Create Dynamic and Responsive AI Using a Generic Character

Create Dynamic and Responsive AI Using a Generic Character

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Difference Between a Humanoid and a Generic Character
  3. Creating an AI Using a Generic Character
  4. Setting Up the Generic Character
  5. Adding Components to the Generic Character
  6. Creating an Animator Controller for the Generic Character
  7. Setting Up Animations for the Generic Character
  8. Configuring Animation Parameters for the Generic Character
  9. Implementing Movement and Actions for the Generic Character
  10. testing and Troubleshooting the Generic Character
  11. Conclusion

🤖 Introduction

In this Tutorial, we will explore how to create an AI using a generic character. We will discuss the difference between a humanoid and a generic character and how we can utilize a generic character to apply any humanoid animations. By understanding the structure and components of a generic character, we can create our own AI behaviors and animations. We will be using a cactus character created by Maxie, which comes with a set of animations to get us started.

🤔 The Difference Between a Humanoid and a Generic Character

Before we dive into creating an AI using a generic character, it's important to understand the difference between a humanoid and a generic character. A humanoid character is a character that has two legs, two arms, a torso, and adheres to a specific structure. It can represent any human-like creature, such as a person, a robot, or even a fantasy creature. On the other HAND, a generic character can have the same structure as a humanoid but doesn't necessarily need to be human. It can be any creature, such as a bear, a fox, or even a cactus, as long as it has the required limbs and body parts.

🛠️ Creating an AI Using a Generic Character

To create an AI using a generic character, we need to start by setting up the generic character itself. This involves importing the character model, adjusting the Scale, and applying the necessary materials. We will also need to add specific components to the generic character, such as an Animator, a Capsule Collider, a Rigidbody, and a NavMeshAgent. These components will allow us to control the character's movement, animations, and interaction with the environment. Additionally, we will utilize an FSM (Finite State Machine) Behavior Controller to define the AI's behavior and control its actions.

💡 Setting Up the Generic Character

To start, we import the cactus character model and adjust its scale to an appropriate size. We may need to modify the FBX directly to ensure the desired scale is achieved. Once the scale is adjusted, we can assign the necessary materials to the character, such as the eyes' material. If needed, we can create multiple instances of the cactus prefab to have variations of the character. It's crucial to ensure the animations and scale factor are correctly set in the FBX and animations, as these will affect how the character behaves and moves.

📦 Adding Components to the Generic Character

To make the generic character functional, we need to add specific components to it. This includes an Animator, a Capsule Collider, a Rigidbody, and a NavMeshAgent. The Animator component allows us to control the character's animations, while the Capsule Collider provides collision detection for the character's body. The Rigidbody component adds physics simulation to the character, allowing it to be affected by forces such as gravity. Lastly, the NavMeshAgent component enables the character to navigate the environment using a navigation mesh.

🎮 Creating an Animator Controller for the Generic Character

Creating an Animator Controller is essential for controlling the animations of the generic character. We will use the Vector AI Animator Controller as a base and customize it to fit our character's animations. We'll adjust the animations for locomotion, idle, walking, and running to match the cactus character's available animations. Additionally, we may need to remove unnecessary animations and parameters that are not applicable to our character. By setting up the Animator Controller correctly, we can ensure smooth transitions between animations and control the character's movements accurately.

🎥 Setting Up Animations for the Generic Character

To set up animations for the generic character, we need to map the appropriate animation clips to the Animator Controller's states. We'll assign the cactus character's animations for idle, walk, run, attack, take damage, and death to their respective states. Additionally, we may need to adjust the animation speeds to match the character's movement speed and actions. By organizing the animation states and transitions, we can create a seamless animation experience for the generic character.

⚙️ Configuring Animation Parameters for the Generic Character

To enable control over the generic character's behavior, we need to configure animation parameters. These parameters include inputs like horizontal and vertical movements, as well as magnitude to determine the character's speed. We can also include parameters for crouching, strafing, grounded state, and weak attacks. By utilizing these parameters effectively, we can create interactive and responsive animations for the generic character.

🏃 Implementing Movement and Actions for the Generic Character

Once the character and animations are set up, we can implement the AI's movement and action behaviors. We'll utilize the FSM Behavior Controller to define the generic character's behaviors, such as movement, receiving damage, and playing animations. We'll focus on creating a simple AI behavior for the cactus character, which involves basic movement and reacting to damage. We can use the simple civilian control AI for this example, allowing the character to move around the environment while avoiding obstacles.

🐛 Testing and Troubleshooting the Generic Character

After implementing the generic character's movement and actions, it's crucial to thoroughly test and troubleshoot the AI behavior. We can test the character's reactions to different inputs and scenarios, ensuring that the movement, animations, and interactions are functioning correctly. It's common to encounter issues during testing, such as animation glitches or improper transitions. By carefully troubleshooting these issues and making necessary adjustments to the components and parameters, we can fine-tune the generic character's AI to work seamlessly.

🏁 Conclusion

In conclusion, creating an AI using a generic character allows us to apply various humanoid animations to different types of characters. By understanding the differences between humanoid and generic characters, setting up the character and its components, and configuring the Animator Controller and animations, we can create dynamic and responsive AI behaviors. With proper implementation, testing, and troubleshooting, the generic character can become a fully functional AI that interacts with its environment and provides an engaging experience for users.


  • Learn how to create an AI using a generic character 🤖
  • Understand the difference between humanoid and generic characters 🤔
  • Set up the generic character and add necessary components 🛠️
  • Create an Animator Controller to control animations 🎮
  • Configure animations and animation parameters ⚙️
  • Implement movement and actions for the generic character 🏃
  • Test and troubleshoot the AI behavior 🐛
  • Create a dynamic and responsive AI using a generic character 🏁


Q: Can I use a non-human character as a generic character? A: Yes, as long as the character has the required limbs and body parts.

Q: How do I adjust the scale of the generic character? A: Modify the FBX directly or adjust the scale factor in the import settings.

Q: What components do I need to add to the generic character? A: Add an Animator, Capsule Collider, Rigidbody, and NavMeshAgent components.

Q: How do I create animations for the generic character? A: Assign animation clips to the Animator Controller's states and configure animation parameters.

Q: Can I customize the AI behavior for the generic character? A: Yes, you can use the FSM Behavior Controller to define custom AI behaviors.

Q: How can I troubleshoot issues with the generic character's animations? A: Test the character's reactions to different inputs, check for animation glitches, and adjust component settings and parameters as needed.


  • Vector AI Animator Controller: [link]
  • Cactus Character Model by Maxie: [link]

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