Build an AI Chatbot in React Native with OpenAI's GPT-3 API

Build an AI Chatbot in React Native with OpenAI's GPT-3 API

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting Up the Project 2.1 Creating an Expo Project 2.2 Installing Dependencies 2.3 Creating a Separate "src" Folder 2.4 Customizing the Project
  3. Running the Application 3.1 Testing the Code 3.2 Building the Project
  4. Customizing the Title
  5. Obtaining the OpenAI API Key 5.1 Creating an OpenAI Account 5.2 Getting the API Key
  6. Managing State Variables 6.1 Creating the "data" and "setData" Variables 6.2 Creating the "apiKey" and "apiUrl" Variables 6.3 Creating the "textInput" and "setTextInput" Variables
  7. Analyzing the "handleSend" Function 7.1 Creating the "prompt" Variable 7.2 Making a POST Request 7.3 Handling Authentication 7.4 Extracting the Response 7.5 Updating the Application State
  8. Rendering the Chat History 8.1 Using the FlatList Component 8.2 Customizing the Rendering Function 8.3 Applying Styles
  9. Getting User Input 9.1 Using the TextInput Component 9.2 Using the TouchableOpacity Component
  10. testing the Application
  11. Conclusion


Welcome to this Tutorial on how to create an AI Chatbot using GPT-3 and React Native Expo. In this video, we will guide you through the process of setting up the project, running the application, customizing the title, obtaining the OpenAI API key, managing state variables, analyzing the "handleSend" function, rendering the chat history, getting user input, and testing the application. Let's dive in!

📝Setting Up the Project

To begin, we need to set up the project environment. Follow these steps:

⭐️ Creating an Expo Project Start by creating a new Expo project and select the blank template. Name your application and continue to the dependencies downloading process.

⭐️ Installing Dependencies In this project, we will be using the Axios library. Install it by running the necessary command.

⭐️ Creating a Separate "src" Folder Create a separate "src" folder to hold our JavaScript file.

⭐️ Customizing the Project Customize the project accordingly to your preferences.

📝Running the Application

Now that our project is set up, let's run the application and see if everything is working fine.

⭐️ Testing the Code Run the application to see if the code is functioning as expected.

⭐️ Building the Project Once you are satisfied with the code, you can build the project for production.

📝Customizing the Title

Let's customize the title of our chatbot application to make it more personalized.

📝Obtaining the OpenAI API Key

To use GPT-3, we need an OpenAI API key. Follow these steps to obtain the key:

⭐️ Creating an OpenAI Account If you don't have an account yet, create one on the OpenAI website.

⭐️ Getting the API Key Watch the video tutorial to learn how to get your API key from OpenAI.

📝Managing State Variables

Now, let's create and manage the state variables required for our application.

⭐️ Creating the "data" and "setData" Variables Set up the stateful variable "data" and its corresponding function "setData".

⭐️ Creating the "apiKey" and "apiUrl" Variables Create the variables "apiKey" and "apiUrl" to hold the API key and endpoint information.

⭐️ Creating the "textInput" and "setTextInput" Variables Set up the stateful variable "textInput" and its associated function "setTextInput" to handle user input.

📝Analyzing the "handleSend" Function

In this section, we will analyze the "handleSend" function responsible for making API calls and updating the application state.

⭐️ Creating the "Prompt" Variable Define the "prompt" variable to hold the user's input.

⭐️ Making a POST Request Learn how the function makes a POST request to the API endpoint.

⭐️ Handling Authentication Understand how authentication is handled using the API key.

⭐️ Extracting the Response Extract the response data and assign it to the "text" variable.

⭐️ Updating the Application State Update the "data" state variable with the user input and the generated response.

📝Rendering the Chat History

Let's render the chat history using the FlatList component to display the conversation between the user and the chatbot.

⭐️ Using the FlatList Component Learn how to utilize the FlatList component for rendering the chat history.

⭐️ Customizing the Rendering Function Customize the rendering function to display the user and chatbot messages in the desired format.

⭐️ Applying Styles Apply styles to the FlatList and the rendered chat history items to enhance the user interface.

📝Getting User Input

Implement the TextInput component to capture user input and the TouchableOpacity component for the send button.

⭐️ Using the TextInput Component Incorporate the TextInput component to allow users to enter their messages.

⭐️ Using the TouchableOpacity Component Add the TouchableOpacity component to provide a user interface for sending messages.

📝Testing the Application

Run some test scenarios to ensure the application is functioning correctly.


Congratulations on successfully building an AI chatbot using GPT-3 and React Native Expo! Remember to subscribe to our Channel and visit the React Native Expo playlist for more exciting projects. Stay tuned for our next video!

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