Choosing the Right Process Modeling Approach: BPMN vs EPC

Choosing the Right Process Modeling Approach: BPMN vs EPC

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of Eros Platform
  3. Process Modeling: Choosing the Right Model
    • EPC or Event-driven Process Chain Models
    • BPMN or Business Process Model and Notation Models
  4. Exploring BPMN Models
    • Actor-focused Approach
    • Lane-Based Structure
    • Handoffs and Integration
    • Benefits of BPMN Modeling
    • Limitations of BPMN Modeling
  5. Understanding EPC Models
    • Task-focused Approach
    • Vertical Design
    • Contextual Understanding of Processes
    • Flexibility in Organizational Structure
    • Organizational and Responsibility Visualization
  6. Visualizing Processes in Eros
    • Using the "Change View" Functionality
    • Grouping by Role or System
    • Interchangeability of BPMN and EPC Models
  7. Selecting the Right Model for Your Needs
  8. Converting Models and Interchangeability
  9. Conclusion

Exploring Process Modeling: Choosing the Right Model

In today's digital world, organizations are constantly striving to optimize their processes and make them more efficient. Process modeling is a crucial step in this endeavor as it helps businesses identify bottlenecks, streamline operations, and Align their activities with their strategic goals. However, choosing the right process model can be a challenging task, considering the variety of options available. In this article, we will explore two popular process modeling approaches: Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) models and Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) models. We will discuss the characteristics, benefits, and limitations of each approach, helping you make an informed decision when it comes to modeling your processes effectively.

Exploring BPMN Models

🎯 Actor-focused Approach

BPMN models, short for Business Process Model and Notation models, are widely used in the industry for process modeling. One of the distinctive features of BPMN models is their actor-focused approach. When building a BPMN model, the first question to be answered is "Who or which system performs the process or process step?" This approach emphasizes understanding the structure of information and focuses on the actors involved in the process.

🏊 Lane-Based Structure

BPMN models utilize swimlanes, which visually represent the different actors or roles involved in the process. These swimlanes help in demonstrating handoffs between teams and provide visibility into the division of responsibilities. By allocating tasks to specific lanes, BPMN models allow for a clearer understanding of how responsibilities are distributed within a process. Additionally, swimlanes can also represent application systems, enabling visualizing the flow and integration between different systems.

🔄 Handoffs and Integration

BPMN models excel in showcasing the flow of information and tasks between actors or systems. They emphasize the handoffs and interactions between different participants in the process. This is especially valuable for IT professionals, as BPMN models provide insights into integration requirements and highlight potential areas where IT work is needed.

✅ Benefits of BPMN Modeling

  • Clear visualization of handoffs between actors and systems
  • Focus on defining roles and responsibilities within a process
  • Efficient communication with business stakeholders and process users
  • Insights into IT integration requirements and system dependencies

⛔ Limitations of BPMN Modeling

  • Limited emphasis on describing how individual process steps work
  • Less visible organizational and contextual information
  • Challenging to quickly identify changes in the organizational structure or responsibilities

Understanding EPC Models

🎯 Task-focused Approach

In contrast to BPMN models, EPC or Event-driven Process Chain models take a task-focused approach. The primary question answered by an EPC model is "What happens next?" This approach allows for a clear representation of the logical flow of tasks and events in a process, without initially considering the actors involved.

⬆ Vertical Design

EPC models are designed vertically, representing the sequence of tasks and events from top to bottom. This vertical design provides a contextual understanding of the process, enabling users to easily follow the logic and sequence of events. The model emphasizes the relationships between tasks and events, focusing on the process itself rather than the actors performing the tasks.

🔍 Contextual Understanding of Processes

EPC models strive to answer questions like "Show me the context within which these events occur." By representing tasks and events in a logical sequence, EPC models provide a comprehensive view of the process flow and its dependencies. This makes it easier to understand the process without constantly thinking about the actors involved.

