Create PDF Summarization App with Lamini Flan T5

Create PDF Summarization App with Lamini Flan T5

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Lamini Flan T5: A Powerful Language Model
  3. Overview of the Streamlit Application
  4. Setting Up the Environment
  5. Uploading and Preprocessing the PDF File
  6. Utilizing the Lamini Flan T5 Model for Summarization
  7. Displaying the Summarized Text
  8. Testing the Streamlit Application
  9. Conclusion
  10. FAQ


Welcome to AI Anytime! In this video, we will be creating a Streamlit application to summarize documents using the Lamini Flan T5 language model. This powerful open-source model has 248 million parameters and is fine-tuned on the T5 architecture by Google. We will explore how to leverage this language model to build a text summarization application using Streamlit. With the ability to process PDF files and generate concise summaries, this application can be a valuable tool for various use cases.

Lamini Flan T5: A Powerful Language Model

Lamini Flan T5 is an underrated language model that was released by Google a few years ago. With 248 million parameters, it is smaller compared to other large-Scale language models available today. Despite its size, Lamini Flan T5 is capable of generating high-quality summaries and text generation. We will be utilizing the summarization pipeline of this model in our Streamlit application.

Overview of the Streamlit Application

The Streamlit application We Are building will allow users to upload PDF documents and generate summaries for them using the Lamini Flan T5 language model. The application will feature a simple and intuitive user interface that provides a seamless experience. The uploaded documents will be processed and summarized by the model, and the resulting summaries will be displayed to the user.

Setting Up the Environment

Before building the Streamlit application, we need to set up the required environment. This includes installing the necessary libraries and dependencies, such as Transformers, Torch, and Streamlit. We will also download and store the Lamini Flan T5 model locally, as we do not require any API keys for this open-source model.

Uploading and Preprocessing the PDF File

To enable document summarization, the application will allow users to upload PDF files. We will utilize the capability of Streamlit to handle file uploads and preprocess the uploaded PDF files using the Langchain library. The Langchain library provides functionality for text splitting and document loading, which will be utilized to extract the content of the PDF files.

Utilizing the Lamini Flan T5 Model for Summarization

Once the PDF file is uploaded and preprocessed, we will leverage the Lamini Flan T5 language model for summarization. We will use the summarization pipeline provided by the model to generate concise summaries of the uploaded documents. The pipeline takes the preprocessed text as input and returns the summarization as output.

Displaying the Summarized Text

The summarization generated by the Lamini Flan T5 model will be displayed to the user in the Streamlit application. We will utilize the interactive components of Streamlit to Create a user-friendly interface that presents the summaries in a readable format. The application will also provide options for downloading or sharing the summaries.

Testing the Streamlit Application

To ensure the functionality and performance of the Streamlit application, we will conduct thorough testing. This will involve uploading different PDF documents and verifying the accuracy and coherency of the generated summaries. We will also assess the responsiveness and user experience of the application.


In this video, we have learned how to build a Streamlit application for document summarization using the Lamini Flan T5 language model. The application leverages the powerful capabilities of the model to provide accurate and concise summaries of uploaded PDF files. This technology can be highly beneficial in various domains, such as research, content curation, and information retrieval.


Q: Can the Streamlit application handle files other than PDF? A: The application is currently designed to handle PDF files. However, with additional modifications, it can be extended to support other file formats such as TXT, DOC, or JSON.

Q: Is the Lamini Flan T5 model suitable for large-scale document processing? A: The Lamini Flan T5 model has a parameter size of 248 million, which makes it suitable for processing moderately sized documents. For very large documents or high-throughput scenarios, a model with larger parameter size may be more appropriate.

Q: Can the Streamlit application be deployed as a web API? A: Yes, the Streamlit application can be further developed into a web API using frameworks like FastAPI or Flask. This would enable integration with other applications and systems.

Q: How accurate are the summaries generated by the Lamini Flan T5 model? A: The accuracy of the summaries generated by the model depends on the complexity and nature of the input documents. While the model provides generally high-quality summaries, it is essential to review and validate the generated summaries for specific use cases.

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