Create Dynamic Text To Voice Converter in JavaScript

Create Dynamic Text To Voice Converter in JavaScript

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating the HTML Structure
  3. Styling the Web Page
  4. Adding JavaScript Functionality
  5. Converting Text to Speech
  6. Changing the Voice
  7. Conclusion


In this article, we will learn how to Create a text-to-speech converter using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This converter will allow users to enter text, click a button, and have the text converted into speech. We will also explore how to change the voice used in the conversion process.

Creating the HTML Structure

To begin, we will create the basic HTML structure for our web page. This will include adding a title, a text input area, a drop-down select box, and a button. We will use CSS to style these elements and make them visually appealing.

Styling the Web Page

In this section, we will Apply CSS styles to the HTML elements we created in the previous step. We will use CSS properties to set the width, Height, background color, font size, and other visual attributes of the elements. This will help make our web page look professional and user-friendly.

Adding JavaScript Functionality

Next, we will add JavaScript functionality to our web page. This will involve adding event listeners to the button and select box elements and writing corresponding JavaScript code. We will use JavaScript to handle user interactions and perform actions such as converting text to speech.

Converting Text to Speech

In this step, we will implement the actual text-to-speech conversion functionality using JavaScript. We will use the SpeechSynthesis API, which is supported by most modern browsers, to convert the entered text into speech. This will allow users to hear the text they have entered in a human-like voice.

Changing the Voice

To make our text-to-speech converter more versatile, we will provide users with the ability to change the voice used for the conversion. We will use the SpeechSynthesis.getVoices() method to retrieve a list of available voices. Users can then select a voice from a drop-down menu, and the selected voice will be used for the conversion.


In this article, we have learned how to create a text-to-speech converter using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We have explored the steps involved in creating the HTML structure, styling the web page, adding JavaScript functionality, converting text to speech, and changing the voice. With this knowledge, You can now create your own text-to-speech converters and customize them to suit your needs.

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