Build Your Own Songwriter with Nano GPT

Build Your Own Songwriter with Nano GPT

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of Nano GPT
  3. Building a Songwriter with Nano GPT
  4. Exploring the Nano GBT Repository
  5. Example 1: Training a GPT Model on Shakespeare Text
  6. Example 2: Reproducing GPT2 Models
  7. Fine-tuning the Shakespeare Writer
  8. Understanding the Files in the Repository
  9. Running the Code
  10. Example 3: Training a Songwriter using an External Dataset
  11. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore Nano GPT, a powerful tool that allows us to build our own songwriter using our own data set. Nano GPT is a repository developed by Andre Caparthy that enables us to build GPT models from scratch with just a few lines of code. We will walk through the steps of using Nano GPT and examine some examples to understand its capabilities better.

Overview of Nano GPT

Nano GPT is a repository created by Andre Caparthy that aims to simplify the process of building and training GPT models. It provides a collection of code and examples that allow developers to create and fine-tune their own models using different data sets. With Nano GPT, you can generate text based on specific Patterns and characteristics that are unique to your datasets.

Building a Songwriter with Nano GPT

One exciting application of Nano GPT is building a songwriter. By utilizing the power of GPT models, you can create a songwriter that generates Lyrics based on your input data set. This opens up a world of possibilities for musicians and creative artists who want to explore new and unique ways of creating music.

Exploring the Nano GBT Repository

Before we dive into the process of building a songwriter, let's take a closer look at the Nano GBT repository. The repository contains several examples and files that are essential for training and generating text using GPT models. It is important to familiarize ourselves with the structure and contents of the repository to make the most out of Nano GPT.

Example 1: Training a GPT Model on Shakespeare Text

To better understand the training process using Nano GPT, let's start with an example of training a GPT model on Shakespeare's text. The first step is to prepare the Shakespeare data by organizing it into a validation and training directory. Next, we train the model using the prepared data, and finally, we can generate text using a simple script.


It is important to note that training GPT models can be computationally expensive, so using a GPU is recommended for better performance. However, we can also use a simpler version of the model on a MacBook or a CPU if a GPU is not available.

Example 2: Reproducing GPT2 Models

Another interesting aspect of Nano GPT is the ability to reproduce GPT2 models. While the training process is similar to the previous example, this time we use a more extensive dataset called "open web text" to train the model. However, training GPT2 models using Nano GPT on a regular laptop could take several days and requires significant computational power.

Fine-tuning the Shakespeare Writer

Nano GPT also provides the option to fine-tune the Shakespeare writer based on a pre-trained GPT2 model. This allows us to customize the generated text to better Align with the style and characteristics of Shakespeare's writing. Fine-tuning gives us more control over the output and enhances the quality of the generated text.

Understanding the Files in the Repository

To fully utilize Nano GPT, it is important to understand the purpose of each file in the repository. There are three essential files:,, and The file is responsible for data preparation, where we download and process the data. The file is used to train the GPT model, and the file generates text samples based on the trained model.

Running the Code

To get started with Nano GPT, we need to clone the repository and install the necessary dependencies. Once the installation is complete, we can explore the examples provided in the repository and run the desired scripts. It is important to follow the instructions in the README file and adjust the parameters according to our requirements.

Example 3: Training a Songwriter using an External Dataset

In this example, we will use an external dataset to train our songwriter. We create a new folder called "lyrics" in the data directory and download the Spotify million sound dataset. After downloading the dataset, we can modify the file to preprocess and organize the data for training and validation. The process is similar to the previous examples but with our custom dataset.


Nano GPT is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of building and training GPT models. It opens up a world of possibilities for various applications, including creating songwriters and generating text based on unique datasets. By following the examples and understanding the structure of the Nano GBT repository, developers can leverage the capabilities of GPT models and unleash their creativity in various domains.


  • Nano GPT allows us to build our own songwriter using our own data set.
  • The repository provides examples and files for training and generating text using GPT models.
  • Training GPT models can be computationally expensive, and using a GPU is recommended for better performance.
  • Fine-tuning the models allows us to customize the generated text based on specific requirements.
  • Understanding the purpose of each file in the repository is crucial for effectively using Nano GPT.
  • By following the provided examples and adjusting the parameters, developers can unleash their creativity and explore new possibilities.


Q: Can I train a GPT model without a GPU?

A: Yes, it is possible to train a GPT model without a GPU, but the process will be slower compared to using a GPU. However, for simpler models or smaller datasets, training on a CPU can still yield Meaningful results.

Q: Can I use Nano GPT for languages other than English?

A: Yes, Nano GPT can be used for languages other than English. As long as you have a suitable dataset and adjust the training parameters accordingly, you can train GPT models for different languages.

Q: Can I fine-tune the model for specific styles of Music?

A: Yes, by fine-tuning the model on a specific dataset containing the desired style of music, you can generate lyrics that align with that particular style. This allows for more customized and genre-specific output.

Q: Is there a limit to the length of the generated text?

A: There is no strict limit to the length of the generated text, but it is recommended to set reasonable constraints to ensure the output remains coherent and meaningful.

Q: Can I use my own dataset for training a GPT model?

A: Yes, Nano GPT allows you to use your own dataset for training. Simply follow the instructions provided in the examples and modify the necessary scripts to prepare and train the model using your dataset.


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