Chasing Silicon: Unveiling the Race for GPUs

Chasing Silicon: Unveiling the Race for GPUs

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Challenge of Accessing Compute Capacity for AI
  3. Shop Around for the Right Compute Process
  4. The Importance of Understanding Hardware
  5. The Emerging Ecosystem of Hardware and Software
  6. The Constant Need for Faster and Resilient Hardware
  7. AI Hardware Mini-Series: Part 1 Recap
  8. The Delta Between Supply and Demand for AI Hardware
  9. Why We Can't Just Print Our Way Out of a Shortage
  10. Getting Access to AI Hardware Inventory
  11. Renting vs Owning AI Hardware
  12. The Role of Moats in AI Hardware
  13. The Impact of Open Source on AI Hardware
  14. The Cost Breakdown of AI Hardware
  15. Conclusion


The exponential growth of AI presents companies with the challenge of finding the compute capacity to run their applications effectively. Access to the right compute is essential for AI companies to Scale their production and meet the growing demand in the market. In this article, we will explore the complexities of accessing AI hardware and how founders can navigate the supply and demand dynamics. From understanding hardware options to considering renting or owning, we will dive into the strategies and considerations for AI companies to obtain the compute resources they need.

The Challenge of Accessing Compute Capacity for AI

The rapid growth of AI has created a significant demand for compute capacity. Reputable sources indicate that the demand for AI hardware currently outstrips supply by a factor of 10. This shortage poses a real challenge for AI companies, as accessing the required compute capacity becomes increasingly difficult. Chip manufacturing and building the actual cards are two key bottlenecks in the supply chain. Even industry giants like Intel and Nvidia face obstacles in scaling their production. 🧩

Shop Around for the Right Compute Process

To overcome the challenge of limited compute capacity, founders are advised to shop around for different compute processes. While certain processes may lack the capacity you need, others may provide the necessary resources. It is essential to select the right compute process that suits your company's requirements. This may involve looking beyond traditional cloud service providers and exploring specialized AI infrastructure providers that cater specifically to startups. Comparing prices and evaluating different offers is crucial in finding the best fit for your AI company. 💡

The Importance of Understanding Hardware

Founders need to have a solid understanding of hardware to navigate the AI landscape effectively. While software has gained prominence, hardware is following suit, becoming equally crucial in unlocking the full potential of AI. Knowledge of hardware capabilities and limitations helps founders make informed decisions when it comes to selecting the right equipment and infrastructure for their AI applications. Understanding the scale at which certain hardware options make sense is vital for optimizing AI operations. 🔍

The Emerging Ecosystem of Hardware and Software

AI's exponential growth has given rise to a new ecosystem that intertwines hardware and software. As AI becomes more prevalent, the need for faster and more resilient hardware increases. This shift in demand has led to the emergence of specialized hardware architectures, such as GPUs and TPUs, designed specifically for AI workloads. Founders must familiarize themselves with these architectures, their functionalities, and the companies driving their development. Staying informed about the latest advancements in AI hardware is key to making strategic decisions for your AI company. 🏭

The Constant Need for Faster and Resilient Hardware

AI's full potential can only be unlocked with faster and more resilient hardware. The constant generation of data necessitates hardware that can keep up with the demands of AI applications. The need for speed and reliability drives the innovation of hardware architectures, pushing the boundaries of performance and efficiency. As AI workloads continue to evolve and grow in complexity, the demand for advanced hardware solutions will persist. Founders must stay up-to-date with the latest hardware developments to ensure their AI companies can scale effectively.

AI Hardware Mini-Series: Part 1 Recap

In part one of our AI Hardware mini-series, we explored the emerging architecture powering AI, from GPU to TPU. We delved into how these architectures work, who is developing them, and the potential future of Moore's Law. Understanding the fundamentals of AI hardware is crucial for founders to make informed decisions regarding their compute needs. If you missed part one, we highly recommend checking it out for a comprehensive overview of AI hardware. 📚

The Delta Between Supply and Demand for AI Hardware

The delta between supply and demand for AI hardware is a pressing issue for AI companies. While the demand for AI hardware continues to soar, manufacturers are struggling to meet the needs of the market. Building new fabrication plants (Fabs) to increase capacity is a time-consuming and capital-intensive process. The shortage of AI chips and servers poses a significant challenge for founders trying to access the compute capacity required to run their applications. Understanding the factors contributing to this supply-demand gap is essential in finding viable solutions. 🔀

Why We Can't Just Print Our Way Out of a Shortage

Addressing the shortage of AI hardware is not as simple as printing more chips. Scaling production requires significant investments and time. Most companies rely on foundries like Taiwan Semiconductor (TSMC) for chip manufacturing, and these foundries often have capacity constraints. Building new fabs is a lengthy and expensive process, making it challenging to react quickly to the growing demand for AI hardware. While some countries are making substantial investments in new semiconductor production plants, scaling up production will take time.

