Count Persons in Real-time with Python | AI Computer Vision

Count Persons in Real-time with Python | AI Computer Vision

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is a Person Counter Python Script?
  3. Counting Live Persons
  4. Counting Overall Persons
  5. Person Tracking
  6. Getting Started with Person Counter Python Script
  7. Defining Variables
  8. Creating Object ID List
  9. Displaying Live Person Count
  10. Displaying Overall Person Count
  11. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the concept of a person counter python script. We will learn how to count the number of persons Present in a video frame using two different approaches - live person count and overall person count. This script can be used for various applications like surveillance, crowd control, and traffic monitoring.

What is a Person Counter Python Script?

A person counter python script is a program that analyzes a video frame and counts the number of persons present in it. It utilizes computer vision techniques to track and identify individual persons in a frame. The script provides two counts: live person count, which represents the number of persons currently in the frame, and overall person count, which represents the total number of persons encountered throughout the video.

Counting Live Persons

To count the live persons in a frame, we use a person tracking algorithm. This algorithm identifies and assigns unique object IDs to each person detected in the frame. By continuously updating the list of object IDs, we can determine the live person count at any given moment. If a person leaves the frame, their object ID is removed from the list.

Counting Overall Persons

In addition to live person count, we can also calculate the overall person count. This count represents the total number of persons encountered throughout the video, regardless of whether they are currently in the frame or not. We achieve this by creating an object ID list that keeps track of all unique object IDs encountered during the video. The length of this list gives us the overall person count.

Person Tracking

To implement person tracking, we use a person tracking algorithm that leverages computer vision techniques like object detection and object tracking. This algorithm identifies and tracks individual persons in the video frame by assigning unique object IDs to them. By continuously updating the object ID list, we can keep track of the live and overall person counts.

Getting Started with Person Counter Python Script

To get started with the person counter python script, we need to create a new Python file and import the required libraries and modules. We also need to initialize the OpenVINO environment if we are using it for inference.

Defining Variables

Next, we define the variables needed for the person counter script. We use two variables - lpc_count for live person count and opc_count for overall person count.

Creating Object ID List

To create the object ID list, we utilize the object IDs obtained from the person tracking algorithm. We ensure not to add duplicate object IDs to the list.

Displaying Live Person Count

After obtaining the live person count, we display it on the video frame by overlaying the count text. This gives us a real-time visualization of the number of persons currently in the frame.

Displaying Overall Person Count

Similarly, we display the overall person count on the video frame. This count represents the total number of persons encountered throughout the video.


In conclusion, a person counter python script is a powerful tool for counting the number of persons in a video frame. By using live person count and overall person count, we can monitor the number of persons in real-time and track the total number of persons encountered. This script has various applications in areas like security, surveillance, and crowd control.

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