Build Your Own Mycroft Voice Assistant with PiCroft

Build Your Own Mycroft Voice Assistant with PiCroft

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Building Your Own Mycroft: The DIY Version
    1. Required Parts
    2. Downloading the Pycroft Image
    3. Setting Up the Pycroft
    4. Pairing and Registering Your Mycroft Device
    5. Basic and Advanced Settings
    6. Exploring Mycroft Skills
      1. Installing Skills
      2. Setting Up Home Assistant Skill
    7. Controlling Devices and Domains
    8. Integrating Mycroft with Home Assistant
  3. Conclusion

Building Your Own Mycroft: The DIY Version

The popularity of virtual voice assistants such as Amazon Echo and Google Home has soared in recent years. However, there is another option in the market that stands out for its open-source nature and customization possibilities - Mycroft. While You can purchase the Mycroft Mark 2 for around $200, building your own DIY version is not only cost-effective but also allows you to tinker with the project as it continues to be developed. This guide will take you through the steps of building your own Mycroft using a Raspberry Pi, known as Pycroft.

Required Parts

To build your own Pycroft, you will need the following parts:

  1. Raspberry Pi 3 B or B+
  2. Power supply
  3. SD card with at least 8 gigabytes of storage
  4. USB microphone
  5. Powered speaker with a 3.5mm connector

While other versions of the Raspberry Pi might not be suitable, the Raspberry Pi 3 B or B+ is the recommended choice due to its capabilities.

Downloading the Pycroft Image

The first step in building your Pycroft is to download the Pycroft image. You can find the image on the official Pycroft Website. Once downloaded, use a tool like Etcher to write the image to the SD card.

Setting Up the Pycroft

Once you have the Pycroft image on your SD card, it's time to start putting the pieces together. Connect your Raspberry Pi to a power supply, and ensure you have a USB microphone and powered speaker connected as well. Additionally, connect an Ethernet cable to your Raspberry Pi for internet access.

You have two options for setting up the Pycroft: connecting a monitor, keyboard, and mouse to your Raspberry Pi, or accessing it remotely using SSH from another computer. If you choose to use SSH, you will need to find the IP address assigned to your Pycroft by your network. This can usually be done through your router settings.

To access your Pycroft via SSH, open a terminal window on your computer and Type ssh pi@[IP Address], replacing [IP Address] with the actual IP address of your Pycroft. The default password for the Pycroft is "Mycroft" (without quotes).

Pairing and Registering Your Mycroft Device

Once your Pycroft is set up and running, it will open the Mycroft command-line client. On its first launch, it will provide you with a pairing code. Go to the Mycroft AI Website, Create an account if you haven't already, and log in. Click on the arrow in the upper right corner, then go to "Devices" and click "Add New Device." Enter the pairing code and give your Mycroft device a name and a location.

After pairing, go back to the Mycroft AI website and navigate to "Settings." Here, you can customize basic and advanced settings such as units of measurement and voice options. You can choose between local voice options for increased privacy or opt for a premium voice option at an additional cost.

Exploring Mycroft Skills

One of the key features of Mycroft is its ability to add and customize skills. While there may not be an extensive range of skills available by default, you can install additional skills to suit your needs. Simply scroll through the list of skills on the Mycroft AI website and install the ones you desire.

To set up specific skills like the Home Assistant skill, you will need to follow additional steps. On the main skills page, find the section for the skill you want to set up and follow the provided instructions. For example, the Home Assistant skill requires the IP address of your Home Assistant machine and a long-lived access token, both of which can be obtained through Home Assistant's settings.

Controlling Devices and Domains

Once you have set up the necessary skills, Mycroft becomes a powerful tool for controlling devices and domains. While some device types may be missing from the list, you can control scenes and perform various actions. Mycroft's flexibility allows you to achieve almost anything you want with the right skills and configurations.

Integrating Mycroft with Home Assistant

If you use Home Assistant as your smart home platform, you can integrate Mycroft as an output for notifications. By adding specific lines to your Home Assistant configuration file, you can link Mycroft to your setup. This allows Mycroft to provide audible notifications via text-to-speech.

To enable text-to-speech input using Mycroft and create an input text box, you will need to add an automation to your Home Assistant configuration. This automation will allow you to type messages that Mycroft will say aloud. By having this integration in place, you can extend Mycroft's capabilities and enhance your smart home experience.


Building your own Mycroft using a Raspberry Pi is a fun and cost-effective way to enjoy the benefits of a virtual voice assistant. While Mycroft may not have the same level of voice quality or fast response times as devices like Amazon Echo or Google Home, it offers a high level of privacy and customization possibilities. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can build your own Pycroft and explore the world of open-source voice assistants. Embrace the DIY spirit and enjoy the endless possibilities with Mycroft.

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