Create an AI Version of the Chrome Dinosaur Game

Create an AI Version of the Chrome Dinosaur Game

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting Up the Project
  3. Importing Assets
  4. Installing Necessary Modules
  5. Initializing Pygame
  6. Defining Global Constants
  7. Creating the Main Method
  8. Adding Standard Code for Exiting the Game
  9. Updating the Display
  10. Displaying the Dinosaur on the Screen
  11. Creating the Dinosaur Class
    1. The __init__ Function
    2. The Update Function
    3. The Jump Function
    4. The Run Function
    5. The Draw Function
  12. Making Adjustments to the Main Function
  13. User Input for Jumping
  14. Conclusion

🖥️ Creating an AI Version of the Chrome Dinosaur Game

In this series, we will explore the basics of artificial intelligence by creating an AI version of the popular Chrome dinosaur game. We will be using the NEAT (NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies) algorithm, which was invented by computer scientist Kenneth Stanley. Throughout this series, we will cover the algorithm that he created and the steps involved in implementing it. Let's dive in and see how the series will be structured!

1. Introduction

In this episode, we will set up our editor and display the dinosaur on our screen. We will import all the necessary assets, such as images of the dinosaur, cacti, and the game's background. Additionally, we will install the required modules for our project. A link to the code will be provided in the description.

2. Setting Up the Project

To begin, we will create a new project folder called "Chrome Dinosaur AI" and import all the assets into it. This includes the images of the dinosaur, cacti, and the floor. Once the assets are imported, we will initialize Pygame and define the screen Dimensions.

3. Importing Assets

In this step, we will import the images of the dinosaur, cacti, and the game's background into our project folder. These assets will be used to display the game elements on the screen.

4. Installing Necessary Modules

To run our project smoothly, we need to install two additional modules: Pygame and NEAT (NEAT-Python). Pygame allows us to create the game visuals and handle user input, while NEAT provides the implementation of the NEAT algorithm. We can easily install these modules using pip.

5. Initializing Pygame

Before proceeding further, we need to initialize Pygame. This step ensures that Pygame is ready to handle all the game-related functionalities.

6. Defining Global Constants

Next, we define some global constants in our code. These constants include the screen Height, screen width, and the Font used for displaying text in our game.

7. Creating the Main Method

The main method serves as the entry point for our game. Here, we initialize the clock, which regulates the game's frame rate, and create the main game loop.

8. Adding Standard Code for Exiting the Game

To allow the player to exit the game, we need to include the code for handling user events. By checking for the pygame.QUIT event, we can gracefully exit the game when the user closes the game window.

9. Updating the Display

To ensure smooth gameplay, we need to regularly update the display. This is done by clearing the screen, filling it with the desired background color, and then updating the display. The number of frames per Second is controlled by the clock tick rate.

10. Displaying the Dinosaur on the Screen

In this step, we will create a class called Dinosaur and define its properties and functions. The Dinosaur class will handle the logic for displaying and animating the dinosaur on the screen.

11. Creating the Dinosaur Class

The Dinosaur class will have an initialization function (__init__), an update function, a jump function, a run function, and a draw function.

11.1. The __init__ Function

The initialization function sets the initial state of the dinosaur. It assigns the dinosaur's image, sets the default state for running and jumping, and creates a rectangle object to represent the dinosaur's position on the screen.

11.2. The Update Function

The update function checks the state of the dinosaur and calls the appropriate function. If the dinosaur is set to run, the run function is executed. If the dinosaur is set to jump, the jump function is executed.

11.3. The Jump Function

The jump function implements the mechanics for allowing the dinosaur to jump. We won't cover the details of how the dinosaur jumps in this Tutorial, but you can refer to additional resources for a deeper understanding.

11.4. The Run Function

The run function handles the default running motion of the dinosaur. It uses a step index to display different images of the running dinosaur sequentially, creating the illusion of movement.

11.5. The Draw Function

The draw function is responsible for displaying the dinosaur's image on the screen using the blit function.

12. Making Adjustments to the Main Function

We need to make some adjustments to the main function to incorporate the Dinosaur class. In the main function, we create an instance of the Dinosaur class and update and draw it on the screen. We also handle user input to make the dinosaur jump when the space bar is pressed.

13. User Input for Jumping

In this step, we enable the dinosaur to jump whenever the space bar is pressed. We use the pygame.key.get_pressed function to detect user input and set the state of the dinosaur to jump accordingly.

14. Conclusion

Congrats! We now have a playable version of the Chrome dinosaur game. In the next episode, we will finish off the game by adding AI functionality. If you found this video helpful, be sure to give it a like and stay tuned for more episodes in this series.


  • Create an AI version of the popular Chrome dinosaur game
  • Use the NEAT algorithm for AI implementation
  • Set up the project and import necessary assets
  • Install Pygame and NEAT-Python modules
  • Initialize Pygame and define global constants
  • Create the main method and game loop
  • Add code for exiting the game and updating the display
  • Display the dinosaur on the screen using the Dinosaur class
  • Implement user input for jumping


Q: Can I play the Chrome dinosaur game using this implementation? A: Yes, you can! Just run the code and use the space bar to make the dinosaur jump.

Q: Can I add more dinosaurs to the game? A: Yes, you can create multiple instances of the Dinosaur class to add more dinosaurs to the game. This will come in handy when we implement the AI functionality.

Q: How does the NEAT algorithm work? A: The NEAT algorithm is an evolutionary algorithm that uses a genetic algorithm approach to evolve neural networks for solving complex problems. It allows for the automatic generation and evolution of neural network architectures.


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