Create Real-Time AI Face Landmark Detection with Tensorflow.JS and React

Create Real-Time AI Face Landmark Detection with Tensorflow.JS and React

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Facial Landmark Detection?
  3. How Snapchat Filters Use Facial Landmark Detection
  4. Building Your Own Facial Landmark Detection App
  5. Installing Face Mesh
  6. Building a React App
  7. Real-Time Face Detection and Landmark Detection
  8. Setting up the Webcam and Canvas
  9. Loading the Face Mesh Model
  10. Running the Face Detection
  11. Drawing the Facial Landmarks
  12. Drawing Triangles on the Face Mesh
  13. Conclusion


Are you curious about how Snapchat filters accurately recognize and track your face movements? The secret lies in facial landmark detection, a powerful technique that combines machine learning, deep learning, and artificial intelligence (AI) to detect and track specific points on your face. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of facial landmark detection and learn how to build our very own facial landmark detection app.

What is Facial Landmark Detection?

Facial landmark detection is a technique that uses machine learning algorithms to identify and locate key points on a person's face. These key points, also known as landmarks, can include positions such as the corners of the mouth, the tip of the nose, and the corners of the eyes. By detecting and tracking these landmarks, a facial landmark detection algorithm can create a detailed mesh of a person's face.

How Snapchat Filters Use Facial Landmark Detection

Snapchat filters have become incredibly popular due to their ability to overlay graphics and animations onto a user's face in real time. Behind the scenes, Snapchat filters utilize facial landmark detection to accurately map and track the user's facial features. By detecting specific landmarks and triangulating them, Snapchat filters are able to create a 3D mesh of the user's face, providing a precise canvas for applying filters and animations.

Building Your Own Facial Landmark Detection App

Have you ever wanted to develop your own facial landmark detection app? In this article, we will guide you through the process of building a facial landmark detection app using the Face Mesh library, a pre-trained deep learning model released by the TensorFlow.js team. With this app, you will be able to perform real-time facial landmark detection and Visualize the detailed mesh of your own face.

Installing Face Mesh

To get started, we need to install the necessary dependencies for our app. There are three key dependencies we require: TensorFlow.js, the Face Mesh model, and React Webcam. TensorFlow.js provides the necessary tools for running machine learning models in the browser, while the Face Mesh model contains the necessary pre-trained model for facial landmark detection. React Webcam allows us to access the user's webcam and perform real-time detection.

Building a React App

Our facial landmark detection app will be built using React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. We will use the "npx create react app" command to create the initial setup for our app. This command generates the necessary file structure and dependencies required to launch a React app. We will start by navigating to the desired folder and running the "npx create react app" command.

Real-Time Face Detection and Landmark Detection

Once our app is set up, we can start implementing the real-time face and landmark detection functionality. To achieve this, we will use React Webcam to access the user's webcam and TensorFlow.js to perform facial landmark recognition. By combining these technologies, we can establish a continuous stream of webcam data, run the facial landmark detection model on each frame, and render the results on the screen.

Setting up the Webcam and Canvas

Before we can perform face and landmark detection, we need to set up the webcam and canvas components in our app. We will use React refs to create references to these components and access their properties. By setting up the webcam component, we can access the user's webcam stream, while the canvas component will allow us to render the detected facial landmarks.

Loading the Face Mesh Model

The next step is to load the Face Mesh model into our app. The Face Mesh model is a pre-trained deep learning model provided by TensorFlow.js, specifically designed for facial landmark detection. By loading the model, we can utilize its capabilities to detect and track the facial landmarks in real time. We will use the "load()" method provided by TensorFlow.js to load the model into our app.

Running the Face Detection

Once the Face Mesh model is loaded, we can start running the face detection process on each frame from the webcam stream. By utilizing React lifecycle methods, such as "componentDidMount()", we can continuously grab webcam frames, pass them to the Face Mesh model, and retrieve the predicted facial landmarks. These landmarks will be a set of 3D coordinates representing various points on the face, such as the eyes, nose, and mouth.

Drawing the Facial Landmarks

To visualize the facial landmarks on the screen, we will implement a drawing function that takes the detected landmarks as input and draws them on the canvas component. By mapping the 3D coordinates provided by the Face Mesh model to the 2D space of the canvas, we can accurately position and render the facial landmarks. This will allow us to see the detailed mesh of our own face, similar to how Snapchat filters work.

Drawing Triangles on the Face Mesh

In addition to drawing the facial landmarks, we can enhance the visualization by drawing triangles on the face mesh. The triangles will connect the detected facial landmarks, creating a more comprehensive representation of the face's surface geometry. We will use a set of triangulation metrics provided by TensorFlow.js to determine which landmarks form triangles. By looping through these metrics and drawing the corresponding triangles, we can create a more detailed and accurate visualization.


Congratulations! You have successfully built your own facial landmark detection app using React, TensorFlow.js, and the Face Mesh model. By utilizing facial landmark detection, you can now detect and track specific points on your face, enabling a wide range of applications, such as virtual try-on experiences, augmented reality filters, and facial expression analysis. The possibilities are endless, and you can further explore and refine your app by adding additional features and functionalities.


  • Facial landmark detection is a powerful technique that combines machine learning, deep learning, and AI to detect and track specific points on a person's face.
  • Snapchat filters utilize facial landmark detection to accurately map and track facial features, allowing for the overlay of graphics and animations in real time.
  • Building your own facial landmark detection app is possible using tools such as the Face Mesh model from TensorFlow.js and React Webcam.
  • The app can perform real-time facial landmark detection, visualize the mesh of your face, and even draw triangles to represent the surface geometry.
  • Facial landmark detection opens up a world of possibilities, including virtual try-on experiences, augmented reality filters, and facial expression analysis.


Q: Can I use the facial landmark detection app on any device? A: The facial landmark detection app can be accessed on any device with a compatible browser that supports the necessary technologies (React, TensorFlow.js, webcam access).

Q: How accurate is the facial landmark detection? A: The accuracy of facial landmark detection depends on various factors such as lighting conditions, camera quality, and the specific algorithm used. However, modern models and techniques have achieved impressive levels of accuracy and robustness.

Q: Can I use the facial landmark detection app for real-time facial animation? A: Yes, the facial landmark detection app provides the foundation for real-time facial animation. By tracking the facial landmarks, you can map various animations or effects onto the user's face in real time.

Q: Can I customize the facial landmark detection app to detect additional facial landmarks? A: Yes, the facial landmark detection app can be extended to detect additional facial landmarks based on your specific requirements. This may involve training a custom model or modifying existing models and algorithms.

Q: Are there any privacy concerns associated with facial landmark detection? A: Facial landmark detection itself does not pose significant privacy concerns as it focuses on identifying facial features rather than personal information. However, it's essential to handle user data responsibly and adhere to privacy regulations when building and deploying applications that involve facial analytics.


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