Build an AI Chatbot in Python!

Build an AI Chatbot in Python!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating a Discord Bot
    • Step 1: Navigating to the Discord Developer Portal
    • Step 2: Creating a New Application
    • Step 3: Enabling the Bot Feature
    • Step 4: Copying the Token
    • Step 5: Joining the Server with the Bot
    • Step 6: Installing Required Libraries
  3. Making the Discord Bot Intelligent
    • Step 1: Installing Required Libraries
    • Step 2: Creating the Intents File
    • Step 3: Training and Saving the Model
    • Step 4: Running the Discord Bot
  4. Interacting with the AI Chat Bot
    • Step 1: Sending Messages to the Bot
    • Step 2: Receiving Responses from the Bot
  5. Conclusion

Article: Building an Intelligent AI Chat Bot for Discord

Discord has become one of the most popular platforms for gamers and communities to connect and communicate. With its user-friendly interface and extensive features, Discord has provided developers with the opportunity to Create their own bots to enhance the user experience. In this article, we will explore the process of building an intelligent AI chat bot for Discord using Python and the Neural Intense library.

1. Introduction

Chat bots have become increasingly popular in recent years, with the advancements in natural language processing and artificial intelligence. These bots are designed to Interact with users in a conversational manner, providing useful information, answering questions, or even just engaging in casual conversation. By building an intelligent AI chat bot for Discord, You can add a unique and interactive element to your server.

2. Creating a Discord Bot

Before we can make our bot intelligent, we first need to create a Discord bot. Here are the steps to create a Discord bot:

Step 1: Navigating to the Discord Developer Portal

To create a bot, we need to navigate to the Discord Developer Portal. You can either search for "Discord Developer Portal" on your favorite search engine or directly visit

Step 2: Creating a New Application

Once you are on the Discord Developer Portal, click on "Applications" and then "Create a New Application." Give your application a name and click "Create."

Step 3: Enabling the Bot Feature

In the application settings, navigate to the "Bot" tab and click on "Add Bot." This will give your application the necessary permissions to act as a Discord bot.

Step 4: Copying the Token

Under the "Token" section, click on "Copy" to copy the bot token. This token is essential for your bot to connect to Discord and interact with users.

Step 5: Joining the Server with the Bot

To make your bot join your Discord server, you need to authorize it. Go back to the "General Information" tab and copy the "Client ID." Replace {YOUR_CLIENT_ID} in the following URL with your actual client ID:{YOUR_CLIENT_ID}&scope=bot.

Step 6: Installing Required Libraries

To interact with the Discord API and create our bot, we need to install the required libraries. Open your Python environment and run the following command:

pip install

3. Making the Discord Bot Intelligent

Now that we have our Discord bot set up, let's focus on making it intelligent. We will be using the Neural Intense library, which allows us to create a generic assistant or chat bot with ease.

Step 1: Installing Required Libraries

To get started, we need to install the necessary libraries. Run the following commands in your Python environment:

pip install neuralintense
pip install python-dotenv

Step 2: Creating the Intents File

In order to make our bot intelligent, we need to provide it with appropriate training data. This is done through an "intents.json" file, which contains Patterns and responses for different intents or categories. Each intent consists of a name, a list of patterns, and a list of responses. You can create this file manually or use a JSON editor.

Step 3: Training and Saving the Model

After creating the intents file, we can now train and save the model. This process is handled by the Neural Intense library. We will load the intents file, train the model, and save it for later use. The trained model will enable our bot to understand user inputs and provide appropriate responses.

Step 4: Running the Discord Bot

With the model trained and saved, we can now run our Discord bot and make it intelligent. We will create a Discord client, load the bot token, and add event handling for incoming messages. Whenever a message is received, we will check if it starts with a specific prefix (e.g., "$AI Bot"). If it does, we will pass the message to our chat bot and send the response back to the user.

4. Interacting with the AI Chat Bot

Once our Discord bot is up and running, users can start interacting with it by sending messages. The bot will analyze the received message, determine the intent, and provide an appropriate response. Users can ask questions, provide greetings, Inquire about the bot's name, age, or even engage in casual conversation.

5. Conclusion

In this article, we have explored the process of building an intelligent AI chat bot for Discord using Python and the Neural Intense library. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create your very own AI-powered bot that can engage users in conversations, answer questions, and provide valuable information. So go ahead, unleash your creativity, and build your own AI-powered chat bot for Discord today!


  • Learn how to build an intelligent AI chat bot for Discord in Python
  • Engage users in conversational interactions
  • Provide useful information, answer questions, and engage in casual conversation
  • Incorporate the Neural Intense library for training and creating the chat bot
  • Enhance the user experience on Discord by adding an AI-powered bot.


Q: How do I create a Discord bot? A: To create a Discord bot, you need to navigate to the Discord Developer Portal, create a new application, enable the bot feature, copy the token, and join the server with the bot.

Q: Which libraries do I need to install for creating a Discord bot? A: You need to install the library to interact with the Discord API and the neuralintense and python-dotenv libraries for making the bot intelligent.

Q: What is an intents file? A: An intents file is a JSON file that contains patterns and responses for different intents or categories. It is used to train the AI chat bot and enable it to understand user inputs.

Q: Can I customize the responses of the chat bot? A: Yes, you can customize the responses of the chat bot by modifying the patterns and adding new intents or categories to the intents file.

Q: How can users interact with the AI chat bot? A: Users can interact with the AI chat bot by sending messages prefixed with a specific keyword (e.g., "$ai bot"). The bot will analyze the message, determine the intent, and provide an appropriate response.

Q: What can the AI chat bot do? A: The AI chat bot can provide information, answer questions, engage in casual conversation, and perform various tasks based on the training data and intents provided in the intents file.

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