we hope this article has provided valuable insights into building applications with Cloudflare AI.


  • Cloudflare AI allows developers to build intelligent applications that can understand and respond to user queries in real-time.
  • The Cloudflare AI package can be integrated into Workers applications to leverage pre-trained language models.
  • Customizing AI responses using contextual prompts can enhance the user experience.
  • Implementing streaming responses can provide a more interactive and dynamic user experience.
  • Pros of using Cloudflare AI include powerful AI capabilities, real-time response generation, customizable responses, and a streamlined deployment process.
  • Cons of using Cloudflare AI include model limitations, a learning curve, and dependence on third-party services.


Q: Can I use custom models or fine-tuned Llama models in Cloudflare AI? A: Currently, Cloudflare AI does not support custom models or fine-tuned Llama models. However, there are multiple models available in Cloudflare AI that you can choose from.

Q: Are there any limits on the use of Llama models in Cloudflare AI? A: Each Cloudflare account has its own limits, including limits on context length and other factors. It's recommended to check the Cloudflare documentation or contact Cloudflare support for specific information on limits.

Q: Where can I find documentation on using the embedding capabilities of Cloudflare AI? A: Cloudflare provides documentation on using embedding capabilities in Cloudflare AI. You can refer to the Cloudflare documentation or join the webinar for a detailed explanation and demonstration of the embedding features.

Q: Is there a code sample or starter project available for building applications with Cloudflare AI? A: Yes, there is a starter project available on GitHub that demonstrates how to build a chatbot application with Cloudflare AI. You can find the project here.

Q: Can I install the Cloudflare AI package separately, or is it automatically installed with the Workers application? A: The Cloudflare AI package can be installed separately using npm. However, when you create a Workers application with the Wrangler tool, the necessary dependencies, including the Cloudflare AI package, will be automatically installed.

Q: Are the roles in Cloudflare AI predefined, or can I define my own roles? A: The roles in Cloudflare AI, such as system, assistant, and user, are predefined and can be used to guide the AI model's responses. You can customize the prompts and messages within these roles to achieve the desired output.

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