Create a Stunning Vector Octopus Icon in Adobe Illustrator

Create a Stunning Vector Octopus Icon in Adobe Illustrator

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting Up the Artboard
  3. Creating the Octopus Body
  4. Drawing the Tentacles
  5. Joining the Tentacles
  6. Aligning and Refining the Octopus
  7. Adding Eyes and Mouth
  8. Aligning and Grouping Facial Features
  9. Styling the Octopus
  10. Final Touches and Conclusion


Welcome to this Tutorial on how to draw a vector octopus icon in Adobe Illustrator. In this tutorial, we will go through the step-by-step process of creating a visually pleasing octopus icon. By the end of this tutorial, you will have the skills to create your own vector icons in Adobe Illustrator.

Setting Up the Artboard

To begin, let's create a new artboard in Adobe Illustrator. Go to File and select New. Set the Dimensions of the artboard to 800 pixels wide and 800 pixels high. This size will allow us to work comfortably and give our octopus enough space to be visible.

Creating the Octopus Body

To create the octopus body, we will use the Ellipse Tool. Select the Ellipse Tool from the toolbar and click and drag while holding the Shift key to draw a perfect circle. Remove the fill color and increase the stroke weight to around 16 in the Stroke palette. This circle will be the main body of our octopus icon.

Drawing the Tentacles

Next, we will draw the tentacles of the octopus. Select the Pen Tool from the toolbar and click anywhere on the artboard to create a vertical line slightly off to the right. Click again to create another point slightly off to the right on a slight angle. Drag out a curve and release the mouse button to create half of a tentacle. Repeat this process to create another half of a tentacle, but this time reflect it vertically.

Joining the Tentacles

To join the tentacles, select one of the lines and go to Edit > Copy, then Edit > Paste in Place. Use the Object > Transform > Reflect option to reflect the line along the vertical axis. Join the two halves together by selecting the endpoints, going to Object > Path, and selecting Join. Repeat this process for the remaining tentacles.

Aligning and Refining the Octopus

Now that we have all the tentacles in place, let's Align them with the octopus body. Select all the shapes and use the alignment options at the top of the screen to center align them. You can also adjust the position of the tentacles to ensure they touch or overlap with the octopus body. Use the Direct Selection Tool to select the anchor points where the tentacles meet and join them using Object > Path > Join.

Adding Eyes and Mouth

To create the eyes, use the Ellipse Tool to draw two circles. Remove the bottom anchor point of each circle and adjust the remaining points to create a half-circle Shape. Reflect the shape vertically and join the anchor points to create a complete eye shape. Duplicate the eye shape to create the other eye.

For the mouth, ungroup one of the eye shapes and delete one of the halves. Move the remaining shape to the middle and rotate it 180 degrees using the Rotate Tool. Align the eyes and mouth centrally with the octopus body.

Aligning and Grouping Facial Features

Select all the facial features and group them together using Object > Group. Then, select the entire octopus and group it as well. Align the grouped octopus to the artboard by selecting Align to Artboard from the drop-down arrow in the Align panel. This ensures that the octopus is centered on the artboard.

Styling the Octopus

With the octopus selected, choose a stroke color to give it some visual appeal. You can also adjust the stroke width of the tentacles, eyes, and mouth to your liking. To ensure the stroke widths Scale proportionally, go to Object > Expand and select "Fill and Stroke" from the options. This will allow the stroke widths to adjust dynamically as you resize the octopus.

Final Touches and Conclusion

Congratulations! You have successfully created a vector octopus icon in Adobe Illustrator. Feel free to further refine and customize the design to your preference. Vector icons are a great way to add visual interest and personality to your design projects. With the skills you have learned in this tutorial, you can continue to explore and create your own unique vector icons. Have fun and keep creating!


  • Learn to draw a vector octopus icon in Adobe Illustrator
  • Create a visually pleasing octopus with aligned tentacles
  • Use the Pen Tool to draw and join tentacles
  • Align and group facial features for a Cohesive design
  • Customize stroke color and width for a unique octopus icon

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Can I use this tutorial for other animals or objects? A: Yes, the techniques used in this tutorial can be applied to draw various other animals or objects. Feel free to experiment and create your own unique designs.

Q: Do I need to have prior experience with Adobe Illustrator? A: It would be helpful to have some basic knowledge of Adobe Illustrator's tools and interface. However, the tutorial provides step-by-step instructions that are suitable for beginners as well.

Q: Can I use the octopus icon commercially? A: Yes, once you have created the octopus icon, you can use it for both personal and commercial purposes. Ensure that you comply with any licensing requirements if you plan to sell or distribute the icon.

Q: How can I further customize the octopus icon? A: You can experiment with different stroke colors, widths, and additional details to make the octopus icon unique. Try adding texture, shading, or background elements to enhance the overall design.

Q: Are there any keyboard shortcuts or tips to make the process faster? A: Yes, there are several keyboard shortcuts in Adobe Illustrator that can help speed up your workflow. For example, pressing Command/Ctrl + Y toggles between the Preview and Outline modes, allowing you to check your design for any imperfections.

Q: Can I use this tutorial on older versions of Adobe Illustrator? A: Yes, the techniques demonstrated in this tutorial can be applied to older versions of Adobe Illustrator as well. However, the interface and specific options may vary slightly.

Resources: Adobe Illustrator

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