Building Robust AI Systems: Train but Verify Approach

Building Robust AI Systems: Train but Verify Approach

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction to AI Engineering
  2. The Need for AI Engineering
  3. Understanding Threats to Machine Learning Models
  4. Introducing Train but Verify
  5. The Beeler Taxonomy of Machine Learning Threats 5.1 Learning the Wrong Thing 5.2 Doing the Wrong Thing 5.3 Revealing the Wrong Thing
  6. The Three Pillars of AI Engineering 6.1 Human-Centered Approach 6.2 Scalability 6.3 Robustness and Security
  7. Challenges in AI Engineering
  8. The Train but Verify Project
  9. Quantifying and Verifying Threats
  10. Protecting Against Adversarial Attacks 10.1 Data Poisoning 10.2 Robustness to Adversarial Examples 10.3 Avoiding Information Leakage
  11. The Train but Verify GRID
  12. Defending Sensitive Data
  13. Introducing Globally Robust Neural Networks
  14. The Concept of Global Robustness 14.1 Local Robustness vs Global Robustness
  15. Training Globally Robust Neural Networks
  16. Performance of Globally Robust Neural Networks
  17. Introduction to Juneberry
  18. Reproducible Machine Learning Research with Juneberry 18.1 Building Models in Juneberry 18.2 Training and Evaluating Models 18.3 Experimental Design and Results
  19. Future Development and Research
  20. Acknowledgements

📚 2. The Need for AI Engineering

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving field that has gained significant Momentum in recent years. As AI becomes more integrated into various industries and domains, the need for AI engineering has become increasingly apparent. AI engineering is a multidisciplinary field that combines expertise in software engineering, systems engineering, computer science, and human-centered design to build AI systems that are responsive to human needs and mission outcomes.

The demand for AI engineering arises from the growing complexity and Scale of AI deployments. Research suggests that a staggering 85% of AI deployments fail due to the lack of a defined and repeatable system to ensure goal achievement and avoid failures. AI systems often face threats that can compromise their effectiveness and reliability. These threats can manifest in various forms, including adversarial attacks, data poisoning, and information leakage.

🚨 5. Understanding Threats to Machine Learning Models

To comprehend the importance of AI engineering, it is crucial to understand the threats that machine learning models face. The Beeler taxonomy provides a comprehensive framework for categorizing these threats. Machine learning components can be manipulated by adversaries to learn the wrong thing, do the wrong thing, or reveal the wrong thing.

Learning the wrong thing refers to instances where an adversary manipulates the training process to mislead the model. For example, label poisoning attacks can introduce biased or incorrect labels to training data, leading the model to learn inaccurate Patterns.

Doing the wrong thing involves influencing the model's behavior during deployment. Adversarial attacks, such as using specially designed glasses to fool facial recognition systems, illustrate how models can be manipulated to produce incorrect outputs.

Revealing the wrong thing occurs when adversaries extract sensitive information from trained models. By analyzing the outputs of a model, one can deduce characteristics of the training data, potentially compromising privacy and security.

Understanding these threats is pivotal in developing robust AI engineering practices that mitigate risks and ensure the integrity and effectiveness of AI systems.

⚙️ 8. The Train but Verify Project

The Train but Verify project aims to address the threats faced by machine learning models and develop techniques to ensure the correct behavior of AI systems. The project takes a broad approach and focuses on two primary objectives: training AI systems to enforce learning policies and verifying that AI systems adhere to these policies.

The project recognizes that AI systems must be trained to learn the right thing, incorporating human-centered design principles to Align with user needs and mission outcomes. Furthermore, the project emphasizes the importance of robustness and security to prevent adversaries from exploiting vulnerabilities within AI systems.

The Train but Verify project aligns with high-stakes decision-making scenarios where sensitive data is involved. In such critical environments, it is crucial to develop defense methods that protect against multiple attacks while ensuring that sensitive information is not leaked.

By pushing the boundaries of AI engineering, the Train but Verify project aims to build secure and reliable AI systems that can handle high-stakes situations and safeguard sensitive data.

🔒 12. Defending Sensitive Data

One of the primary challenges faced in AI engineering is defending sensitive data. Organizations dealing with high-stakes systems trained on sensitive data require robust defense methods that preserve data confidentiality while ensuring the correct behavior of AI systems.

Conventional methods for enforcing correct behavior, such as robust models, often inadvertently reveal critical information about the training data. Adversarial attacks can extract characteristics of the training data by analyzing the model's responses. This unintended leakage undermines data security and compromises the secrecy of the data sources and methods.

To overcome this challenge, the Train but Verify project focuses on developing training methods that strike a balance between enforcing learning policies and preventing information leakage. These methods aim to provide high-stakes systems with the ability to make accurate decisions without inadvertently revealing the sensitive data used for training.

Secure AI engineering necessitates a comprehensive approach that defends against various attacks, avoids information leakage, and enables organizations to make high-stakes decisions based on robust and reliable AI systems.

🎯 19. Future Development and Research

The Train but Verify project has made significant progress in quantifying threats, developing defense methods, and releasing valuable tools for AI engineering. However, there is still much work to be done to enhance the effectiveness and security of AI systems.

Future research efforts will focus on further refining training methods that enforce correct behavior while preventing information leakage. Balancing the objectives of robustness and confidentiality will be a key area of exploration. The aim is to develop principled trade-offs that allow high-stakes systems to make accurate and secure decisions without revealing sensitive information.

Additionally, the project will continue to release tools like Juneberry, which facilitate reproducible and rigorous machine learning research. These tools empower researchers to conduct experiments, evaluate models, and generate reliable results, contributing to the advancement of AI engineering practices.

The Train but Verify project is committed to pushing the boundaries of AI engineering, enabling organizations to harness the potential of AI while ensuring security, reliability, and privacy.


  • AI engineering integrates diverse expertise to build responsive AI systems.
  • The Train but Verify project addresses threats to machine learning models.
  • Threats include learning the wrong thing, doing the wrong thing, and revealing the wrong thing.
  • Robust AI engineering requires enforcing learning policies and preventing information leakage.
  • The Train but Verify project focuses on defending sensitive data and developing scalable training methods.
  • Juneberry provides a framework for reproducible machine learning research.
  • Future research will explore principled trade-offs between robustness and confidentiality.
  • The Train but Verify project is committed to advancing AI engineering for secure decision-making.


Q: What is AI engineering? A: AI engineering is a multidisciplinary field that integrates software engineering, systems engineering, computer science, and human-centered design to build AI systems that meet human needs.

Q: What are the threats to machine learning models? A: Machine learning models face threats such as learning the wrong thing, doing the wrong thing, and revealing the wrong thing. These threats can compromise the integrity and security of AI systems.

Q: How does the Train but Verify project aim to address these threats? A: The Train but Verify project focuses on training AI systems to enforce learning policies and verifying their adherence to these policies. It develops defense methods to protect against attacks and prevent information leakage.

Q: What is the significance of Juneberry in AI research? A: Juneberry provides a framework for reproducible machine learning research, improving the reliability and replicability of experiments. It allows researchers to explore different models, train them, and evaluate their performance efficiently.

Q: What is the future direction of the Train but Verify project? A: Future research will refine training methods to strike a balance between robustness and confidentiality. The project aims to develop principled trade-offs and scalable techniques to enhance the security and effectiveness of AI systems.

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