Compare ChatGPT, Google Bird, and Bing AI: Features, Pricing, and Use Cases

Compare ChatGPT, Google Bird, and Bing AI: Features, Pricing, and Use Cases

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. ChatGPT: Google Bird vs. Bing AI
    • What is ChatGPT?
    • ChatGPT vs. Google Bird
    • ChatGPT vs. Bing AI
  3. Features and Capabilities Comparison
    • Language Models
    • Pricing and Limitations
    • Image Input
    • Image Generation
  4. Use Cases Comparison
    • Email Content Generation
    • English Test Question Creation
    • Competitor Research
    • Programming Error Detection
    • Programming Language Creation
  5. Conclusion
  6. Highlights
  7. FAQ


In this article, we will thoroughly compare the most powerful AI chatbots: ChatGPT, Google Bird, and Bing AI. These AI-powered services are designed to generate, proofread, and assist with content creation, making them highly useful for various tasks. We will explore the differences between ChatGPT and Google Bird, as well as the unique features of Bing AI. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of which AI service to use for different scenarios.

ChatGPT: Google Bird vs. Bing AI

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a service developed by OpenAI, a company founded by Elon Musk, the renowned entrepreneur behind Tesla. ChatGPT is one of the first AI language models that gained immense popularity, attracting over 100 million users within just two months of its release in November 2022. Users find ChatGPT incredibly convenient for information gathering and content creation, leading to a potential threat to Google's dominance in the Search Engine market.

ChatGPT vs. Google Bird

Soon after the success of ChatGPT, Google introduced its own AI service called Google Bird. While still in the experimental phase, Google Bird was released in February 2023. Interestingly, Microsoft, a rival company to Google, took Notice of the growing popularity of AI language models and developed its own version called Bing AI. However, what makes Bing AI unique is that it incorporates ChatGPT as its underlying AI engine. Microsoft holds a 49% stake in OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT. Bing AI offers three versions of ChatGPT, with the highest being GPT4, which requires a monthly subscription fee of $20.

ChatGPT vs. Bing AI

Both ChatGPT and Bing AI utilize ChatGPT as their AI engine. However, there are differences in the versions used. ChatGPT offers GPT3.5 and GPT4, whereas Bing AI currently implements GPT4. While GPT4 is more advanced and intelligent than GPT3.5, its usage in ChatGPT requires an upgrade and a monthly subscription fee in the original ChatGPT service. However, Microsoft offers the same capabilities as ChatGPT with GPT4 for free within Bing AI.

Features and Capabilities Comparison

Language Models

In terms of language models, ChatGPT offers GPT3.5 and GPT4, whereas Bing AI incorporates the more advanced GPT4. While GPT3.5 is based on data up until September 2021, GPT4 and Google Bird utilize the latest data for generating information. However, it's important to note that the GPT4 version on ChatGPT comes with a monthly subscription fee of $20, while Bing AI provides the same capabilities for free.

Pricing and Limitations

The pricing structure for ChatGPT involves a monthly subscription fee of $20 specifically for utilizing GPT4 and includes limitations on text length and usage frequency. However, these limitations are not a major concern for regular users. Additionally, Google Bird and Bing AI don't have explicit pricing models and usage limitations, making them more accessible for users.

Image Input

Currently, only Bing AI supports image input functionality. Users can upload images and provide instructions for generating Relevant textual content based on the image. This feature enhances the versatility of Bing AI and opens up possibilities for image-related tasks.

Image Generation

Similar to image input, Bing AI is currently the only service capable of generating images. Users can request specific scenarios and descriptions, and Bing AI will provide an image based on those instructions. The quality and accuracy of the generated images are still being improved, but the advancements in this area are promising.

Use Cases Comparison

Email Content Generation

When it comes to generating email content, all three AI services excel in providing natural and coherent text. However, ChatGPT, Google Bird, and Bing AI have slight variations in their responses, with Google Bird offering alternative response options. The generated emails can be used as a starting point, and users can customize them further to suit their specific needs.

English Test Question Creation

For English test question creation, ChatGPT, Google Bird, and Bing AI can generate questions with multiple-choice answers. However, ChatGPT tends to provide more accurate and suitable questions, as it has been trained on a larger corpus of data. Google Bird and Bing AI are also capable of providing reliable questions, but they may require manual review for language Clarity.

Competitor Research

All three AI services can be used for competitor research, allowing users to Gather information about pricing, strengths, and weaknesses of different companies. ChatGPT and Google Bird can provide comprehensive lists and additional explanations, while Bing AI offers similar features but may require manual translation for non-English text.

Programming Error Detection

ChatGPT, Google Bird, and Bing AI can assist with programming error detection. By providing code snippets and specific error scenarios, these AI services will highlight the source of the error and suggest possible fixes. While ChatGPT and Google Bird offer reliable assistance, Bing AI may occasionally generate responses in Japanese, requiring translation for non-Japanese users.

Programming Language Creation

Creating programming languages is a specialized task that can be accomplished using ChatGPT, Google Bird, and Bing AI. These AI services can generate code with specific functionalities based on user instructions. However, Bing AI and Google Bird tend to produce more accurate and syntactically correct code, making them more suitable for programming language creation.


In conclusion, the comparison between ChatGPT, Google Bird, and Bing AI reveals their unique features, capabilities, and strengths. While ChatGPT was the first to gain popularity, Google and Microsoft quickly developed their own AI services to compete in this rapidly growing market. Users must consider factors such as language model versions, pricing structures, image functionalities, and specific use cases when choosing the most suitable AI service. ChatGPT offers advanced versions with a subscription fee, while Google Bird and Bing AI provide similar functionalities with GPT4 for free. Bing AI, in particular, stands out with its image-related features, making it a comprehensive AI solution. Experimentation and user preference are key in determining the most effective AI service for specific tasks.


  • ChatGPT, Google Bird, and Bing AI are powerful AI Chatbot services.
  • ChatGPT was developed by OpenAI and gained popularity quickly.
  • Google Bird and Bing AI were developed to compete with ChatGPT.
  • Bing AI incorporates ChatGPT as its underlying AI engine.
  • ChatGPT offers versions GPT3.5 and GPT4, while Bing AI uses GPT4.
  • GPT4 in ChatGPT requires a paid subscription, while Bing AI offers it for free.
  • Bing AI supports image input and generation features.
  • ChatGPT, Google Bird, and Bing AI have various use cases, such as email generation and programming assistance.
  • Users should consider language models, pricing, and specific features when choosing an AI service.


Q: Can ChatGPT generate accurate English test questions? A: Yes, ChatGPT has the ability to generate English test questions with multiple-choice answers. However, users may need to review the questions for language clarity.

Q: Does Bing AI support image input and generation? A: Yes, Bing AI is currently the only service among ChatGPT, Google Bird, and Bing AI that supports image input and generation.

Q: Is GPT4 available for free on ChatGPT? A: No, GPT4 in ChatGPT requires a monthly subscription fee of $20. However, Bing AI offers GPT4 for free.

Q: Which AI service provides the most accurate programming error detection? A: ChatGPT, Google Bird, and Bing AI can all assist with programming error detection. However, Bing AI occasionally generates responses in Japanese, which may require translation for non-Japanese users.

Q: Which AI service is recommended for programming language creation? A: Bing AI and Google Bird tend to provide more accurate and syntactically correct code, making them more suitable for programming language creation tasks.

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