Building Secure & Reliable Systems: Expert Insights with Eleanor Saitta

Building Secure & Reliable Systems: Expert Insights with Eleanor Saitta

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Systems
    • Properties of Systems
    • Performance
    • Efficiency
    • Reliability
    • Observability
    • Security
    • Resilience
  3. Designing Secure Systems
    • Component Principles
      • State and Logic
      • Immutability and Ephemerality
      • Complexity
      • Mitigations
    • Process Principles
      • Declarative Design
      • Automatic Memory Management
      • Parser Generators
      • Strongly Typed Languages
      • State Machines
      • Designing for Failure
      • Centralizing Decision Making
      • Communicating and Coordinating
      • Providing Downtime
      • Applying Hard Caps
    • Product Security
      • Designing Attacker's Motivation
      • Documenting Security and Business Rules
      • Responsibility for User Impact
  4. Tips for Non-Security Teams
    • Windows vs Mac
    • UB Keys
    • Canary Tokens
    • Backup and Data Management
    • Treating Code as an Expense
    • Considering Maintenance Costs
  5. Conclusion

Understanding the Importance of Security and Reliability when Building Systems

When it comes to building systems, it is crucial to prioritize security and reliability. Regardless of the industry or the size of the company, these aspects are essential for ensuring the smooth operation and success of any system. In this article, we will explore the key properties of systems and Delve into the principles and practices of designing secure and reliable systems.

1. Introduction

This introduction sets the stage for the article, emphasizing the significance of security and reliability in system development. It highlights the importance of understanding what a system truly encompasses and its impact on real-world users. The introduction also mentions the different properties of systems that must be considered for their successful functioning.

2. Understanding Systems

In this section, we explore the properties that define systems and their Context-specific nature. We discuss various properties, including performance, efficiency, reliability, observability, security, and resilience. By understanding these properties, developers gain insights into the challenges associated with building systems and the importance of a unified effort in achieving desired outcomes.

2.1 Performance

Performance refers to the speed and efficiency with which a system operates. However, performance cannot be evaluated in isolation; it needs to be assessed within the specific context and requirements of the system. Factors such as budget, efficiency, and performance envelope must be taken into account when determining the necessary performance level.

2.2 Efficiency

Efficiency relates to the ability of a system to accomplish its goals without wasting resources. It is crucial to consider the cost-effectiveness of a system and determine its efficiency requirements Based on the specific use case. By understanding efficiency needs, developers can optimize system performance while minimizing resource consumption.

2.3 Reliability

Reliability entails the consistency and correctness of a system's outcomes. A reliable system ensures that it consistently performs the intended actions and delivers the expected results. Achieving reliability requires deep understanding and careful consideration of potential failure modes, as well as implementing measures to mitigate them.

2.4 Observability

Observability refers to the ability to monitor and understand a system's behavior and performance. It involves the implementation of effective logging, monitoring, and analysis tools to gain insights into system operations. Observability is crucial for detecting and identifying issues, optimizing performance, and ensuring the system's correct behavior.

2.5 Security

Security is a fundamental property that ensures the system's protection against unauthorized access, data breaches, and other potential vulnerabilities. A secure system not only prevents unwanted access but also maintains the correct behavior even in the face of external attacks. Consideration of security principles is vital for protecting sensitive data and building user trust.

2.6 Resilience

Resilience reflects a system's ability to handle unexpected failures and Continue operating as intended. A resilient system can withstand unforeseen challenges, such as scaling events or security incidents, and recover effectively. Resilience and security go hand in hand, as security incidents often result from unexpected failures outside the system's expected performance envelope.

3. Designing Secure Systems

Building secure systems requires adherence to specific design principles. In this section, we explore these principles and their significance in system design. By incorporating them into the development process, developers can mitigate potential security vulnerabilities and ensure a more robust system.

3.1 Component Principles

3.1.1 State and Logic

To simplify system complexity and improve predictability, components should focus on either computation or holding state, but not both. By separating the roles of state and logic, developers can build more reliable and understandable systems. Eliminating unnecessary complexities reduces the likelihood of security vulnerabilities while enhancing system predictability.

3.1.2 Immutability and Ephemerality

Designing systems with immutability and ephemerality in mind increases security and simplifies maintenance. By minimizing Mutable states and favoring ephemeral components, developers can reduce the potential for unauthorized modifications and easily reset systems to a known good state.

3.1.3 Complexity

Complexity is a major contributor to security vulnerabilities. As system complexity increases, so does the likelihood of potential vulnerabilities. Minimizing complexity through careful design choices and architectural decisions helps mitigate security risks and ensures a more manageable system.

3.1.4 Mitigations

Mitigations are crucial for strengthening system security. By raising the bar for attackers, developers can deter potential threats and enhance system resilience. While mitigations alone may not prevent all attacks, they play a vital role in creating more secure systems.

3.2 Process Principles

3.2.1 Declarative Design

Declarative design, where systems are defined by specifications instead of procedures, improves system understandability and reduces bugs. By transitioning towards declarative design tools, developers can more effectively write specifications that automatically generate correct code, reducing human error and enhancing system reliability.

