Choosing the Perfect AI Foundation Model: A Step-by-Step Guide

Choosing the Perfect AI Foundation Model: A Step-by-Step Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Complexity of Choosing a Foundation Model for Generative AI
  3. Stage 1: Articulating Your Use Case
  4. Stage 2: Listing Model Options
  5. Stage 3: Evaluating Model Size, Performance, and Risks
  6. Stage 4: testing Options Based on Use Case and Deployment Needs
  7. Stage 5: Choosing the Option with the Most Value
  8. Putting the Framework to the Test: A Use Case for Text Generation
  9. Evaluating Foundation Models: Llama 2 and Granite
  10. Factors to Consider in Model Performance Evaluation
  11. Balancing Speed and Accuracy in Model Selection
  12. Additional Benefits and Considerations
  13. Deployment Options: Public Cloud vs. On-Premise
  14. The Multi-Model Approach: Matching Models to Use Cases
  15. Conclusion

The Complexity of Choosing a Foundation Model for Generative AI

Choosing the right foundation model for a generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) use case can be a complex and challenging decision. With numerous models available, each trained on different data and having varying parameter counts, selecting the wrong model can lead to unwanted biases or incorrect outputs. While it may seem logical to opt for the largest model available, there are other considerations, such as compute costs, complexity, and variability. In this article, we Present a six-stage framework to help you navigate the process of selecting the most suitable model for your specific use case.

Stage 1: Articulating Your Use Case

The first stage of the framework involves clearly articulating your use case for generative AI. This includes identifying the specific task or application you intend to use the AI model for. For example, if your use case involves text generation, you may need the AI to write personalized emails for a marketing campaign. By defining your use case, you can better evaluate the available options and determine the model that best aligns with your requirements.

Stage 2: Listing Model Options

Once you have defined your use case, the next step is to list the model options available to you. This may include existing foundation models that are already deployed and accessible within your organization. By compiling a shortlist of models, you can compare their features, sizes, performance costs, risks, and deployment methods to assess their suitability for your specific use case.

Stage 3: Evaluating Model Size, Performance, and Risks

After identifying the model options, it is crucial to evaluate their size, performance, and associated risks. The model card, an important resource, can provide insights into whether a model has been specifically trained on data Relevant to your use case. Pre-trained foundation models fine-tuned for specific tasks may offer better performance when processing prompts related to your use case. Evaluating factors such as accuracy, reliability, consistency, explainability, trustworthiness, and speed will help you determine which model aligns best with your objectives.

Stage 4: Testing Options Based on Use Case and Deployment Needs

To further refine your selection, the framework suggests running tests based on your previously identified use case and deployment needs. By testing the shortlisted models with relevant prompts and assessing their performance and quality of output using suitable metrics, you can gain valuable insights into their effectiveness. This stage allows you to validate whether a model delivers the desired output and assess its compatibility with your use case.

Stage 5: Choosing the Option with the Most Value

Based on the results of the tests conducted in the previous stage, you can now choose the option that provides the most value for your use case. Consider factors such as performance, accuracy, speed, cost, latency, transparency, and model inputs and outputs. While a larger, more expensive model may offer superior performance, a smaller model with minor accuracy differences may still be preferable if it meets your requirements and offers additional benefits.

Putting the Framework to the Test: A Use Case for Text Generation

To illustrate the framework in action, let's consider a specific use case for text generation. Suppose you need an AI model to write personalized emails for a marketing campaign. Within your organization, you have access to two foundation models: Llama 2, a large model with 70 billion parameters designed for text generation, and Granite, a smaller general-purpose model with a 13 billion parameter variant known for its text generation capabilities.

Evaluating Foundation Models: Llama 2 and Granite

To evaluate the suitability of Llama 2 and Granite for your use case, consider factors such as model size, performance, and risks. The model card can provide valuable information regarding their training data and performance on similar use cases. Assessing accuracy, reliability, and speed will help you determine which model aligns best with your text generation requirements. Additionally, consider deployment options, such as inference on a public cloud or on-premise deployment, and evaluate the associated benefits and costs.

