Clean Install or In-Place Upgrade? A Guide to Windows Server Deployment

Clean Install or In-Place Upgrade? A Guide to Windows Server Deployment

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Clean Install vs In-Place Upgrade
  3. Clean Install Process
    1. Booting the Machine
    2. Language and Settings
    3. Choosing the Operating System
    4. Accepting the License Agreement
    5. Choosing the Installation Volume
    6. Setting the Administrator Password
  4. In-Place Upgrade Process
    1. Inserting the Windows Server 2019 DVD
    2. Running the Setup
    3. Choosing the In-Place Upgrade Option
    4. Choosing the Architecture
    5. License Agreement and Settings
    6. Choosing What to Keep
  5. Pros and Cons of Clean Install
  6. Pros and Cons of In-Place Upgrade
  7. Conclusion


When it comes to deploying an operating system, there are two main options: a clean install or an in-place upgrade. Both options have their advantages and considerations depending on the specific requirements and circumstances. In this article, we will explore the differences between a clean install and an in-place upgrade, as well as the step-by-step processes involved in each method.

Clean Install vs In-Place Upgrade

Before diving into the details of the installation processes, it is important to understand the fundamental differences between a clean install and an in-place upgrade.

A clean install refers to starting fresh by completely wiping out the existing configuration and installing the new operating system from scratch. This option is ideal for those who want to start with a clean slate or for brand new servers that need an operating system installed.

On the other HAND, an in-place upgrade allows You to upgrade your existing server's operating system to the latest version while retaining the Current configuration, applications, and files. This method is suitable for servers that are already configured and running applications, as it minimizes the need for reconfiguration and data migration.

Clean Install Process

To perform a clean install of a Windows Server 2019 operating system, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Booting the Machine: Start by booting the machine using the Windows Server 2019 media, whether it's a physical DVD or a virtual machine.

  2. Language and Settings: During the setup process, you will be prompted to choose your preferred language, set the time and currency format, and select your keyboard layout.

  3. Choosing the Operating System: Next, you will be presented with four choices for the operating system: Standard or Data Center, with or without the desktop experience. Select the option that aligns with your requirements.

  4. Accepting the License Agreement: After choosing the operating system, you will need to accept the license agreement.

  5. Choosing the Installation Volume: In this step, you can select the volume (drive) that will host the installation. If your machine has multiple drives, you can choose the specific drive for the installation. The setup process will Create and format the volume for you.

  6. Setting the Administrator Password: Once the volume is selected, the setup process will ask you to set a password for the administrator account. Choose a secure password that meets the required complexity criteria.

After completing these steps, the setup process will initialize the installation, which may take a few minutes. The machine will then reboot, and upon logging in as the administrator, you will have a fully functioning Windows Server 2019 operating system.

Pros of Clean Install

  • Provides a fresh start with a clean and stable operating system environment.
  • Eliminates any potential conflicts or issues related to previous configurations.
  • Allows for a clean partition and formatting of the drive, ensuring optimal performance.

Cons of Clean Install

  • Requires reinstallation and reconfiguration of applications and settings.
  • Data migration and backup processes are necessary to retain files and configurations.
  • Time-consuming, especially for complex server setups.

In-Place Upgrade Process

If you prefer to perform an in-place upgrade from Windows Server 2016 to Windows Server 2019 while keeping your existing configuration, follow these steps:

  1. Inserting the Windows Server 2019 DVD: Insert the Windows Server 2019 DVD into the server's DVD drive or use the ISO file for virtual machines.

  2. Running the Setup: Once the DVD is inserted, the setup process should auto-run. If not, manually navigate to the setup.exe file and double-click it to launch the installation window.

  3. Choosing the In-Place Upgrade Option: During the setup process, you will be prompted to choose the custom option for setup Type. This will ensure that the installation preserves your existing configuration.

  4. Choosing the Architecture: Select the appropriate architecture option, whether it's standard or data center, and decide whether you want to include or exclude the desktop experience.

  5. License Agreement and Settings: Accept the license agreement and configure any additional settings for language, time, currency format, and keyboard layout.

  6. Choosing What to Keep: In this step, you can choose whether to keep all the files and applications or perform a partial cleanup. It's recommended to keep the necessary files and applications to ensure a smooth transition.

After these steps, the setup process will initiate the in-place upgrade, which may take some time depending on the size and complexity of your server configuration. Once completed, you will have successfully upgraded your server to Windows Server 2019 without losing your existing settings and configurations.

Pros of In-Place Upgrade

  • Minimizes the need for reconfiguration and data migration.
  • Preserves the current settings, applications, and files without requiring a complete reinstall.
  • Reduces the risk of potential conflicts or compatibility issues with specific applications.

Cons of In-Place Upgrade

  • Potential for compatibility issues with certain applications or drivers after the upgrade.
  • Difficult to troubleshoot configuration issues post-upgrade.
  • Limited flexibility in changing the system architecture or license type.


Choosing between a clean install and an in-place upgrade depends on the specific requirements and circumstances of your server deployment. A clean install provides a fresh start and eliminates any potential conflicts, but it requires time and effort to reinstall and reconfigure everything. On the other hand, an in-place upgrade retains the existing configuration and applications, minimizing the need for reconfiguration, but it may come with compatibility risks and troubleshooting challenges.

In any case, it is crucial to carefully plan and evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of each method before proceeding with the deployment. By understanding the different installation processes and their implications, you can make an informed decision that suits your server deployment needs.

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