3.2.2 Automatic Memory Management

Using managed memory languages like C++ instead of low-level languages reduces the risk of memory-related vulnerabilities. Automatic memory management eliminates manual memory handling, ensuring cleaner, safer code that is less prone to memory-related exploits.

3.2.3 Parser Generators

Parser generators reduce the likelihood of vulnerabilities caused by parser errors. With a parse specification, developers can generate secure and correct parsers, minimizing the complexity and potential vulnerabilities associated with manual parsing implementations.

3.2.4 Strongly Typed Languages

Opting for strongly typed languages helps enforce type safety and reduce runtime errors. By eliminating type-related vulnerabilities, developers can ensure more robust and secure systems.

3.2.5 State Machines

Implementing state machines helps ensure predictable system behavior. State machines allow better understanding and control of system states, reducing the risk of unexpected behaviors and vulnerabilities.

3.2.6 Designing for Failure

By anticipating and designing for failure, developers can Create more resilient and secure systems. Having processes and architectural structures in place to handle unexpected scenarios, such as scaling events or security incidents, enables effective incident response and reduces the impact of failures.

3.2.7 Centralizing Decision Making

Empowering teams with decision-making authority enables quicker response and more effective incident management. By decentralizing decision-making processes and ensuring clear lines for decision-making, teams can promptly address issues and make informed choices in critical situations.

3.2.8 Communicating and Coordinating

Open communication and coordination among teams improve incident response and collaboration. Encouraging thick horizontal relationships and providing downtime for teams to Interact and build working relationships enhances overall system resilience and incident management.

3.2.9 Providing Downtime

Ensuring teams have downtime helps maintain their efficiency and prevents burnout. By allowing time for rest and relaxation, developers can approach their work with renewed energy, leading to better system design, improved collaboration, and enhanced security.

3.2.10 Applying Hard Caps

Applying hard caps to feature velocity allows teams to prioritize maintenance work and technical investigations. By restricting feature development to a sustainable pace, teams can focus on maintaining security, improving system design, and avoiding technical debt.

3.3 Product Security

In this subtopic, we explore how product design decisions Shape security outcomes. Understanding the impact of product features, documenting security and business rules, and taking responsibility for user impact are key considerations for building secure products.

3.3.1 Designing Attacker's Motivation

Product design decisions impact an attacker's motivation. Considering the potential consequences of product features and avoiding inadvertently incentivizing malicious activities or fraud is essential. Understanding the implications of the business model and aligning it with security goals are crucial for building secure systems.

3.3.2 Documenting Security and Business Rules

Documenting security and business rules clarifies the expected behavior of a system and helps avoid security vulnerabilities. By explicitly defining rules and understanding their impact on system behavior, developers can ensure consistent and secure system operations.

3.3.3 Responsibility for User Impact

Designers and developers bear responsibility for the impact their systems have on users' lives. Considering the potential risks associated with system usage and prioritizing user security and privacy is necessary for building ethical and reliable systems.

4. Tips for Non-Security Teams

This section provides practical tips for non-security teams to improve their system security. It covers best practices such as using Macs over Windows, incorporating UB Keys for enhanced security, utilizing canary tokens for attack detection, implementing robust backup and data management practices, treating code as an expense rather than an asset, and considering maintenance costs while adopting new tools and services.

5. Conclusion

In this comprehensive article, we have explored the fundamental importance of security and reliability when building systems. We have discussed the key properties of systems and delved into design principles and practices for creating secure and robust systems. Additionally, we have provided practical tips for developers and non-security teams to enhance their system security. By prioritizing security and adopting the principles outlined in this article, developers can build systems that meet the highest standards of reliability and protect user data and privacy.


  • Designing secure and reliable systems is crucial for the success of any software project.
  • Understanding the properties of systems, such as performance, efficiency, reliability, observability, security, and resilience, is essential.
  • Component principles, including state and logic separation, immutability, simplicity, and mitigation, help build secure and manageable systems.
  • Process principles, such as declarative design, automatic memory management, parser generators, strongly typed languages, and designing for failure, enhance system reliability and security.
  • Product security should consider the impact on attackers' motivation, document security and business rules, and prioritize user security and privacy.
  • Non-security teams can improve system security by making informed choices regarding hardware, utilizing security tokens, implementing attack detection measures, ensuring proper backup and data management, and considering maintenance costs.


  1. What are the key properties of systems?

    • The key properties of systems include performance, efficiency, reliability, observability, security, and resilience.
  2. How can design principles enhance system security?

    • Design principles such as state and logic separation, immutability, simplicity, and mitigation help build secure and manageable systems. By adhering to these principles, developers can mitigate potential security vulnerabilities and ensure a more robust system.
  3. What should be considered for product security?

    • Product security should consider the impact on attackers' motivation, document security and business rules, and prioritize user security and privacy. By aligning product design decisions with security goals, developers can build secure systems.
  4. How can non-security teams contribute to system security?

    • Non-security teams can enhance system security by considering hardware choices, utilizing security tokens, implementing attack detection measures, ensuring proper backup and data management, and considering maintenance costs when adopting new tools and services.

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