Factors to Consider in Model Performance Evaluation

When evaluating model performance, three key factors come into play: accuracy, reliability, and speed. Accuracy refers to how closely the generated output aligns with the desired output and can be measured using relevant evaluation metrics, such as the Bilingual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU) benchmark for text translation. Reliability encompasses consistency, explainability, trustworthiness, and the model's ability to avoid toxicity. The speed at which the model responds to prompts is also crucial, although it often involves a trade-off with accuracy.

Balancing Speed and Accuracy in Model Selection

Selecting the appropriate model involves finding a balance between speed and accuracy. Larger models may offer slower response times but potentially deliver more accurate results, while smaller models can be faster but may exhibit slight differences in accuracy compared to their larger counterparts. Assessing the specific requirements of your use case and weighing the trade-offs between speed, accuracy, and cost will help you determine the optimal model choice.

Additional Benefits and Considerations

Apart from performance and accuracy, additional benefits must be considered before making a final decision. Lower latency, enhanced transparency into model inputs and outputs, and other value-added features may influence the model selection process. Carefully assess these benefits and evaluate their impact on your specific use case to make an informed decision.

Deployment Options: Public Cloud vs. On-Premise

When deciding on a deployment option, factors such as control, security, and cost come into play. In our example, Llama 2 can be deployed on a public cloud, while an on-premise deployment offers greater control and security benefits but entails higher expenses due to model size and compute power requirements. Evaluate the available options based on your organization's preferences and budget constraints to make the most suitable choice.

The Multi-Model Approach: Matching Models to Use Cases

Organizations often have multiple use cases for generative AI, and each use case may be better suited to a different foundation model. Adopting a multi-model approach involves pairing the most suitable models with their corresponding use cases. By applying the model selection framework to each use case individually, organizations can optimize their AI solutions and achieve the best outcomes across a range of applications.


Choosing the right foundation model for generative AI involves a systematic evaluation of use cases, model options, size, performance, risks, and deployment considerations. By following the six-stage framework discussed in this article, organizations can enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of their AI initiatives. Remember to continually iterate and refine your model selection process as new models and use cases emerge to stay at the forefront of cutting-edge AI technology.


  • Choosing the most suitable foundation model for generative AI can be complex and challenging.
  • The selection process involves evaluating factors such as model size, performance, accuracy, speed, and deployment options.
  • A six-stage framework helps organizations navigate the model selection process efficiently.
  • Testing models based on specific use cases and assessing their performance is crucial for making informed decisions.
  • Achieving a balance between speed, accuracy, and cost is key when selecting a foundation model.
  • Additional benefits, such as lower latency and enhanced transparency, should be considered in the decision-making process.
  • Deployment options, including public cloud and on-premise options, offer differing levels of control and security.
  • A multi-model approach allows organizations to match models to specific use cases, optimizing AI solutions across various applications.


Q1: How do I choose the right foundation model for generative AI? Choosing the right foundation model involves considering factors such as model size, performance, accuracy, and deployment options. A systematic evaluation based on the specific use case is crucial to make an informed decision.

Q2: What are the key factors to consider when evaluating model performance? Model performance should be evaluated based on factors such as accuracy, reliability, and speed. Accuracy measures how closely the generated output aligns with the desired output, while reliability refers to consistency and trustworthiness. Speed determines how quickly a model responds to prompts.

Q3: Should I prioritize speed or accuracy in model selection? The choice between speed and accuracy depends on the specific requirements of your use case. Larger models may offer higher accuracy but slower response times, while smaller models can be faster but may exhibit slight accuracy differences. Finding the right balance is essential.

Q4: Can I deploy a foundation model on a public cloud or on-premise? Yes, foundation models can be deployed on a public cloud or on-premise. The deployment option depends on factors such as control, security, and cost. Public cloud deployment offers convenience, while on-premise deployment provides greater control and security benefits.

Q5: Is it advisable to use a multi-model approach for generative AI? Yes, adopting a multi-model approach allows organizations to match different foundation models to specific use cases. Each use case may have unique requirements, and using different models can optimize performance across various applications.

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