Conquer Fear of Public Speaking: My Journey to Confidence

Conquer Fear of Public Speaking: My Journey to Confidence

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Fear of Public Speaking - A Universal Challenge
  3. My Journey Begins - From Tanzania to America
  4. Overcoming Childhood Fears
  5. The Misconception About Public Speaking
  6. Discovering the Teachable Skill
  7. Exploring Solutions 7.1 Hiring a Speech Coach 7.2 Online Courses 7.3 Toastmasters Club
  8. The Path to Progress
  9. The Need for Simplicity
  10. Introducing Orai - Your Personal Speech Coach 10.1 Understanding Speech Patterns with AI 10.2 Personalized Lessons and Practice 10.3 Instant Feedback and Analysis
  11. Building a Solution - The Power of the Internet
  12. Facing Fears and Empowering Others
  13. The Journey of Continuous Improvement
  14. Conclusion

Article: Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking: My Journey to Becoming a Confident Speaker

Public speaking is a fear that many individuals struggle with. It can be a daunting experience, causing anxiety, nervousness, and a blank mind when put on the spot. Like many others, I too had my fair share of fears growing up, from the monsters under my bed to the large flying cockroaches back home in Pakistan. However, the fear of public speaking seemed to have a grip on me that I couldn't shake off easily.

My journey began when my family moved from Pakistan to Tanzania, and I found myself in a new school. On my first day, I was asked to introduce myself in front of the class. The fear of speaking in front of others overwhelmed me, and tears ran down my cheek as I felt the weight of judgment from my classmates. Throughout my college years in America, this fear stayed with me, hindering my confidence and self-expression.

Determined to overcome this fear, I turned to the internet for solutions. I searched on Google for ways to conquer the fear of public speaking and discovered a world of possibilities. I realized that public speaking is not an innate talent but a teachable skill. This revelation gave me hope that I, too, could become a powerful speaker if I put in the effort.

I explored different solutions, from hiring a speech coach to practicing in front of the mirror and attending public speaking clubs like Toastmasters. While some options were not feasible for me, such as hiring a speech coach due to financial constraints, online courses became my go-to method for learning the art of public speaking. They taught me crucial techniques, such as varying tone, pace, and gestures, to captivate an audience.

Despite these efforts, I yearned for a simpler way to progress on my journey from fear to confidence in public speaking. I delved into research on artificial intelligence, particularly in the field of voice recognition and analysis. Inspired by personal assistants like Siri and Alexa, I envisioned a mobile app that could serve as an on-demand speech coach, providing personalized lessons and Instant feedback.

This idea gave birth to Orai, an AI-powered mobile app designed to help individuals overcome the fear of public speaking. With Orai, users can receive feedback on their speech Patterns and learn to improve their delivery. The app offers personalized lessons, allowing users to practice in privacy. Through the use of artificial intelligence, Orai provides instant feedback, creating an interactive and supportive learning experience.

Building Orai was not an easy task, considering my lack of expertise in speech coaching, public speaking, and data science. However, armed with the power of the internet, my roommate and I Read research papers, consulted speech coaches, and studied machine learning and AI. We believed that technology could be harnessed to empower people, helping them become better versions of themselves.

Sharing my story today is not to encourage everyone to become entrepreneurs, but rather to emphasize the importance of facing our fears head-on. It is crucial to Seek solutions and not bury our fears deep inside. If a problem exists, we should strive to find or Create a solution. If we lack the necessary skills, we can always turn to Google for knowledge and embark on the journey of self-improvement.

My journey to overcome the fear of public speaking started when I was young, and it continues to this day. There is no finish line in public speaking, as there is always room for improvement. We must remember that we can always become better speakers, evolving and refining our skills. The only time we stop improving is when we convince ourselves that We Are good enough.

In conclusion, the fear of public speaking is a common struggle that can be overcome. Through personal experiences and an unwavering determination to conquer this fear, I discovered that public speaking is not an innate trait but a skill that can be developed. With the advent of technology, we now have the opportunity to use AI-powered apps like Orai to receive personalized coaching and practice in our own time. So, let us face our fears, seek solutions, and become the confident speakers we aspire to be.


  • Overcoming the fear of public speaking is a common challenge.
  • Public speaking is a teachable skill, not an inherent talent.
  • Online courses and Toastmasters clubs can aid in improving public speaking skills.
  • Orai is an AI-powered mobile app that offers personalized lessons and instant feedback.
  • Building Orai required research, consultation, and a belief in the potential of technology.
  • Facing fears and seeking solutions are essential for personal growth and empowerment.
  • Continuous improvement is key to becoming a better public speaker.


Q: Can anyone overcome the fear of public speaking? A: Yes, public speaking is a skill that can be learned and improved by anyone with dedication and practice.

Q: What are some effective ways to overcome the fear of public speaking? A: Hiring a speech coach, taking online courses, and joining public speaking clubs like Toastmasters are all effective methods.

Q: How does Orai help in overcoming the fear of public speaking? A: Orai is an AI-powered mobile app that offers personalized lessons and instant feedback, acting as a personal speech coach.

Q: Is public speaking a Never-ending journey of improvement? A: Yes, there is no finish line in public speaking, and individuals can continue to evolve and refine their skills.

Q: How can one start their journey to becoming a confident public speaker? A: By acknowledging and addressing their fears, seeking solutions, and being open to learning and growth.

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