Building Websites with AI & ChatGPT: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Building Websites with AI & ChatGPT: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Building Automated Affiliate Websites
    1. Website 1: AmazingMB
    2. Website 2: Voyage Voices
  3. Website Analytics and Ranking
    1. Ahrefs Account
    2. Google Search Console
  4. Monetization with AdSense
  5. Setting Up a New Website with aiwisemine
    1. Purchasing a Domain
    2. Installing WordPress
    3. Setting Up Default Pages
    4. Installing and Customizing a Theme
    5. Adding Content with aiwisemine
    6. Submitting to Google Search Console
  6. Conclusion

👉 Building Automated Affiliate Websites

In this video, I will showcase a couple of my previous websites that I've built using an automated tool for affiliate websites and creating informational posts. These websites have been running on their own and have been generating traffic. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

🌍 Website 1: AmazingMB

One of my websites is called AmazingMB, which stands for Myrtle Beach. This website focuses on providing local news, answering questions, and promoting beach-related products through affiliate links from Amazon. I created categories for local news, questions, and a beach shop to make navigation easier for visitors. You can check out the website at

🌊 Website 2: Voyage Voices

Voyage Voices is a website dedicated to all things related to cruises. This website is relatively new, being just over a month old, but it has been performing exceptionally well. It offers valuable insights and information about taking cruises of various types. Although it is still in the early stages of building authority and backlinking, it already has 261 keywords being picked up by Ahrefs. You can find the website at

📊 Website Analytics and Ranking

Let's dive into the analytics and ranking of these websites to see how well they have been performing.

📈 Ahrefs Account

Using Ahrefs, I can track the progress of my websites in terms of keyword ranking and search volume. AmazingMB already has 70 keywords being picked up by Ahrefs, with some of them ranking on the first page of search results. Voyage Voices, despite being more competitive, has 261 keywords and is ranking on the Second and third pages. Continuous work on backlinking and building authority will help improve the rankings of these keywords.

🎯 Google Search Console

To ensure faster indexing and visibility in search results, I submitted both AmazingMB and Voyage Voices to the Google Search Console. Since their inception, AmazingMB has already received 83 clicks and 91 indexed pages, while Voyage Voices has received 354 total clicks and has 350 indexed pages. These numbers indicate a positive start, considering the short time since their websites were first indexed.

💰 Monetization with AdSense

Both AmazingMB and Voyage Voices have been approved for Google AdSense, allowing me to earn revenue through advertisements displayed on the websites. AdSense ads have been strategically placed throughout the websites to maximize the chances of generating income. So far, I have made sales from Amazon through these websites, accumulating over $18 in AdSense commissions. Monetizing websites with AdSense provides a passive income stream that can grow as the websites gain more traffic.

💡 Setting Up a New Website with aiwisemine

Now, let's delve into how I create and set up websites using the powerful tool called aiwisemine. This tool simplifies the process and saves me a significant amount of time. Let's walk through the steps I took to build a brand new website from scratch.

🌐 Purchasing a Domain

I started by using chat GPT to generate a list of available .com domains related to heaters. By pasting this list into Namecheap's bulk domain search, I found an available domain that suited my purpose: After purchasing the domain, I redirected the name servers to my preferred web hosting provider, Hostinger.

🖥️ Installing WordPress

Next, I used Hostinger's auto installer to easily set up WordPress on my new domain. With just a few clicks and filling out the necessary details, WordPress was successfully installed. I accessed the WordPress dashboard and prepared to configure the website further.

🎨 Setting Up Default Pages and Customizing the Theme

To streamline the initial setup process, I utilized aiwisemine's site wizard feature. It automatically created essential pages, such as the About Us, Contact Us, Disclosure, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Use pages. These pages were pre-filled with Relevant content based on the information I provided during setup.

After the default pages were in place, I installed and activated a theme called Niche Blog. This theme was suitable for my website's niche and aesthetic preferences. Additionally, I added a logo created using Canva to give the website a professional touch. Publishing the changes made the site visually appealing and ready for content creation.

📝 Adding Content with aiwisemine

With the foundation set up, I used the power of aiwisemine to generate informative posts about heaters. Aiwise mine enables me to create different types of campaigns, such as informational posts and product reviews. For this website, I focused on informational posts by utilizing a list of 200 unique questions people ask about heaters, generated by chat GPT.

Aiwisemine automatically generates content based on these questions, ensuring that each article is useful and informative. The tool includes features such as video embedding, related YouTube videos, and a table of contents to enhance the reader's experience. Additionally, I utilized the Scheduling feature to ensure a consistent flow of new content on the website.

🏁 Conclusion

Building automated affiliate websites using tools like aiwisemine and optimizing them for monetization through AdSense is a proven method for generating passive income. By leveraging the power of AI, we can create content-rich websites that provide value to visitors and attract organic traffic. The journey to success requires ongoing efforts in backlinking, building authority, and continuous content updates. With dedication and strategic implementation, anyone can start their own successful automated affiliate websites and explore the opportunities they bring.


  • Building successful automated affiliate websites using aiwisemine
  • Monetizing websites with Google AdSense for passive income
  • Utilizing Ahrefs and Google Search Console for analytics and ranking
  • The importance of selecting a suitable domain and hosting provider
  • Creating a professional website with WordPress and customization options
  • Generating informative content using chat GPT and aiwisemine
  • Setting up a consistent content publishing schedule
  • The ongoing effort required for backlinking, building authority, and website growth
  • Opportunities and potential earnings from automated affiliate websites


Q: How long does it take for the websites to start generating traffic? A: The time it takes for websites to gain traffic can vary. Some websites have seen traffic within the first week, while others may take longer. Consistently adding valuable content, optimizing keywords, and building backlinks are crucial for attracting organic traffic.

Q: Can I customize the content generated by aiwisemine? A: Yes, you have complete control over the content generated by aiwisemine. You can edit the posts, add your own images, and make any necessary changes to optimize the content for your target audience.

Q: Are there any specific niches that work best for automated affiliate websites? A: Automated affiliate websites can be successful in various niches. It's important to choose a niche that has sufficient search volume and a good monetization potential. Conducting thorough market research and selecting a niche that aligns with your interests and expertise will increase your chances of success.


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