Convert and Import Figma Designs with Auto Layout into

Convert and Import Figma Designs with Auto Layout into

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Figma Auto Layout?
  3. Benefits of Using Figma Auto Layout
  4. Converting Your Figma Design to Use Auto Layout
    • Step 1: Understanding the Concept of Auto Layout
    • Step 2: Rasterizing Complex Vector Images
    • Step 3: Converting Design Elements to Auto Layout
    • Step 4: Making Adjustments and Validating Auto Layout
  5. Importing Your Design into Builder
  6. Making Final Layout Adjustments
  7. Generating Code with Builder
  8. Using Templates in Builder
  9. Conclusion
  10. Resources


In this article, we will explore how to convert your Figma design to use auto layout in order to import it into Builder and turn it into web pages or code. Figma's auto layout feature is incredibly powerful, allowing you to define how your UI elements should resize when the content inside or around them changes in size. We will cover the steps to convert your design to auto layout, import it into Builder, make layout adjustments, generate code, and utilize templates. Let's dive in!

What is Figma Auto Layout?

Figma's auto layout is a feature that enables designers to create responsive designs and design systems. It allows you to define constraints and behaviors for UI elements, ensuring they resize and reposition correctly when the content or screen size changes. With auto layout, you can create dynamic designs that adapt to different devices and screen resolutions.

Benefits of Using Figma Auto Layout

Using Figma's auto layout feature comes with several benefits for designers and developers. Here are some of the key advantages:

  1. Responsive Design: Auto layout ensures that UI elements respond and adapt to different screen sizes and orientations. This eliminates the need for manually adjusting layouts for different devices.
  2. Time Efficiency: Auto layout saves time by automatically resizing and repositioning elements based on defined constraints. This reduces the need for manual adjustments when content changes.
  3. Design Consistency: Auto layout helps maintain design consistency throughout your project. Elements stay in the correct proportion and alignment, reducing the risk of inconsistent layouts.
  4. Improved Collaboration: Auto layout simplifies Team Collaboration by ensuring the design will behave consistently across different screen sizes. Designers and developers can work together seamlessly.
  5. Easy Export to Code: Auto layout makes it easier to generate code from your design. It ensures that the exported code accurately represents the design's intended behavior and responsiveness.

Converting Your Figma Design to Use Auto Layout

To convert your Figma design to use auto layout, follow these steps:

Step 1: Understanding the Concept of Auto Layout

Before diving into the conversion process, it's important to understand the concept of auto layout. Auto layout requires organizing your design elements into rows or columns, also known as stacks. This helps define the behavior of the elements when the content or screen size changes.

Step 2: Rasterizing Complex Vector Images

If your design includes complex vector images that do not fit the row or column structure, rasterize them to simplify the design. Rasterizing converts the vector images into flat images, making them easier to work with and import.

Step 3: Converting Design Elements to Auto Layout

To convert your design elements to auto layout, ensure that each layer or group is using the auto layout feature. Select the layers or groups and click the auto layout button (+) next to them. Make sure all the layers follow the same configuration to import the design correctly.

Step 4: Making Adjustments and Validating Auto Layout

After converting your design to auto layout, you may need to make adjustments to ensure proper alignment and spacing. Use the available controls for positioning, padding, and margins to refine your design. Validate the auto layout configuration using the HTMLFigma plugin to ensure accuracy.

Importing Your Design into Builder

Once your design is using auto layout, you can import it into Builder with just one click. The auto layout configuration will be automatically recognized by Builder, making the importing process seamless and efficient. This allows you to leverage the design in creating web pages or generating code.

Making Final Layout Adjustments

After importing your design into Builder, you may want to make some final layout adjustments to optimize it for different screen sizes. Builder provides a visual interface where you can easily adjust element sizes, positions, and responsiveness. Fine-tune your design to achieve the desired layout and ensure a consistent user experience.

Generating Code with Builder

One of the advantages of using Builder is the ability to generate code from your design. With the click of a button, Builder can provide you with code snippets for various frameworks and setups, such as React, Angular, and HTML/CSS. This streamlines the development process and ensures that the code accurately reflects your design.

Using Templates in Builder

Builder also offers the option to save your design as a template for future use. If you frequently work on similar projects or designs, templates can save you time and effort. You can create templates from your design, store them in the templates library, and easily apply them to new projects or pages within Builder.


In conclusion, converting your Figma design to use auto layout opens up a world of possibilities for responsive web design and code generation. By leveraging Figma's auto layout feature and integrating it with Builder, you can streamline your design and development workflow, save time, and ensure design consistency. Experiment with auto layout and explore the possibilities it offers in creating dynamic, responsive designs.


  • Figma Auto Layout Documentation: [link to documentation]
  • HTMLFigma Plugin: [link to plugin]
  • Builder: [link to Builder website]


Q: Can I use Figma Auto Layout for mobile app designs? A: Yes, Figma Auto Layout is applicable for both web and mobile app designs. It helps create responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes and orientations.

Q: What frameworks does Builder support for generating code? A: Builder supports various frameworks, including React, Angular, and plain HTML/CSS. You can easily generate code snippets for your chosen framework to speed up the development process.

Q: Can I edit my design after importing it into Builder? A: Yes, once your design is imported into Builder, you can make further adjustments to the layout, sizes, and responsiveness. Builder provides a visual interface that allows you to fine-tune your design according to your preferences and specific requirements.

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