Create Stunning Character Concept Art with AI - Stable Diffusion Tutorial

Create Stunning Character Concept Art with AI - Stable Diffusion Tutorial

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting Up the Environment
  3. Creating the Character Concept Art
  4. Preparing the Source Image
  5. Selecting and Editing Stock Photos
  6. Using Stable Diffusion
  7. Refining the Character Art
  8. Adding Background Elements
  9. Adjusting Colors and Composition
  10. Finalizing the Artwork


In this Tutorial, we will explore how to create a full character concept art using Stable Diffusion, the gradio UI, and Photoshop or any other image editing program equivalent. We will start with a basic pose photo and transform it into a detailed character concept art piece. If you don't have Stable Diffusion installed yet, I will provide instructions on how to install it. We will begin by creating a new document in Photoshop and selecting the appropriate Dimensions. Then, we will cut out the subject from the source photo and Gather stock photos of armor and other elements to use in our composition. Once we have all the necessary assets, we will bring them into Stable Diffusion and generate the initial results. From there, we will fine-tune the artwork, refine the details, and add a background to complete the composition. Finally, we will make adjustments to colors and composition, and finalize the artwork. So let's get started!

Setting Up the Environment

Before we begin, make sure you have Stable Diffusion installed. If you haven't installed it yet, please follow the link in the description and download the version that best suits your needs. There are several options available, so choose the one that works best for you. Once you have Stable Diffusion installed, open your preferred image editing program, such as Photoshop, and create a new document. Make sure the dimensions are around 1024 to 11024, ideally in a square Shape. This larger size will allow us to work at a higher resolution and resize the image later if needed.

Creating the Character Concept Art

To create the character concept art, we will start by selecting a source photo where yourself or a friend poses in the desired pose for the character. Use the selection tools in your image editing program, such as the "Select Subject" tool in Photoshop, to cut out the subject from the photo. Refine the selection if necessary to accurately cut out the body parts you want to use for the character.

Next, we will find stock photos of knights' armor and other Relevant elements to incorporate into our composition. Websites like Pixels and Unsplash offer a wide range of high-quality stock photos that can be used for this purpose. Search for armor, swords, and other medieval accessories that match the style and aesthetic you want for your character. Download the photos and bring them into your image editing program.

Once you have all the necessary assets, it's time to start working with Stable Diffusion. Open Stable Diffusion and navigate to the "Image to Image" algorithm. Upload your source photo and provide a Prompt describing the character concept art you want to create. For example, you can use a prompt like "Character concept art of a young knight screaming with a sword." Feel free to add additional keywords or references like "fantasy" or "Game of Thrones" to guide the AI's interpretation.

Adjust the settings in Stable Diffusion according to your preferences. Start with a moderate number of sampling steps, around 50, to get a rough idea of the results. You can always increase or decrease this value later. Set the batch count to a reasonable number, such as four, to generate multiple iterations of the artwork. The denoising strength parameter controls the amount of noise reduction applied to the output. Set it to a value between 30 and 40 to retain some of the original details.

Click the "Generate" button and review the initial results. Stable Diffusion will apply its AI algorithms to generate a character concept art based on the provided prompt and source image. It may produce some unexpected or bizarre results at first, but don't worry—we will refine and adjust them later. Evaluate the output and identify the parts you like and want to keep. These can include the armor, sword, or other elements that Align with your vision for the character.

Copy the selected parts from the Stable Diffusion output and paste them into your image editing program. Place them on top of the original source photo and Scale them to fit the composition. Use layer masks to Blend the elements seamlessly and adjust any inconsistencies or mismatched areas. As you work, keep in mind that Stable Diffusion ignores black areas, so you can leave the background black to avoid unnecessary painting or adjustments.

Continue this process by introducing additional stock photos and elements to enhance your character's appearance. Mix and match different parts to create a unique and visually appealing composition. Pay attention to details like lighting, shadows, and textures to create a Cohesive and realistic final artwork.

Preparing the Source Image

Before we proceed further, let's prepare the source image for Stable Diffusion. Save a copy of the image with a black background, as Stable Diffusion works best with high-contrast images. Create a folder in your project directory to organize your iterations and keep track of the development process. Name the first export as "Iteration 1" to establish a clear timeline of your progress.

Selecting and Editing Stock Photos

In this step, we will select and edit the stock photos of armor and other elements that we will incorporate into our character concept art. Browse websites like Pixels and Unsplash to find suitable images. Search for keywords like "knight armor" or "medieval swords" to find relevant photos. Download the images that align with your vision for the character.

Once you have the stock photos, open them in your image editing program and cut out the desired parts. Use the selection tools, such as the quick selection or magic Wand tool, to isolate the armor pieces, swords, or any other elements you want to use. Refine the edges and make adjustments as needed to ensure clean and accurate cutouts.

Using Stable Diffusion

Now it's time to bring all the elements together and apply Stable Diffusion to generate the initial character concept art. Open Stable Diffusion and navigate to the "Image to Image" algorithm. Upload your source photo, which should be the one with the black background, and choose the desired output size.

In the settings, make sure to set the correct sampling steps. The optimal value may vary depending on the complexity of your artwork, but a moderate value of around 50 should be a good starting point. Experiment with different values to achieve the desired level of detail. Increase the batch count to generate multiple iterations, which will increase the diversity of the output.