Getting Access to AI Hardware Inventory

AI companies face the challenge of getting access to AI hardware inventory to meet their compute needs. Capacity is expensive and often scarce. Companies have to negotiate with cloud service providers and make commitments to secure the necessary chips or servers. Reservation agreements may require signing exclusivity agreements or making long-term commitments. Partnerships and investment deals with cloud providers have become common, as they can offer access to AI hardware inventory. Securing the right compute resources tailored to your company's needs is crucial in overcoming the scarcity of AI hardware. ⚙️

Renting vs Owning AI Hardware

Founders must weigh the pros and cons of renting vs owning AI hardware. Renting capacity from cloud service providers may be a more cost-effective and flexible option for startups, especially in the early stages. However, there are circumstances where owning your hardware makes sense. Specialized needs or sensitive data may require running your own data center or having dedicated infrastructure. Running your own data center comes with its own costs and operational challenges, making it a decision that requires careful consideration. 🏢

The Role of Moats in AI Hardware

In the competitive landscape of AI hardware, developing moats can play a significant role in differentiating companies. While compute capacity may be limited, having access to differentiated data can be a valuable moat. The ability to fine-tune models with private data sets can provide a competitive edge. However, it is important to note that large-scale open source models are currently not available, limiting the options for fine-tuning. As the field evolves, companies must explore strategies to establish and maintain their moats. 🛡️

The Impact of Open Source on AI Hardware

Open source projects have started to impact the world of AI hardware. While large-scale open source language models are yet to be available, smaller open source models are gaining traction. Researchers and developers can fine-tune these models for specific applications and tasks. Open source models like Llama and Falcon provide alternatives to closed models, enabling innovation and customization. However, closed models still dominate the landscape due to their enormous parameter counts and expertise concentration. The interplay between open source and closed models will Shape the future of AI hardware. 🔄

The Cost Breakdown of AI Hardware

Part three of our AI Hardware mini-series will delve into the cost breakdown of AI hardware. We will explore the expenses incurred in training models, conducting inference, and the overall cost of AI compute. Understanding the costs involved is essential for startups to plan their budgets and make informed decisions. From training to inference, we will analyze the financial aspects of AI hardware and provide insights into the sustainability of current cost structures. Stay tuned for the final installment of our mini-series. 💰


In conclusion, accessing the compute capacity required for AI applications presents a real challenge for companies. The exponential growth of AI has created a shortage of AI hardware, leading to a gap between supply and demand. Founders must navigate this landscape by shopping around for the right compute processes and considering factors such as hardware understanding, renting vs owning, and the impact of moats and open source. The constantly evolving ecosystem of hardware and software offers opportunities for AI companies to innovate and scale. By understanding the complexities and cost breakdowns of AI hardware, founders can make strategic decisions to set their companies up for success. 🚀


  • The exponential growth of AI presents challenges in accessing compute capacity.
  • Companies need to shop around for the right compute process to meet their needs.
  • Founders must understand the hardware landscape to make informed decisions.
  • The emerging ecosystem of hardware and software is crucial for AI companies.
  • Faster and more resilient hardware is necessary for unlocking AI's full potential.
  • Access to AI hardware inventory is a challenge due to scarcity and high costs.
  • Renting vs owning AI hardware depends on specific needs and scale.
  • Differentiation through moats and the impact of open source are important considerations.
  • Understanding the cost breakdown of AI hardware is crucial for budget planning.
  • The AI hardware landscape offers opportunities for innovation and growth.


Q: How can AI companies access the compute capacity they need? A: AI companies can access compute capacity by shopping around for different providers and negotiating capacity reservations or investment deals with cloud service providers.

Q: Should AI companies consider renting or owning their hardware? A: Renting hardware from cloud service providers may be more cost-effective and flexible for startups. However, owning hardware may be necessary for specialized needs or sensitive data requirements.

Q: What role does open source play in AI hardware? A: Open source projects provide alternatives to closed models, enabling fine-tuning and customization. While large-scale open source models are currently limited, smaller open source models are gaining traction.

Q: What are the factors to consider in the cost breakdown of AI hardware? A: The cost breakdown involves expenses related to training models, conducting inference, and overall AI compute. Understanding these costs helps startups plan their budgets and make informed decisions.

Q: How can AI companies differentiate themselves in the competitive landscape? A: Access to differentiated data can be a valuable moat for AI companies. Fine-tuning models with private data sets provides a competitive edge. However, large-scale open source models are currently not available, limiting fine-tuning options.

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