Create Hilarious Memes with HTML and JavaScript!
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- HTML and JavaScript Challenge Overview
- User Stories
- User Story 1: Click Buttons to Generate Random Content
- User Story 2: Only Show One Piece of Content at a Time
- User Story 3: Display Content Under the Appropriate Heading
- User Story 4: Reveal Riddle Answer by Clicking the Button
- User Story 5: Alert Messages for No Riddle or Already Revealed Answer
- Implementation Steps
- Step 1: Set Up HTML Structure
- Step 2: Implement the "Show Meme" Functionality
- Step 3: Implement the "Show Joke" Functionality
- Step 4: Implement the "Show Quote" Functionality
- Step 5: Implement the "Show Riddle" Functionality
- Step 6: Implement the "Reveal Riddle Answer" Functionality
- Step 7: Implement the "Clear All" Functionality
- Conclusion
Welcome to Lesson Seven of the Code Challenge Series! In this lesson, we will be working on an HTML and JavaScript challenge. The goal is to Create a dynamic webpage that generates random memes, jokes, quotes, and riddles. We will use the Document Object Model (DOM) to bring our JavaScript code to life and make the webpage interactive.
HTML and JavaScript Challenge Overview
Before we dive into the details of the challenge, let's take a look at what we will be creating. The webpage will have a set of buttons on the right side. When these buttons are clicked, they will generate random content Based on the button's category (memes, jokes, quotes, or riddles). Only one piece of content will be displayed at a time, and the content will be displayed under the appropriate heading. We will also have a button to reveal the answer to the riddle, and proper alerts will be shown if there is no riddle or if the answer is already revealed.
User Stories
Let's define the user stories for this challenge to better understand the requirements:
User Story 1: Click Buttons to Generate Random Content
As a user, I should be able to click the buttons on the right side of the screen to generate random memes, jokes, quotes, or riddles. Each time I click a button, a new piece of random content should be displayed.
User Story 2: Only Show One Piece of Content at a Time
As a user, I should only see one piece of content at a time. If I click a new button, the previous content should be replaced with the new content.
User Story 3: Display Content Under the Appropriate Heading
As a user, I expect the content to be displayed under the appropriate heading. For example, if I click the "Tell Me a Joke" button, the joke should be displayed under the "Tell Me Something Funny" heading.
User Story 4: Reveal Riddle Answer by Clicking the Button
As a user, when I click the "Reveal Riddle Answer" button, the answer to the riddle should be displayed. However, the answer should not be revealed until I explicitly click the button.
User Story 5: Alert Messages for No Riddle or Already Revealed Answer
As a user, if I click the "Reveal Riddle Answer" button and there is no riddle available, I should be alerted that there is no riddle to reveal the answer for. Similarly, if I click the button and the answer is already revealed, I should be alerted that the answer is already exposed.
Implementation Steps
Now that we have our user stories defined, let's break down the implementation steps to complete this challenge:
Step 1: Set Up HTML Structure
Before we start writing the JavaScript code, we need to set up the HTML structure for our dynamic webpage. We will use semantic HTML elements, such as <main>
, <section>
, and <div>
, to organize the content and buttons.
Step 2: Implement the "Show Meme" Functionality
In this step, we will write the JavaScript code for the "Show Meme" functionality. This involves generating a random meme URL and displaying it under the "Programmer Memes" heading. We also need to handle the case where there is already a meme displayed, and we want to replace it with a new one.
Step 3: Implement the "Show Joke" Functionality
Similar to the previous step, we need to implement the "Show Joke" functionality. This involves generating a random joke and displaying it under the "Tell Me Something Funny" heading. We also need to handle the case where there is already a joke displayed, and we want to replace it with a new one.
Step 4: Implement the "Show Quote" Functionality
In this step, we will write the code for the "Show Quote" functionality. This involves generating a random quote and displaying it under the "Give Me Some Wisdom" heading. Again, we need to handle the case where there is already a quote displayed, and we want to replace it with a new one.
Step 5: Implement the "Show Riddle" Functionality
Now it's time to implement the "Show Riddle" functionality. We need to generate a random riddle and display it under the "I Want a Riddle" heading. Additionally, we will set up the HTML structure for displaying the riddle answer, but we will hide it initially.
Step 6: Implement the "Reveal Riddle Answer" Functionality
In this step, we will write the JavaScript code for the "Reveal Riddle Answer" functionality. When this button is clicked, we need to check if there is a riddle available and if the answer is Hidden. If both conditions are met, we will reveal the answer. Otherwise, we will display the appropriate alert messages.
Step 7: Implement the "Clear All" Functionality
The last step is to implement the "Clear All" functionality. This involves clearing the content in all sections (memes, jokes, quotes, and riddles) when a new piece of content is generated. This ensures that only one piece of content is shown at a time.
Congratulations on completing the HTML and JavaScript challenge! You have learned how to use the Document Object Model (DOM) to create a dynamic webpage that generates random content. Remember to test your code and make any necessary adjustments. This challenge has helped strengthen your HTML and JavaScript skills, and you are one step closer to becoming a proficient full-stack developer.
Continue practicing by customizing the content and adding your own favorite memes, jokes, quotes, and riddles. Have fun coding and stay curious!