Building Recommendation Systems with TensorFlow

Building Recommendation Systems with TensorFlow

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What are Recommendation Systems?
  3. Importance of Recommendation Systems
  4. Technical Aspects of Recommendation Systems
    • Retrieval Stage
    • Ranking Stage
    • Post-Ranking Stage
  5. Challenges in Building Recommendation Systems
    • Large-Scale Models
    • Multiple Objectives
    • Evaluation
    • Deployment
  6. TensorFlow Recommenders
    • TFRS
    • ScaNN
    • TF-Ranking
    • TensorFlow Lite
    • Recommendation Addon SIG Group
  7. Traditional Machine Learning Methods for Recommendation Systems
    • Content-Based Filtering
    • Collaborative Filtering
  8. Conclusion
  9. FAQs

Building Recommendation Systems with TensorFlow

Recommendation systems have become an integral part of our daily lives. From suggesting movies or restaurants to highlighting and recommending videos, these systems help us surface the most Relevant content from a large pool of candidates. In this article, we will explore the technical aspects of recommendation systems and how to build them using TensorFlow.

What are Recommendation Systems?

Recommendation systems, also known as recommenders, are machine learning-based systems that leverage data on past user behaviors to make future recommendations. These systems determine how similar videos and apps are to other things You like and then serve up a recommendation. For example, if you're watching YouTube and have just watched a couple of "TensorFlow Dev Summit" videos, chances are you're going to watch another one instead of a "What's New in Chrome" video.

Importance of Recommendation Systems

Recommendation systems are an important occupation of machine learning, helping users find desirable new content. They drive a huge amount of user engagements, with 40% of app installs on Google Play coming from recommendations and 60% of watch time on YouTube coming from recommendations.

Technical Aspects of Recommendation Systems

Recommendation systems are complex beasts, tricky to train, evaluate, and deploy. They have large-scale models that rely on high-cardinality sparse features, and we have multiple objectives to optimize for.

Retrieval Stage

The retrieval stage takes tens of millions of available videos and quickly narrows them down to 1,000 or so.

Ranking Stage

The ranking stage narrows the list of candidates further down to a couple of hundred.

Post-Ranking Stage

The post-ranking stage can help ensure diversity, freshness, and fairness and reorganize those into a set of valuable recommendations in the order of dozens.

Challenges in Building Recommendation Systems

Building recommendation systems is challenging due to large-scale models, multiple objectives, evaluation, and deployment.

Large-Scale Models

Large-scale models with huge vocabularies cannot be served with a simple Softmax. We have to be able to pick the top videos out of millions in milliseconds.

Multiple Objectives

We have multiple objectives to optimize for, and evaluation can be equally complex. Recommenders are not really Supervised learning, and offline metrics can be highly misleading.


Evaluation is complicated by learning facts and objective trade-offs. A new model may be good initially and get worse over time, as its novelty wears off.


Recommendation systems are tricky to deploy, and all those stages need to work together.

TensorFlow Recommenders

TensorFlow Recommenders is our recommended library for building recommendation systems. It provides a set of components for building, evaluating, and deploying recommender models using TensorFlow.


TFRS is built on top of TensorFlow 2.0 and Keras and covers the entire stack, from retrievals through ranking to post-ranking.


ScaNN is designed to tackle the challenge of finding the nearest data set embeddings from a large pool of embeddings.


TF-Ranking is a scalable deep learning library for learning-to-rank in TensorFlow.

TensorFlow Lite

TensorFlow Lite is our official framework to run TensorFlow models on mobile devices.

Recommendation Addon SIG Group

The Recommendation Addon SIG Group is a community-driven Special Interest Group that focuses on training and deploying large-scale recommendation models.

Traditional Machine Learning Methods for Recommendation Systems

Content-based filtering and collaborative filtering are two traditional machine learning methods for recommendation systems.

Content-Based Filtering

Content-based filtering recommends items similar to those a user has liked in the past.

Collaborative Filtering

Collaborative filtering recommends items based on the preferences of other users who have similar tastes to the user.


Recommendation systems are an important occupation of machine learning, helping users find desirable new content. Building recommendation systems is challenging, but TensorFlow Recommenders provides a set of components for building, evaluating, and deploying recommender models using TensorFlow.


Q: What are recommendation systems? A: Recommendation systems are machine learning-based systems that leverage data on past user behaviors to make future recommendations.

Q: Why are recommendation systems important? A: Recommendation systems help users find desirable new content and drive a huge amount of user engagements.

Q: What are the technical aspects of recommendation systems? A: Recommendation systems have large-scale models that rely on high-cardinality sparse features, and we have multiple objectives to optimize for.

Q: What is TensorFlow Recommenders? A: TensorFlow Recommenders is our recommended library for building recommendation systems.

Q: What are content-based filtering and collaborative filtering? A: Content-based filtering recommends items similar to those a user has liked in the past, while collaborative filtering recommends items based on the preferences of other users who have similar tastes to the user.

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