🔀 Flexibility in Organizational Structure

EPC models offer flexibility in adapting to changing organizational structures and responsibilities. Instead of explicitly assigning tasks to specific actors or roles, EPC models primarily focus on the tasks themselves. This allows for easier modifications and reallocation of tasks to different roles, without the need to redraw the entire model.

👨‍👩‍👦 Organizational and Responsibility Visualization

While BPMN models excel in visualizing role-based handoffs, EPC models may lack the same level of visibility. As EPC models do not explicitly define the actors or roles responsible for each task, it may require extra effort to identify the handoffs between different roles or systems.

Visualizing Processes in Eros

In Eros Platform by Software AG, process modeling is made more seamless and customizable. Eros supports both BPMN and EPC models, allowing users to choose the most suitable visualization for their needs. The "Change View" functionality within Eros enables users to switch between EPC and BPMN views effortlessly.

🔀 Using the "Change View" Functionality

The "Change View" feature in Eros offers users the ability to quickly reorient their models based on their preferences. Users can switch between different views, such as row display (EPC-like view) or swimlane display (BPMN-like view), to effectively Visualize their processes.

👥 Grouping by Role or System

Eros enables users to group tasks and events based on roles or systems, providing the flexibility to view processes from different perspectives. Users can choose to visualize their BPMN models by role, system, or any other desired grouping criteria. This feature enhances the adaptability and comprehensibility of process models.

🔄 Interchangeability of BPMN and EPC Models

Eros supports the seamless interchange of BPMN and EPC models. It allows users to import and export process models in both formats, ensuring compatibility and facilitating collaboration with external systems or stakeholders. Eros also provides the ability to convert files between BPMN and EPC formats, ensuring smooth synchronization with other transactional systems.

Selecting the Right Model for Your Needs

When choosing between EPC and BPMN models, it is essential to consider your specific requirements and use cases. BPMN models are well-suited for scenarios that require a focus on actors, role-based handoffs, and IT system integration. On the other hand, EPC models excel in providing a clear, contextual understanding of the task flow and offer flexibility in adapting to changing organizational structures and responsibilities. By analyzing the benefits and limitations of each modeling approach, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your business needs.

Converting Models and Interchangeability

Eros Platform simplifies the process of converting between BPMN and EPC models, enabling users to leverage the benefits of both approaches. With its interchangeability functionalities, Eros ensures that process models can be easily synchronized with external systems or stakeholders, regardless of the chosen modeling approach.


Effective process modeling is crucial for organizations aiming to optimize their operations and achieve their strategic objectives. By understanding the differences between EPC and BPMN models, you can choose the most suitable approach for your specific needs. Whether you prioritize an actor-focused perspective or a task-focused view, Eros Platform empowers you to visualize and model your processes seamlessly, ensuring efficiency, Clarity, and adaptability in your process management endeavors.


  • Choosing the right process modeling approach: EPC vs. BPMN
  • Understanding the actor-focused approach of BPMN models
  • Utilizing swimlanes for role-based visualization and handoffs
  • Highlighting the task-focused nature of EPC models
  • Visualizing processes effectively in Eros Platform
  • Grouping tasks by role or system for flexible visualization
  • Interchangeability and conversion of BPMN and EPC models
  • Selecting the model that best suits your business needs
  • Simplifying process modeling and synchronization with Eros Platform


Q1: What is the benefit of using swimlanes in BPMN models?
A1: Swimlanes in BPMN models provide a visual representation of different actors or roles involved in the process. They enable clear visualization of handoffs between teams and support a better understanding of responsibilities and collaboration.

Q2: How does EPC modeling help in adapting to changing organizational structures?
A2: EPC models focus on tasks and events rather than specific roles or actors. This flexibility allows easier modifications and reallocation of tasks to different roles, simplifying the adaptation to changing organizational structures.

Q3: Can Eros Platform convert BPMN models to EPC models and vice versa?
A3: Yes, Eros Platform supports the interchangeability of BPMN and EPC models. Users can easily convert files between these formats, ensuring smooth synchronization with other transactional systems or stakeholders.


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