In the prompt section, describe the character concept art you want to create. Specify the character's features, pose, clothing, and any other relevant details. Be as clear and concise as possible to guide Stable Diffusion's interpretation. Additionally, you can mention specific references or keywords like "fantasy" or "Game of Thrones" to further guide the AI.

Adjust the denoising strength and resolution parameters to refine the output. A denoising strength between 30 and 40 should be sufficient to retain the original details while reducing noise. Higher values may result in a loss of fine details, while lower values may introduce more noise. Experiment with the resolution to find a balance between quality and processing time.

Click the "Generate" button and wait for Stable Diffusion to process the artwork. Review the initial results and assess how well they align with your vision. Take note of the parts you like and want to keep, as well as any areas that need further refinement or adjustment.

Refining the Character Art

Now that we have the initial results from Stable Diffusion, we can proceed to refine the character art. Copy the selected parts from the output and paste them into your image editing program. Place them on top of the original source photo and align them with the desired position and scale. Use layer masks and blending techniques to seamlessly integrate the elements into the composition.

Pay attention to details such as lighting, textures, and colors. Use adjustment layers, brushes, and other tools to fine-tune the appearance of each element. Aim for a cohesive and visually appealing composition. Take this opportunity to add additional details or embellishments that enhance the character's design.

As you work on refining the character art, keep in mind the overall narrative and style you want to convey. Ensure that the character's pose, expression, and clothing align with the desired concept. Make adjustments as needed to achieve the desired aesthetic and convey the intended story or message.

Adding Background Elements

To complete the character concept art, we need to add a suitable background. Consider the character's story, setting, or environment when choosing the background elements. Look for stock photos or create your own illustrations that complement the character and enhance the overall composition.

Integrate the background elements with the character by adjusting the lighting, shadows, and colors. Blend them seamlessly using layer masks, transformations, and other editing techniques. Aim for a balanced and visually appealing composition that showcases the character within their environment.

Remember to consider the perspective, scale, and depth of field to create a realistic and immersive scene. Pay attention to details like atmospheric effects, reflections, and textures to enhance the overall quality of the artwork. Experiment with different backgrounds and compositions until you find the perfect match for your character concept.

Adjusting Colors and Composition

Now that we have the character concept art and background elements in place, we can fine-tune the colors and composition to create a cohesive and visually pleasing final result. Use adjustment layers, color grading tools, or image filters to achieve the desired color palette and mood. Make adjustments to the brightness, contrast, saturation, and other parameters to create a consistent and harmonious color scheme.

Consider the composition of the artwork and the placement of the elements within the frame. Use the rule of thirds, leading lines, and other compositional techniques to guide the viewer's eye and create a sense of balance and visual interest. Make any necessary cropping, resizing, or repositioning to optimize the composition.

Take this opportunity to review the overall artwork and make any final adjustments or refinements. Pay attention to small details, such as texture inconsistencies, edge sharpness, or lighting inconsistencies. Use the appropriate tools and techniques in your image editing program to address these issues and ensure a polished and professional-looking final artwork.

Finalizing the Artwork

Congratulations! You have successfully created a full character concept art using Stable Diffusion and your image editing skills. Take this opportunity to step back and review the artwork as a whole. Evaluate how well it aligns with your initial vision and the intended concept.

Make any necessary final adjustments or refinements to ensure the artwork meets your expectations. Consider seeking feedback from others, such as fellow artists or friends, to gain different perspectives and suggestions for improvement.

Once you are satisfied with the final result, save the artwork in a high-resolution format suitable for sharing or printing. Consider creating different versions with variations in color, lighting, or background to provide additional options for showcasing your work.

Remember to credit the original stock photos used in your artwork if required. Provide attribution or links to the respective websites in the description or accompanying text.

Now that you have completed this tutorial, you can apply the techniques and knowledge gained to create more character concept arts or explore other creative projects. Have fun experimenting with different styles, themes, and subjects, and continue to refine your skills as an artist.


Q: Can I use Stable Diffusion with other image editing programs? A: Yes, Stable Diffusion can be used with various image editing programs. The key is to export the necessary assets from Stable Diffusion and import them into your preferred program for further editing and refinement.

Q: How can I ensure that the character remains recognizable in the final artwork? A: It is important to maintain certain key features and characteristics of the character throughout the process. Keep referring to the original source photo or your initial vision to ensure that the character's identity is preserved. Make adjustments and refinements as needed to enhance the character's likeness and ensure recognition.

Q: Is there a recommended order of adjustments and refinements in the workflow? A: While there is no strict order, it is generally advisable to start with the character's pose, expression, and overall appearance before moving on to background elements. Once the character is refined, you can focus on blending the character with the background, adjusting colors and composition, and making final refinements.

Q: How important is it to credit the stock photos used in the artwork? A: It is essential to respect the intellectual property rights of others and credit the original creators of the stock photos used in your artwork. Check the licensing terms of the stock photos you have downloaded and provide appropriate attribution or links, adhering to the requirements set by the respective websites or licenses.

Q: Can I apply the techniques learned in this tutorial to other types of artwork? A: Absolutely! The techniques covered in this tutorial can be applied to a wide range of creative projects. Whether you're creating character concept art, digital paintings, or photo manipulations, the principles of composition, color theory, and image editing remain relevant and can be adapted to suit different styles and genres.

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