Create a Thrilling Deathmatch Game with AI Bots

Create a Thrilling Deathmatch Game with AI Bots

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Part One Recap
  3. Making a Death Match Game
  4. Improving the Reload Functionality
  5. Setting Up Input Key for Reloading
  6. Organizing Code and Comments
  7. Applying Damage to Projectiles
  8. Implementing Damage Detection
  9. Health System and Death Handling
  10. Tracking Kills and Deaths
  11. Fine-tuning Damage and Kill Counters

🎯 Part Two: Building a Deathmatch Game with AI Bots

In this article, we'll continue from where we left off in part one. If you haven't watched part one, I highly recommend doing so to gain a better understanding of the concepts discussed here. In part two, our main focus will be on creating a deathmatch game with AI bots. We'll start by improving the reload functionality and setting up an input key for reloading. We'll also work on organizing our code and comments to keep everything tidy and easily accessible. Additionally, we'll implement the logic for applying damage to projectiles and handling health and death in our game. Lastly, we'll track the kills and deaths of the players to create a kill counter system. So, without further ado, let's dive into the exciting world of game development!

1️⃣ Improving the Reload Functionality

One of the first things we'll address is the reload functionality of our game. Currently, the clip is set to be reloaded when it reaches one bullet remaining. However, this has caused some issues during testing, so we'll make some changes to rectify this. We'll remove the requirement for reloading when the clip reaches one bullet and instead make it an almost infinite capacity. This change will ensure a smoother gameplay experience without unnecessary interruptions. By eliminating this constraint, players can focus more on the action and less on managing their ammunition.

2️⃣ Setting Up Input Key for Reloading

To enhance the overall functionality and user experience, we'll set up a dedicated input key for reloading instead of relying on a hard-coded key. This will allow players to customize their controls according to their preferences. We'll navigate to the project settings and create a new action mapping for reloading. Once we've assigned the desired key, players can utilize it to reload their weapons, adding another layer of immersion and convenience to the gameplay.

3️⃣ Organizing Code and Comments

As our project becomes more complex, it's crucial to maintain organization and Clarity within our code. To achieve this, we'll adopt a systematic approach by adding comments and organizing functions related to specific actions. By dividing our code into manageable sections, we make it easier to locate and modify specific functionalities. Additionally, proper commenting helps us understand the purpose and flow of each section, making future updates or debugging tasks less daunting. As we progress with our project, it's important to uphold good coding practices to ensure scalability and maintainability.

4️⃣ Applying Damage to Projectiles

In a deathmatch game, it's essential to have a robust damage system. Currently, our projectiles are not causing any damage upon impact. To rectify this, we'll modify our projectile logic. Currently, the projectile checks if it simulates physics upon impact and applies an impulse if true. We'll expand this logic by adding an additional condition to apply damage regardless of whether the object is simulating physics. This adjustment ensures a consistent and fair gameplay experience for all players.

5️⃣ Implementing Damage Detection

In order to track the damage and health of our characters, we need to implement a mechanism for detecting when a character is hit. We'll utilize Unreal Engine's built-in event, "Any Damage," to detect and respond to damage inflicted upon our character. By linking this event to our health system, we can deduct the appropriate amount of health from the character. Additionally, we'll set up a check to determine if the character's health falls below zero, indicating their death. When a character dies, certain actions such as disabling input and simulating physics will be triggered to create a realistic and immersive death Scenario.

6️⃣ Health System and Death Handling

To provide an engaging and challenging gameplay experience, we'll integrate a health system that determines the player's vitality. Upon receiving damage, the player's health will decrease accordingly. We'll implement a check to ensure that the health value remains above zero. If the health reaches zero or lower, the player will be considered dead. To simulate the death effect, we'll stop the input and movement functions and enable physics simulation for the mesh. This will result in a seamless transition from active gameplay to a lifeless state, enhancing the overall immersion and realism.

7️⃣ Tracking Kills and Deaths

To add a competitive aspect to our deathmatch game, we'll implement a kill counter system. Each time a player eliminates another character, their kill count will increment. Similarly, when a player is killed, their death count will increment. This feature allows players to track their performance and rank themselves among others. By implementing these kill and death trackers, we create a sense of achievement and motivation for players to improve their skills and strategize accordingly.

8️⃣ Fine-tuning Damage and Kill Counters

As we make progress in our game development journey, we'll fine-tune some aspects of our project to ensure a balanced and enjoyable experience. This includes adjusting the damage values of our projectiles to strike the right balance between challenge and fairness. Additionally, we'll revisit the kill and death counters to optimize their functionality and ensure accurate tracking of player performance. By making these adjustments, we aim to provide a polished and immersive deathmatch game that players can fully enjoy.

🌟 Highlights:

  • Enhancing the reload functionality for a seamless gameplay experience
  • Setting up a dedicated input key for reloading
  • Organizing code and comments to maintain clarity and scalability
  • Applying damage to projectiles to add realism and intensity
  • Implementing a damage detection system to track character health
  • Handling player death by disabling input and simulating physics
  • Tracking kills and deaths to add competitive elements to the game
  • Fine-tuning damage and kill counters for balanced gameplay

🔍 FAQ:

Q: Can I customize the controls in the game? A: Yes, you can set up a dedicated input key for reloading and customize your controls based on personal preferences.

Q: How is damage applied to projectiles? A: Damage is now applied to projectiles regardless of whether they are simulating physics or not, ensuring a fair gameplay experience.

Q: Can a character die in the game? A: Yes, when a character's health reaches zero or below, they are considered dead, triggering specific actions such as disabling input and simulating physics.

Q: How are kills and deaths tracked in the game? A: Each kill and death is counted and displayed on-screen, allowing players to track their performance and competitiveness.

Q: Will there be any adjustments to the damage and kill counters? A: Yes, fine-tuning of damage values and kill counters will be done to ensure a balanced and enjoyable gameplay experience.

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