Create Beautiful AI-Generated Images in Flutter with OpenAI's DALL-E 2 API

Create Beautiful AI-Generated Images in Flutter with OpenAI's DALL-E 2 API

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of the Project
  3. API and Features
    • Text Completion
    • Image Generation
    • Embedding
    • Code Completion
    • Fine Tuning
  4. Creating an API Key
  5. Pricing and Charges
  6. Implementing the Image Generation in Flutter
    • Adding Dependencies
    • Making an API Call
  7. Conclusion
  8. Resources


Are you interested in creating an app that can convert text into AI-generated images? In this Tutorial, we will explore how to develop such an app using the OpenAI API. With the help of the Dali E2 AI engine, we can generate realistic images based on the content input. Let's dive into the details of this fascinating project and learn how to implement it step by step.

Overview of the Project

The objective of this project is to build an app that can convert given text into AI-generated images. By leveraging the OpenAI API, we can harness its powerful image generation capabilities. The app we will develop in Flutter will allow users to enter text and generate corresponding AI-generated images in real-time. The generated images will accurately depict the content of the input text, creating a visually engaging experience.

API and Features

The OpenAI API provides several valuable features that we can utilize for our app. These features include:

Text Completion

The OpenAI API offers text completion capabilities, enabling us to generate coherent and contextually appropriate text based on the provided prompts. This feature strengthens the overall functionality and flexibility of our application.

Image Generation

The primary focus of our app is the image generation feature. Leveraging the OpenAI API's image generation capabilities, we can transform textual content into visually appealing and realistic AI-generated images. This feature opens up countless possibilities for creative applications and visual storytelling.


Additionally, the OpenAI API allows for embedding, which helps to encode textual information into a numerical format. This embedding can be used for tasks like machine learning and natural language processing, enhancing the app's capabilities and potential future developments.

Code Completion

The OpenAI API's code completion feature aids developers by providing code suggestions and completions based on the provided prompts. This feature can facilitate app development and streamline the coding process.

Fine Tuning

Lastly, the OpenAI API also supports fine-tuning, which allows users to customize and refine models according to their specific requirements. This feature empowers developers to optimize the performance of their app and create more tailored solutions.

Creating an API Key

To access the OpenAI API and use its image generation feature, we need to create an API key. Here are the steps to create the key:

  1. Visit the OpenAI website and create an account using your preferred method, such as Google or other available options.
  2. Once logged in, navigate to your account settings and generate your API key.
  3. Ensure you have added your credit card details, as the OpenAI API may incur charges for usage based on the provided pricing structure.

Pricing and Charges

It's essential to be aware of the pricing and charges associated with using the OpenAI API for image generation. The cost depends on factors such as the number of images generated and the size of the images. Here is an overview of the pricing:

  • For image size 250x256 pixels, each image generated costs approximately $0.016, which roughly converts to 1.28 rupees.
  • Larger image sizes may incur higher charges, and the precise cost will vary accordingly.

Before proceeding, it's crucial to review the pricing details on the OpenAI website and ensure you are comfortable with the associated costs.

Implementing the Image Generation in Flutter

Now let's dive into the practical implementation of image generation using the OpenAI API in a Flutter app. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Adding Dependencies: Begin by adding the necessary dependencies to your Flutter Project. These dependencies will include packages like HTTP, which facilitate HTTP calls required to interact with the OpenAI API.

  2. Making an API Call: Within your Flutter code, make an API call to the OpenAI API using the HTTP Package. Pass the required parameters, including the Prompt text, the number of images to generate, and the desired image size. Remember to utilize your API key in the API call for authentication.

  3. Handling the Response: Decode the API response, which will contain the generated image data in JSON format. Extract the URL of the generated image from the response and assign it to a variable.

  4. Displaying the Image: Make use of the NetworkImage widget to display the generated image in your app. Ensure you check if the image data is null before displaying it. If no text has been entered for image generation, display a message prompting the user to enter text.

  5. Updating the UI: After setting the image URL and ensuring the appropriate conditions are met, call the setState method to update the UI and display the generated image.


In this tutorial, we explored the process of creating a Flutter app that converts text into AI-generated images using the OpenAI API. By following the step-by-step implementation guide, you can harness the power of the OpenAI image generation feature and create visually immersive experiences within your app. Remember to review the OpenAI website for any updates, guidelines, or additional resources that may further enhance your app development process.



  • Create an app that converts text into AI-generated images
  • Leverage the image generation feature of the OpenAI API
  • Develop the app using Flutter
  • Utilize the Dali E2 AI engine for image generation
  • Add dependencies and make HTTP calls in Flutter to interact with the OpenAI API
  • Display the generated images in the app's UI
  • Stay updated with OpenAI's pricing and charges for API usage


Q: Can I use the OpenAI API for other tasks besides image generation? A: Yes, the OpenAI API offers several features, including text completion, code completion, image generation, embedding, and fine-tuning, which can be utilized for various tasks based on your application's requirements.

Q: Are there any free options available for using the OpenAI API? A: The OpenAI API is not completely free. There are charges associated with API usage based on the number of images generated and their size. Be sure to review the pricing details on the OpenAI website and prepare accordingly.

Q: Can I customize the OpenAI models for better performance? A: Yes, the OpenAI API allows for model fine-tuning, which enables you to customize and refine the models according to your needs. Fine-tuning empowers developers to optimize the performance of their applications and create more tailored solutions.

Q: Is the OpenAI API suitable for NLP and machine learning applications? A: Yes, the OpenAI API supports embedding, which helps encode textual information into a numerical format. This encoding can be used for various tasks, including natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, enhancing the capabilities of your application.

Q: What is the process for creating an API key for the OpenAI API? A: To create an API key, visit the OpenAI website, create an account, and generate your API key from your account settings. Additionally, ensure that you have added your credit card details, as charges may apply for API usage.

Q: What are the Dimensions and costs associated with generated images? A: The cost of generated images depends on their size. The OpenAI API charges approximately $0.016 per image for a size of 250x256 pixels. Larger image sizes may incur higher charges. Please refer to OpenAI's pricing details for more information.

Q: Can I use the OpenAI API in conjunction with Flutter for app development? A: Yes, the OpenAI API can be integrated into Flutter app development. By making HTTP calls and utilizing relevant packages, you can seamlessly incorporate the OpenAI API's image generation capabilities into your Flutter project.

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