Create a Connect 4 AI using Go with MinMax Algorithm

Create a Connect 4 AI using Go with MinMax Algorithm

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Layout of the Connect 4 Board
  3. The Initial State and Adding Coins
  4. Checking for a Winner
  5. AI Implementation: The Minimax Algorithm
  6. Understanding the Scoring Function
  7. Playing the Game
  8. Enhancements: Alpha-Beta Pruning and Parallelization
  9. Conclusion
  10. Additional Resources


Connect 4 is a popular board game that requires strategic thinking and planning. In this article, we will explore how to build our very own Connect 4 AI using Golang. The reason for choosing Golang is its ability to parallelize the search through the state search space, which we will explore in upcoming parts. Before diving into the project, it's important to understand the layout of the board and how different concepts and code implementation work in Golang.

The Layout of the Connect 4 Board

The Connect 4 board is an 8x8 matrix, representing the official version of the game. Each column is indexed from 0 to 7, following the standard indexing convention of arrays. To win the game, players must connect four coins of the same color vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. By taking the transpose of the board, we can apply the same logic for horizontal and vertical arrangements. Additionally, the game has a branching factor of eight, allowing players to add a coin in one of the eight columns after each move.

The Initial State and Adding Coins

To initialize the Connect 4 board, we set the entire 8x8 matrix to zeros. The zero value represents an empty slot. When adding a coin, we check if there is space available in the chosen column. If the column is not full, we add the coin and ensure the board remains in a valid state. Validity is determined by the number of coins present in each column, with the maximum number set to four. If there are inconsistencies, it indicates an error in the code.

Checking for a Winner

To determine if there's a winner, we employ a function called "checkSolved" which checks for winning conditions. This function checks for solutions horizontally, vertically, and diagonally by applying the transpose of the board. By using the transpose, we can reuse the logic for checking vertical and horizontal alignments. If a winning condition is met, the game ends. Otherwise, the game continues until a winner is found or there are no empty slots left.

AI Implementation: The Minimax Algorithm

The AI in Connect 4 uses the Minimax algorithm to search through the game's state space and select the best move. The branching factor of eight allows the AI to consider all possible moves up to a certain depth. The AI calculates the optimal move by maximizing its chances of winning and minimizing the opponent's chances. A scoring function decides the value of each state, taking into account different game configurations and possible threats.

Understanding the Scoring Function

The scoring function evaluates the goodness or badness of a game state. It assigns scores to different configurations based on their favorability to the AI. For example, if there are three coins of the AI's color horizontally or vertically, it scores positively. Conversely, if there are three coins of the opponent's color, it scores negatively. The scoring function considers horizontal, vertical, and diagonal alignments to make informed decisions and determine the best move for the AI.

Playing the Game

To play the game, the user is prompted to enter the column in which they want to place their coin. The current state of the board is displayed to help users make their decision. The AI then calculates its move using the Minimax algorithm and chooses the column that maximizes its chances of winning. The game continues until a winner is found or there are no empty slots left. The AI's intelligence and strategic thinking make the game highly competitive and challenging.

Enhancements: Alpha-Beta Pruning and Parallelization

In Part 2 of this project, we will explore two enhancements: Alpha-Beta pruning and parallelization. Alpha-Beta pruning helps reduce the search space without compromising the AI's decision-making ability. By implementing parallelization, we can further speed up the code by utilizing multiple processors. These enhancements will optimize the performance of the Connect 4 AI, making it more efficient and effective.


Building a Connect 4 AI using Golang offers a fascinating opportunity to delve into artificial intelligence and game theory concepts. By understanding the layout of the board, implementing the Minimax algorithm, and utilizing scoring functions, we can create an AI that provides a challenging gameplay experience. Further enhancements through Alpha-Beta pruning and parallelization will make the AI even stronger. So why not take on the challenge and build your own Connect 4 AI?

Additional Resources

  • Connect 4 AI by Lorri Hara (Article Link)
  • Connect 4 AI by An Kwad (Article Link)


  • Learn how to build a Connect 4 AI using Golang.
  • Understand the layout of the Connect 4 board and its indexing.
  • Implement the logic for adding coins and checking for a winner.
  • Explore the Minimax algorithm for AI decision-making.
  • Create a scoring function to evaluate game states.
  • Play against the AI and experience its strategic thinking.
  • Enhance the AI with Alpha-Beta pruning and parallelization.
  • Challenge yourself to build your own Connect 4 AI.


Q: How does the Minimax algorithm work in Connect 4? A: The Minimax algorithm evaluates all possible moves up to a certain depth to determine the best move for the AI. It maximizes the AI's chances of winning and minimizes the opponent's chances by assigning scores to different game states.

Q: What enhancements can be made to the Connect 4 AI? A: Two enhancements are Alpha-Beta pruning and parallelization. Alpha-Beta pruning reduces the search space, while parallelization makes use of multiple processors to speed up the code.

Q: Can I implement this Connect 4 AI in other programming languages? A: Yes, the concepts and logic discussed in this article can be applied to other programming languages. However, the code provided is specific to Golang.

Q: Are there any resources to learn more about Connect 4 AI? A: Yes, you can refer to the articles mentioned in the Additional Resources section for more detailed explanations and insights into building a Connect 4 AI.

Q: Is it possible to increase the depth of the AI's search for better performance? A: Increasing the depth can improve the AI's decision-making but will also increase the time required for searching through the game state space. This trade-off should be considered based on the specific requirements of your project.

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