Create an Amazing Accordion With HTML and CSS

Create an Amazing Accordion With HTML and CSS

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating the HTML structure 2.1 Adding the CSS and HTML files 2.2 Creating the accordion container 2.3 Adding the list items
  3. Styling the accordion 3.1 Setting the background and dimensions 3.2 Styling the list items 3.3 Customizing the label 3.4 Hiding the input field
  4. Implementing the accordion functionality 4.1 Hiding the descriptions 4.2 Displaying the description of the checked item 4.3 Changing the icon
  5. Conclusion

How to Create a Collapsible Tables Accordion in Neomorphism Style Using HTML and CSS

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a collapsible tables accordion in Neomorphism style using only HTML and CSS, without the need for JavaScript. This accordion will have a neomorphic design, with a plus icon when it is closed and a minus icon when it is open. Additionally, when one table is open, the others will automatically close.

1. Introduction

Accordion menus are a popular way to display content in a compact and organized manner. They allow users to easily navigate through different sections of information without overwhelming the interface. In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of creating a collapsible tables accordion in Neomorphism style using HTML and CSS.

2. Creating the HTML structure

Before diving into the styling and functionality of the accordion, we need to set up the basic HTML structure. We will create a container for the accordion and add the necessary list items within it.

2.1 Adding the CSS and HTML files

To begin, create an HTML file and a CSS file in the desired directory. Make sure to link the CSS file in the head section of the HTML file using the link tag.

2.2 Creating the accordion container

Within the body tag of the HTML file, create an unordered list (UL) with the class name "accordion". This will serve as the container for our accordion. Each item in the accordion will be represented by a list item (LI) within the unordered list.

2.3 Adding the list items

Within each list item, we will add an input field of Type "radio" with a unique ID. This input field will be used to control the opening and closing of the accordion sections. Additionally, we will add a label for each input field to serve as the Clickable element that triggers the accordion functionality. Inside the label, we will add the text that represents each accordion section.

3. Styling the accordion

Now that we have set up the HTML structure, we can move on to styling the accordion. We will Apply CSS styles to achieve the desired visual appearance.

3.1 Setting the background and dimensions

In the CSS file, we will begin by setting the background color and Dimensions of the accordion container. We will add a margin to horizontally center the accordion and create some space from the top of the page. Additionally, we will specify the width of the list items and add spacing between them.

3.2 Styling the list items

Next, we will style the list items of the accordion. We will remove the default list styling, add border radius to create rounded corners, and apply a background color. To achieve the Neomorphism style, we will add box shadows to the list items, giving them a 3D effect.

3.3 Customizing the label

To customize the appearance of the label element within each list item, we will set the display to flex and Align the items to the center. We will add padding for spacing, increase the font size, change the font weight, and set the Cursor to pointer to indicate interactivity.

3.4 Hiding the input field

To hide the radio buttons associated with each label, we will add the CSS property display: none to the input fields.

4. Implementing the accordion functionality

With the basic styling in place, we can now focus on implementing the accordion functionality using only HTML and CSS. We will hide the descriptions of the accordion sections by default and display the description of the checked item when it is selected. Additionally, we will change the icon from a plus to a minus when an accordion section is open.

4.1 Hiding the descriptions

To hide the descriptions of the accordion sections, we will set the max-Height CSS property to 0 and the overflow property to Hidden. This will ensure that the descriptions are not visible when the accordion is closed.

4.2 Displaying the description of the checked item

When an input field is checked (i.e., the corresponding accordion section is open), we will use CSS selectors to target the respective description. We will set the max-height property to a value that displays the full description, and add a smooth transition for a visually appealing effect.

4.3 Changing the icon

To make the accordion more user-friendly, we will change the icon from a plus to a minus when the accordion section is open. We will achieve this using the CSS ::before pseudo-element and the content property. By adding "content: 'minus'", the plus icon will be replaced with a minus icon.

5. Conclusion

In this tutorial, we have learned how to create a collapsible tables accordion in Neomorphism style using HTML and CSS. We began by setting up the HTML structure and then proceeded to style the accordion to achieve the desired visual appearance. Finally, we implemented the accordion functionality by hiding and displaying the descriptions and changing the icon. This approach allows us to create an accordion without using any JavaScript, resulting in a lightweight and efficient solution.


  • Create a collapsible tables accordion using HTML and CSS
  • Achieve a Neomorphism style design
  • No JavaScript required
  • Lightweight and efficient solution
  • Easy to customize and integrate into existing projects


Q: Can I customize the design of the accordion? A: Yes, you can customize the design of the accordion by modifying the CSS styles. You can change the colors, fonts, dimensions, and other visual elements to match your desired design.

Q: Is it possible to add more accordion sections? A: Yes, you can add more accordion sections by duplicating the existing list items and updating the IDs, labels, and description texts accordingly. The accordion will automatically adjust to accommodate the new sections.

Q: Can I use this accordion in my existing Website? A: Absolutely! You can easily integrate this accordion into your existing website by copying the HTML and CSS code and making the necessary adjustments to fit your website's structure and design.

Q: Does this accordion work on mobile devices? A: Yes, this accordion is responsive and works well on mobile devices. The collapsible sections adapt to different screen sizes, providing a seamless experience for users across devices.

Q: Are there any performance considerations to keep in mind? A: Since this accordion is implemented using only HTML and CSS, it is lightweight and does not add any additional JavaScript dependencies. This helps to maintain a fast and efficient user experience on your website.

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