Create an AI-powered Telegram Bot with AskAI using Make

Create an AI-powered Telegram Bot with AskAI using Make

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up the Telegram Bot
  3. Creating the Flow in Make
  4. Making the HTTP Request
  5. Passing the JSON Response
  6. Sending the Message Back
  7. testing the Bot
  8. Customizing the Bot's Response
  9. Limitations and Future Developments
  10. Conclusion

How to Build a Telegram Bot that Answers AI Questions

Have you ever wanted to build your own AI-powered bot that answers questions? In this Tutorial, I will guide you through the process of creating a Telegram bot with AI capabilities using the Ask AI platform. By following these steps, you'll be able to set up a bot that can provide answers based on the questions it receives. Let's get started!


Before diving into the technical details, let's first understand what we aim to accomplish. Our goal is to build a Telegram bot that utilizes the Ask AI platform to provide accurate and Relevant answers to user questions. To achieve this, we'll need to set up the Telegram bot, create a flow in Make, make an HTTP request to the Ask AI webhook, pass the JSON response, and finally send the message back to the user. Now, let's proceed with the step-by-step guide.

1. Setting up the Telegram Bot

To begin, you'll need to access Telegram and search for the BotFather bot. Start a conversation with BotFather and follow the provided instructions to create a new bot. Ensure that you name your bot with "bot" at the end and make note of the API token generated by BotFather. This API token will be necessary for the subsequent steps.


  • Easy to follow instructions provided by BotFather.
  • Quick setup process.

2. Creating the Flow in Make

Once you have the API token, navigate to Make and start building the flow for your Telegram bot. Begin with adding a Telegram bot as the first step in the flow. This bot will watch for updates in Telegram. Next, make an HTTP request to the Ask AI webhook by creating a POST request. Obtain the URL and request content from your Ask AI account by accessing the "Embed and Integrate" section and clicking on "API Access." Ensure that you format the request content correctly and set appropriate headers.


  • Limited customization options for the flow in Make.
  • Limited flexibility in adding additional functionalities.

3. Making the HTTP Request

In this step, you'll configure the HTTP request within the Make flow. Create a POST request and provide the URL and request content obtained from Ask AI. Make sure that the headers are set correctly, with the content type as "application/json." Replace the part that says "insert your question" with the message text from Telegram, which can be accessed through the message and text objects.

4. Passing the JSON Response

The response received from the Ask AI webhook will contain the answer to the user's question along with references. However, the response message may be too long to display in the Telegram bot. To handle this, you need to pass the JSON response using the HTTP function. Take the data from the response and insert it into your JSON STRING.


  • Seamless integration with Ask AI.
  • Ability to handle long responses effectively.

5. Sending the Message Back

Now that you have the answer from Ask AI, it's time to send the message back to the user. Retrieve the message chat ID from the Telegram message object and use it to send the answer back. Drag and drop the answer from the JSON into the message content. If desired, you can also include references within the message to provide additional information or links for the user.

6. Testing the Bot

After setting up the flow, it's important to test the bot to ensure everything is working correctly. Run the flow once and wait for new data. Access your Telegram bot and send a question. The bot will send the question to the Ask AI webhook, retrieve the answer, and send it back to the user. Verify that the answer, along with the references, is displayed correctly in the Telegram chat.

7. Customizing the Bot's Response

If you find that the answers provided by Ask AI are too long or you want to customize the response style, you can make changes in the Ask AI platform. Customize the response in the "Embed and Integrate" section under API Access. You can choose a shorter answer style or personalize the tone by using first-person language.

8. Limitations and Future Developments

It's important to note that the currently available API for this bot only supports explain-type questions and not conversational chat. In the future, it would be beneficial to expand the capabilities of the bot to support a wider range of interactions. Additionally, improvements could be made to allow for more customization options within the flow in Make.

9. Conclusion

Congratulations! You have successfully built a Telegram bot that can provide AI-powered answers to user questions. By utilizing the Ask AI platform and following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you have created a functional bot that can assist users with their queries. Feel free to further explore and enhance the bot's capabilities based on your specific requirements.


  • Build a Telegram bot that utilizes Ask AI to answer user questions
  • Set up the bot by following the instructions from BotFather
  • Create a flow in Make to handle the bot's functionality
  • Make an HTTP request to the Ask AI webhook for question and answer processing
  • Pass the JSON response and send the message back to the user
  • Customize the bot's response style and length in Ask AI
  • Test and fine-tune the bot's performance


Q: Can I create a Telegram bot without coding experience? A: Yes, you can easily create a Telegram bot using the provided instructions from BotFather. No coding experience is required.

Q: Does the bot support conversational chat capabilities? A: No, the current API for the bot only supports explain-type questions. Conversational chat is not available at the moment.

Q: Can I customize the response style of the bot? A: Yes, you can customize the response style by adjusting the settings in Ask AI's "Embed and Integrate" section under API Access.

Q: Can I add additional functionalities to the bot's flow in Make? A: The flexibility to add additional functionalities in Make is limited. However, you can explore other platforms or frameworks to enhance the bot's capabilities.


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