Building an AI Chess Bot: Challenges and Triumphs

Building an AI Chess Bot: Challenges and Triumphs

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Building the Chess Bot
    1. Gathering Tom Scott's Data
    2. Creating the Chess Moves
    3. Implementing the Min-Max Algorithm
    4. Evaluating the Board
  3. Challenges Faced
    1. Slow Processing Speed
    2. Inadequate Endgame Strategy
    3. Limited Opening Moves
  4. Tweaking the Chess Bot
    1. Improving Endgame Performance
    2. Enhancing Opening Moves
  5. Conclusion

Building a Chess Bot: An Experiment in Artificial Intelligence

In a recent video, I embarked on a unique project—to build a chess bot that could play against human opponents. Inspired by YouTuber Tom Scott, I set out to create a bot capable of competing in the Timeless Game of chess. However, what initially seemed like a straightforward endeavor turned out to be a challenging feat in artificial intelligence (AI) and programming.


Chess has long been seen as a test of human intellect and strategic thinking. Over the years, computers have made significant advancements in the game, with IBM's Deep Blue defeating world champion Gary Kasparov in 1997. Today, computer chess engines are capable of calculating millions of moves per Second, making them formidable opponents. However, these engines are not considered True AI since they rely on brute force and pre-programmed strategies.

Building the Chess Bot

1. Gathering Tom Scott's Data

To create my chess bot, I needed a dataset of moves from renowned YouTuber Tom Scott. Using software I developed, I downloaded all of his videos and transcriptions, allowing me to analyze his speech and manipulate it to create unique phrases. I even managed to make him 'sing' iconic songs like "Never Gonna Give You Up." Despite the effort, Tom Scott still hadn't Mentioned my video in his Newsletter, leaving me eager to gain his attention.

2. Creating the Chess Moves

To build a chess bot, we need to understand the underlying strategies and tactics employed by chess computers. While traditional chess engines use a combination of move evaluation and brute force calculations, my goal was to create a bot that discovers its own tactics through empirical analysis. This meant programming the bot to calculate all possible moves based on the current board position, regardless of chess strategy or tactics.

3. Implementing the Min-Max Algorithm

To determine the best move, I utilized the widely-used min-max algorithm. This search algorithm evaluates every possible move down to a predefined depth and assigns a score to each board position. During a computer's turn, it selects the move that maximizes its score, while during the opponent's turn, it selects the move that minimizes the score. The algorithm recursively searches for the best move, switching between the maximizing and minimizing phases. To optimize the decision tree, I employed Alpha-Beta pruning, which eliminates unpromising moves early in the search.

4. Evaluating the Board

The evaluation function played a crucial role in determining the strength of each move. By assigning point values to each piece, I could assess the value of capturing one piece over another. However, I wanted my chess bot to go beyond existing grandmaster games and identify objectively superior moves. To achieve this, I needed to eschew human knowledge and let the bot discover the best moves through a vast number of future calculations.

Challenges Faced

While the implementation of my chess bot showed promising results, I encountered several challenges along the way.

1. Slow Processing Speed

One major obstacle was the slow processing speed of my programming language, Python, which limited the number of moves my bot could evaluate per second. To compensate, I decided to switch to Go, a language renowned for its speed in processing calculations. This change enabled me to evaluate a significantly higher number of moves, but there were still limitations.

2. Inadequate Endgame Strategy

The endgame proved to be a weakness in my chess bot's performance. It struggled to understand the optimal way to capture the king, often delaying the checkmate unnecessarily. This flaw required additional optimization in the search algorithm and evaluation function to address the specific nuances of the endgame.

3. Limited Opening Moves

In the opening phase of the game, my chess bot exhibited suboptimal moves, sometimes engaging in repetitive piece maneuvers that lacked a clear strategic goal. This issue stemmed from the limited lookahead depth, which made it difficult for the bot to predict capture opportunities. To improve the opening, I dedicated significant effort to fine-tune the code and expand the lookahead capabilities.

Tweaking the Chess Bot

Despite the challenges faced, I remained determined to improve the performance and capabilities of my chess bot.

1. Improving Endgame Performance

Recognizing the importance of a strong endgame strategy, I made significant adjustments to the search algorithm. By limiting the depth of search in the endgame and leveraging the evaluation function to prioritize checkmate over delayed captures, I managed to enhance the bot's performance in this critical phase of the game.

2. Enhancing Opening Moves

To rectify the suboptimal opening moves, I focused on refining the evaluation function and incorporating heuristics inspired by human chess strategies. While striving to maintain the bot's ability to discover tactics independently, I introduced additional knowledge gleaned from historical grandmaster games. This injection of chess smarts helped the bot make more informed decisions in the critical opening moves.


Building a chess bot from scratch proved to be a challenging and rewarding endeavor. While my bot may not have achieved the level of AI seen in mainstream chess engines, it offered valuable insights into the complexities of programming and AI in the context of chess. Through the iterative process of implementing, testing, and refining the bot, I gained a deeper understanding of the strategies and tactics involved in the game of chess. Ultimately, my goal is to create a chess bot that can engage in challenging games and provide an enjoyable experience for players of all skill levels.


  • Building a Chess Bot: An Experiment in Artificial Intelligence
  • Utilizing the Min-Max Algorithm to Determine the Best Move
  • Overcoming Challenges: Slow Processing Speed and Inadequate Endgame Strategy
  • Fine-Tuning the Chess Bot: Improving Endgame Performance and Enhancing Opening Moves
  • The Journey of Building a Chess Bot: Lessons Learned and Future Prospects

FAQ: Q: Can the chess bot beat human opponents? A: While the chess bot is capable of challenging human opponents, its performance is still under development. The aim is to create a bot that provides an enjoyable and challenging experience for players of all skill levels.

Q: How does the chess bot evaluate the board and determine the best move? A: The chess bot uses an evaluation function that assigns point values to each piece on the board. By considering the relative values of captured pieces, the bot determines the strength of each move. The search algorithm, known as the min-max algorithm, identifies the move that either maximizes or minimizes the score, depending on whose turn it is.

Q: Can the chess bot learn from its mistakes and improve its gameplay? A: The current implementation of the chess bot does not include a machine learning component. However, future iterations of the bot may incorporate learning algorithms to enhance its gameplay based on previous experiences and game outcomes.

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