Create Captivating Kids' Stories with AI in Urdu & Hindi

Create Captivating Kids' Stories with AI in Urdu & Hindi

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Step 1: Generating a Story Script
  3. Step 2: Creating a Voice Over
  4. Step 3: Generating Visuals with BlueWillow AI
  5. Step 4: Combining and Editing the Video
  6. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore how to create a kids' story video using AI in just 30 minutes and upload it on YouTube to generate money. I will guide you through each step of the process, from generating a story script to combining and editing the video. Whether you want to make cartoon story videos or simply learn about the AI Tools involved, this article has got you covered.

Step 1: Generating a Story Script

The first step is to generate a story script for your video. If you are making a video in Urdu, Hindi, or any other language, you will need a story script in that language. You can either create your story using ChatGPT and Translate it with the help of Google Translator or copy a story script from a website. Once you have your story script ready, you can proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Creating a Voice Over

Now, it's time to create a voice over for your story video. While there are AI voice over options available, some people believe that YouTube does not monetize videos with AI voice overs. To avoid any concerns, we will use our own voice. Grab your mobile's built-in voice recorder and find a quiet room. Start Recording your story in your own voice over. This personal touch will add authenticity to your video.

Step 3: Generating Visuals with Bluewillow AI

The next crucial step is generating visuals or images for your story. In this process, we will be using Bluewillow AI. If you are unfamiliar with how to use this tool, you can refer to my Tutorial, which is linked in the description. I have also attached screenshots of the prompts I used to create my images in the video. By following my prompts as an example, you can create images of similar quality for your story. Make sure to download all the required images.

Step 4: Combining and Editing the Video

In this final step, we will combine and edit all the elements to make a captivating story video. You can use any video editing software you prefer. I recommend using the InShot app as it is user-friendly and offers basic editing features. Download the app from the Play Store and install it on your phone. Once you have the app, create a new video project. Import the images you generated from Bluewillow one by one. Also, import your voice over file and any background Music you desire. Adjust the placement of the images, add transitions, and fine-tune the volume of your voice over and background music layers. You can even add subtitles if you wish. Finally, save the video in 1080p and 30fps settings.


Congratulations! Your story video is now ready to be uploaded on YouTube. Since you've used your own voice over, you can also monetize the video. I would like to express my gratitude to all the viewers who have supported my tutorials. Your response has been incredible, and I deeply appreciate it. If you have any questions or need further assistance with these AI tools, feel free to reach out to me on Instagram. Don't forget to like the video and subscribe to stay updated with more content.


  • Create a kids' story video using AI in just 30 minutes
  • Learn how to generate a story script and create a voice over
  • Understand the process of generating visuals with Bluewillow AI
  • Combine and edit all elements to make a captivating video
  • Monetize your video on YouTube using your own voice over


Q: Can I use AI voice over for my YouTube videos? A: Yes, many channels on YouTube use AI voice over and still monetize their videos. However, to address concerns, this article suggests using your own voice over.

Q: How can I generate a story script in a specific language? A: You can create a story using ChatGPT and then translate it into your desired language using Google Translator.

Q: What if I don't know how to use Bluewillow AI? A: You can refer to the tutorial provided in the article to learn how to use Bluewillow AI for generating visuals for your story video.

Q: Can I add subtitles to my video? A: Yes, you can add subtitles using the InShot app. Simply press the text button, add a new text layer, and customize the text properties.

Q: How can I monetize my video on YouTube? A: By using your own voice over instead of AI voice over, you can monetize your video on YouTube.


  • [Bluewillow ai Tutorial](provide URL here)
  • [InShot app](provide URL here)
  • [Google Translator](provide URL here)
  • [YouTube Creator Academy](provide URL here)
  • [Google Play Store](provide URL here)

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