Build an AI Chatbot in Minutes with Next.js

Build an AI Chatbot in Minutes with Next.js

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Set up with the Next JS AI Chatbot
  3. Step 1: Cloning the GitHub Repository
  4. Step 2: Installing Dependencies
  5. Step 3: Setting up the OpenAI API Key
  6. Step 4: Generating a Random Secret
  7. Step 5: Configuring GitHub OAuth App
  8. Step 6: Logging into Versal Account
  9. Step 7: Creating a KV Database
  10. Step 8: Integrating with Versal AI SDK
  11. Step 9: Using the Versal AI Playground
  12. Conclusion

Getting Set up with the Next JS AI Chatbot

In this article, we will guide you through the process of setting up the Next JS AI chatbot. The Next JS AI chatbot is a powerful tool that allows you to create chat GPT-like experiences with features such as streaming chat history and conversation sharing. It was recently open-sourced by the team at Versal Labs, making it accessible to developers like you.

To get started, follow the step-by-step instructions below.

Step 1: Cloning the GitHub Repository

To begin, head over to the GitHub repository for the Next JS AI chatbot. You can find it at Click on the "Code" button and select the option to clone the repository. Once the repository is cloned, navigate to the directory in your code editor.

Step 2: Installing Dependencies

Before proceeding, make sure you have the necessary dependencies installed. You can do this by running the command pnpm install in your project directory. This will install all the required packages and dependencies for the chatbot.

Step 3: Setting up the OpenAI API Key

To use the chatbot, you will need an OpenAI API key. If you don't already have one, you can create a new API key by visiting Create a new secret and copy the API key. Open the .env.example file in your project directory and paste the API key in the appropriate field. Save the file and rename it to .env.

Step 4: Generating a Random Secret

Next, you will need to generate a random secret. You can use the provided example in the boilerplate code, or generate your own secret. This secret will be used for authentication and security purposes.

Step 5: Configuring GitHub OAuth App

To enable authentication with GitHub, you will need to configure a GitHub OAuth app. Go to your GitHub account settings, click on "OAuth Apps," and create a new OAuth app. You will be provided with a GitHub ID and GitHub secret. Paste these values in the appropriate fields in the .env file.

Step 6: Logging into Versal Account

If you don't already have an account, sign up for a Versal account at Once logged in, navigate to your project and click on "Storage." Create a new database and copy the values from your .env file into the appropriate fields. This will connect your chatbot to the Versal KV database.

Step 7: Creating a KV Database

Within the Versal KV database, you can create collections to store data. This allows you to manage and access user conversations, chat history, and other Relevant information within the chatbot. Create a new collection and configure it according to your needs.

Step 8: Integrating with Versal AI SDK

The Versal AI SDK is a powerful Package that allows you to interface with various AI models. Install the package by running npm i @ai/namespace in your project directory. This will provide you with the necessary tools to interact with the models and customize the chatbot.

Step 9: Using the Versal AI Playground

Versal also provides an AI Playground where you can experiment with different models and configurations. Access the playground by navigating to the relevant directory in your project (app/API/chat). There, you can easily swap out example models and customize the configuration to suit your needs.


Congratulations! You have successfully set up the Next JS AI chatbot. With its powerful features and versatility, you can now create chat-based experiences that engage and delight users. By following the steps outlined in this article, you are well on your way to building your very own AI-powered chatbot. Enjoy exploring the possibilities and don't hesitate to dive deeper into the documentation and resources provided by Versal and the Next JS community.


  • Open-source and readily available for developers
  • Powerful features like streaming chat history and conversation sharing
  • Integration with Versal AI SDK for easy customization
  • Access to Versal AI Playground for experimentation


  • Requires additional setup steps for API keys and authentication
  • Learning curve for customizing and configuring the chatbot


  • Easily set up the Next JS AI chatbot in just a few minutes
  • Leverage powerful features like streaming chat history and conversation sharing
  • Customize your chatbot using the Versal AI SDK and the AI Playground
  • Integrate authentication with GitHub OAuth for added security


Q: Can I use the Next JS AI chatbot for customer support? A: Yes, the chatbot can be used for a variety of purposes, including customer support. Its versatile features and customizable nature make it suitable for different use cases.

Q: Is the chatbot compatible with other AI models? A: Yes, the chatbot can be easily integrated with various AI models using the Versoul AI SDK. This allows you to leverage different models based on your requirements.

Q: Can I deploy the chatbot to any hosting platform? A: Yes, the chatbot can be deployed to any hosting platform that supports Next.js applications.

Q: Is there a community for the Next JS AI chatbot? A: Yes, there is an active community of developers using the Next JS AI chatbot. You can find resources, tutorials, and support on the Versal Community forum and the Next JS documentation.

Q: Can I customize the appearance and behavior of the chatbot? A: Yes, the chatbot can be customized to match your desired appearance and behavior. You have full control over the user interface and can modify the underlying code to suit your needs.

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