Create stunning 3D depth maps from images with Google AI

Create stunning 3D depth maps from images with Google AI

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started
  3. Setting up Google Collab
  4. Uploading the Required Files
  5. Running the Code
  6. Analyzing the Output
  7. Testing with Different Images
  8. Evaluating the Results
  9. Pros and Cons of the Mannequin Challenge
  10. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we will explore how to Create depth maps from 2D images using Google Collab and the Mannequin Challenge. The Mannequin Challenge was a popular trend a few years ago where participants would freeze their movements like mannequins while a video was being recorded. Google took AdVantage of this trend and used the videos to create accurate depth maps using photogrammetry and neural networks. This tutorial will guide You through the process of generating depth maps from your own images using this technique.

Getting Started

Before we dive into the details, there are a few prerequisites for following along with this tutorial. First, you will need a Gmail account as Google Collab requires a Google account. If you don't have a Gmail account, you can easily create one for free. Additionally, you will need to download the necessary files from GitHub or from the author's Website.

Setting up Google Collab

Once you have a Gmail account and the required files, you can proceed with setting up Google Collab. Google Collab is a cloud-Based Jupyter notebook that allows you to write and execute Python code in your web browser. To start, open Google Collab and create a new notebook. Rename the notebook to "2D to Depth" for better organization.

Uploading the Required Files

Next, you will need to upload the files required for creating the depth maps. These files include the "2D to Depth" directory, which contains the necessary scripts and directories, and an input image file that you want to generate a depth map for. You can easily upload these files to your Google Drive and access them from Google Collab.

Running the Code

Once the files are uploaded, you can run the code to generate the depth map. Start by changing the directory to the "2D to Depth" directory using a code snippet provided in the tutorial. After that, you can run the code cell that performs the actual depth map generation. The code will utilize the trained neural network to create an accurate depth map from the input image.

Analyzing the Output

After running the code, you will find the generated depth map in the designated output file. You can download the depth map and analyze its quality. The depth map will be a grayscale image where black represents the near objects and white represents the far objects. Take note of any inaccuracies or artifacts in the depth map and evaluate its usefulness for your specific application.

Testing with Different Images

Once you have successfully generated a depth map, you can try the process with different images. This will allow you to assess the effectiveness of the Mannequin Challenge technique on various types of images. Experiment with images of people, landscapes, and objects to see how well the neural network performs in different scenarios.

Evaluating the Results

After testing the technique with different images, it's essential to evaluate the results. Consider the pros and cons of using the Mannequin Challenge approach for generating depth maps. Assess the accuracy, ease of use, and overall usefulness of the technique for your specific requirements. Comparing the depth maps with ground truth data or other established methods can also provide valuable insights.

Pros and Cons of the Mannequin Challenge


  • Uses readily available videos for depth map generation
  • Utilizes photogrammetry and neural networks for accurate results
  • Can be easily implemented using Google Collab and provided scripts
  • Works well with images of people and scenes with distinct shapes


  • May produce artifacts or inaccuracies in certain scenarios
  • Requires a significant amount of training data for optimal results
  • Relies heavily on the quality and diversity of the Mannequin Challenge videos
  • Performance may vary depending on the complexity of the scene and lighting conditions


In conclusion, the Mannequin Challenge technique combined with Google Collab provides a straightforward and accessible method for generating depth maps from 2D images. By leveraging the power of photogrammetry and neural networks, this approach can produce accurate results, especially for images of people and scenes with distinct shapes. However, there are limitations to consider, such as potential artifacts and the need for sufficient training data. Overall, this technique serves as a useful tool for depth map generation and can be further improved with advancements in technology and training data availability.


  • Generate depth maps from 2D images using the Mannequin Challenge technique
  • Utilize Google Collab for running the code and accessing necessary files
  • Evaluate the accuracy and usability of the depth maps for different images
  • Consider the pros and cons of the Mannequin Challenge approach for depth map generation
  • Explore the potential applications and limitations of this technique


Q: Can this technique generate depth maps for any 2D image? A: While the Mannequin Challenge technique can generate depth maps for various 2D images, it works best with images of people and scenes with distinguishable shapes. The accuracy and usefulness may vary depending on the complexity of the scene and lighting conditions.

Q: How accurate are the generated depth maps? A: The accuracy of the depth maps depends on the quality and diversity of the training data. In general, the technique can produce reasonably accurate depth maps, but there might be some artifacts or inaccuracies in certain scenarios.

Q: Can I use larger images for depth map generation? A: Yes, the technique supports larger images. However, keep in mind that larger images may require more computational resources and could affect the processing time.

Q: Is the Mannequin Challenge technique the only method for generating depth maps? A: No, there are various methods for generating depth maps, including other deep learning approaches, traditional stereo vision techniques, and LiDAR-based methods. The choice of method depends on the specific requirements and constraints of the application.

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