Can AI Truly Steal Your Design Style? Let's Examine with Mid Journey

Can AI Truly Steal Your Design Style? Let's Examine with Mid Journey

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Attempt One: Describing the Design
  3. Attempt Two: Using the Describe Prompt
  4. Attempt Three: Using the Style Tuner
  5. Conclusion
  6. Pros and Cons of Using AI to Steal Design Style
  7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can AI Steal My Design Style? A Mid Journey Experiment


In this article, I will explore the possibility of using AI to steal a design style. Specifically, I will be using Mid Journey, an AI platform, to see if it can replicate or come close to copying my unique design style. As a designer myself, I have a specific style that I would like to protect from copycats and other artists using AI. By testing Mid Journey's different prompts and features, we can determine if AI has the capability to accurately mimic or steal a design style.

Attempt One: Describing the Design

To begin my experiment, I will start with the most basic prompt available on Mid Journey - describing the design. I will provide a detailed description of my design, which features a cute Corgi eating ramen. This design has become popular, and I want to see if Mid Journey can replicate it with just a textual description.

Upon entering the prompt and waiting for Mid Journey to generate the design, I am pleasantly surprised by the result. While not an exact replica, the AI-generated design is remarkably close to my style. The Corgi is accurately depicted, and the black outlines are captured well. I could further refine the prompt to include additional details, such as closed eyes and the positioning of the Corgi's right HAND holding chopsticks.

Attempt Two: Using the Describe Prompt

For the Second attempt, I will utilize the describe prompt feature of Mid Journey. With this feature, I can upload an image of my original design and let the AI generate different prompts based on it. This approach allows the AI to directly analyze the visual aspects of my design and potentially produce an even closer imitation.

After submitting my design image and receiving the prompts, I examine each option generated by Mid Journey. Although some of them are clever and visually appealing, none of them exactly match my style. While the AI's artwork is impressive, it fails to replicate the distinctive features of my design. This outcome suggests that AI still struggles with accurately stealing a design style solely through visual analysis.

Attempt Three: Using the Style Tuner

In my final attempt to explore AI's ability to steal design styles, I will employ the style tuner feature of Mid Journey. This feature allows for more fine-tuning and customization to match a specific style. By selecting different style directions, I can guide the AI towards replicating my design style more precisely.

Following the process, I input my desired style prompt and adjust the style tuner settings. Mid Journey generates a GRID of different styles, and I have to compare and select the ones closest to my style. While some styles come close, none of them perfectly mimic my unique design style. The AI-produced designs show competent craftsmanship and artistic Flair, but they still fall short of replicating my specific style.


In conclusion, AI, specifically Mid Journey, shows promise in replicating design styles to some extent. It can generate impressive artwork and designs, but it struggles to fully steal or replicate a designer's unique style. While the AI-generated designs may come close, they often lack the distinctive elements and intricacies that make a style truly original. Designers need not be overly concerned about AI's ability to steal their styles at Present. However, as AI technology continues to improve, it is crucial for artists to remain vigilant in protecting their unique creative expressions.

Pros and Cons of Using AI to Steal Design Style


  • AI can produce impressive and visually appealing designs.
  • AI-generated designs can be a source of inspiration for artists.
  • AI can save time and effort by generating multiple design options.
  • AI can assist in the creative process by providing new perspectives and ideas.


  • AI may struggle to replicate a designer's unique style, lacking the intricacies and personal touch.
  • AI-generated designs may lack Originality and fail to capture the essence of the artist's vision.
  • There is a risk of design plagiarism and copyright infringement when using AI-generated designs.
  • Overreliance on AI can lead to a decline in innovation and creativity.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can AI perfectly replicate a design style? A: While AI can produce impressive designs and come close to replicating a style, it often lacks the intricacies and unique elements that make a style truly original.

Q: Is using AI to copy design styles ethical? A: Using AI to copy design styles raises ethical concerns, as it can lead to plagiarism and copyright infringement. It is essential to respect and protect the intellectual property of artists.

Q: Can AI-generated designs be used commercially? A: The commercial use of AI-generated designs raises legal and ethical considerations. Proper attribution and understanding of copyright laws are crucial to ensure ethical use.

Q: How can designers protect their unique styles from AI copycats? A: Designers can protect their unique styles by watermarking their artwork, monitoring for plagiarism, and regularly promoting and showcasing their original designs.



  • AI's ability to replicate a design style is limited and often falls short of the original.
  • Mid Journey provides various prompts and features to mimic design styles but struggles to achieve exact replicas.
  • Copying design styles using AI raises ethical concerns and risks intellectual property infringement.
  • Designers should remain vigilant in protecting their unique creative expressions.
  • AI-generated designs can serve as inspiration and aid in the creative process, but reliance on AI should not replace innovative thinking.

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